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'headers' not in msg.content:


So I keep running into this problem in our production system since the
addition of the basic return, that I either get a truckload of these:
*  'headers' not in msg.content
- or -
* txamqp.client.Closed: Method(name=close, id=60) (503,
'COMMAND_INVALID - expected content header for class 60, got non
content header frame instead', 0, 0) content = None

Which leads me to believe that frames are getting sent out of order.
Now I haven't been able to confirm or deny whether I am doing
something weird or if it is the fact that basic return is sharing the
same channel as the normal messages going out and there seems to be
nothing preventing them from interleaving and thus getting that
message.  So I made a new branch with a quick fix and that problem
doesn't seem to be happening much anymore.   Obviously, this change
has side effects because now no longer are you creating a single
channel so any code that creates multiple channels will probably
notice that second open will fail.


Tell me what you think or if there is a better proper solution.


Dan Di Spaltro

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