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Re: Hotkeys setup


On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Justin Dugger <jldugger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Related to the keycodes discussion, I went digging into hotkeys-setup
> to see how it works and what it does.  What I noticed, is that it does
> nothing for Toshiba tablets.  There's a source file called
> toshiba-tabet.hk, but it's all commented out and the init.d script
> doesn't ever call into it.
> This seems to be the sort of thing this group was made to fix up
> nicely. Thoughts?

After discussing crimsum (Daniel Chen), it was suggested that hal-info
is a better place for these fixes.  I've found a good set of documents
about the problem and how HAL fixes it at
 It'd be great to get fixes into hal and Ubuntu so more stuff works
out of the box.

Justin Dugger
