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[Merge] lp:~fwierzbicki/txaws/break-out-ec2-parser into lp:txaws


You have been requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~fwierzbicki/txaws/break-out-ec2-parser into lp:txaws.

For more details, see:

This branch breaks out the private parsing methods from EC2Client into a separate Parser class with  public methods so that they can be safely overridden. It also adds docstrings to the parser functions that lacked them.

Your team txAWS Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~fwierzbicki/txaws/break-out-ec2-parser into lp:txaws.
=== modified file 'txaws/client/base.py'
--- txaws/client/base.py	2011-04-14 16:57:11 +0000
+++ txaws/client/base.py	2011-04-21 06:05:51 +0000
@@ -57,8 +57,10 @@
     @param endpoint: The service endpoint URI.
     @param query_factory: The class or function that produces a query
         object for making requests to the EC2 service.
+    @param parser: A parser object for parsing responses from the EC2 service.
-    def __init__(self, creds=None, endpoint=None, query_factory=None):
+    def __init__(self, creds=None, endpoint=None, query_factory=None,
+                 parser=None):
         if creds is None:
             creds = AWSCredentials()
         if endpoint is None:
@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@
         self.creds = creds
         self.endpoint = endpoint
         self.query_factory = query_factory
+        self.parser = parser
 class BaseQuery(object):

=== modified file 'txaws/client/tests/test_client.py'
--- txaws/client/tests/test_client.py	2009-11-22 21:48:59 +0000
+++ txaws/client/tests/test_client.py	2011-04-21 06:05:51 +0000
@@ -53,10 +53,11 @@
 class BaseClientTestCase(TXAWSTestCase):
     def test_creation(self):
-        client = BaseClient("creds", "endpoint", "query factory")
+        client = BaseClient("creds", "endpoint", "query factory", "parser")
         self.assertEquals(client.creds, "creds")
         self.assertEquals(client.endpoint, "endpoint")
         self.assertEquals(client.query_factory, "query factory")
+        self.assertEquals(client.parser, "parser")
 class BaseQueryTestCase(TXAWSTestCase):

=== modified file 'txaws/ec2/client.py'
--- txaws/ec2/client.py	2011-04-19 17:42:18 +0000
+++ txaws/ec2/client.py	2011-04-21 06:05:51 +0000
@@ -26,10 +26,13 @@
 class EC2Client(BaseClient):
     """A client for EC2."""
-    def __init__(self, creds=None, endpoint=None, query_factory=None):
+    def __init__(self, creds=None, endpoint=None, query_factory=None,
+                 parser=None):
         if query_factory is None:
             query_factory = Query
-        super(EC2Client, self).__init__(creds, endpoint, query_factory)
+        if parser is None:
+            parser = Parser()
+        super(EC2Client, self).__init__(creds, endpoint, query_factory, parser)
     def describe_instances(self, *instance_ids):
         """Describe current instances."""
@@ -40,91 +43,7 @@
             action="DescribeInstances", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=instances)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_describe_instances)
-    def _parse_instances_set(self, root, reservation):
-        """Parse instance data out of an XML payload.
-        @param root: The root node of the XML payload.
-        @param reservation: The L{Reservation} associated with the instances
-            from the response.
-        @return: A C{list} of L{Instance}s.
-        """
-        instances = []
-        for instance_data in root.find("instancesSet"):
-            instances.append(self._parse_instance(instance_data, reservation))
-        return instances
-    def _parse_instance(self, instance_data, reservation):
-        """Parse instance data out of an XML payload.
-        @param instance_data: An XML node containing instance data.
-        @param reservation: The L{Reservation} associated with the instance.
-        @return: An L{Instance}.
-        """
-        instance_id = instance_data.findtext("instanceId")
-        instance_state = instance_data.find(
-            "instanceState").findtext("name")
-        instance_type = instance_data.findtext("instanceType")
-        image_id = instance_data.findtext("imageId")
-        private_dns_name = instance_data.findtext("privateDnsName")
-        dns_name = instance_data.findtext("dnsName")
-        key_name = instance_data.findtext("keyName")
-        ami_launch_index = instance_data.findtext("amiLaunchIndex")
-        launch_time = instance_data.findtext("launchTime")
-        placement = instance_data.find("placement").findtext(
-            "availabilityZone")
-        products = []
-        product_codes = instance_data.find("productCodes")
-        if product_codes:
-            for product_data in instance_data.find("productCodes"):
-                products.append(product_data.text)
-        kernel_id = instance_data.findtext("kernelId")
-        ramdisk_id = instance_data.findtext("ramdiskId")
-        instance = model.Instance(
-            instance_id, instance_state, instance_type, image_id,
-            private_dns_name, dns_name, key_name, ami_launch_index,
-            launch_time, placement, products, kernel_id, ramdisk_id,
-            reservation=reservation)
-        return instance
-    def _parse_describe_instances(self, xml_bytes):
-        """
-        Parse the reservations XML payload that is returned from an AWS
-        describeInstances API call.
-        Instead of returning the reservations as the "top-most" object, we
-        return the object that most developers and their code will be
-        interested in: the instances. In instances reservation is available on
-        the instance object.
-        The following instance attributes are optional:
-            * ami_launch_index
-            * key_name
-            * kernel_id
-            * product_codes
-            * ramdisk_id
-            * reason
-        """
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        results = []
-        # May be a more elegant way to do this:
-        for reservation_data in root.find("reservationSet"):
-            # Get the security group information.
-            groups = []
-            for group_data in reservation_data.find("groupSet"):
-                group_id = group_data.findtext("groupId")
-                groups.append(group_id)
-            # Create a reservation object with the parsed data.
-            reservation = model.Reservation(
-                reservation_id=reservation_data.findtext("reservationId"),
-                owner_id=reservation_data.findtext("ownerId"),
-                groups=groups)
-            # Get the list of instances.
-            instances = self._parse_instances_set(
-                reservation_data, reservation)
-            results.extend(instances)
-        return results
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_describe_instances)
     def run_instances(self, image_id, min_count, max_count,
         security_groups=None, key_name=None, instance_type=None,
@@ -152,27 +71,7 @@
             action="RunInstances", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_run_instances)
-    def _parse_run_instances(self, xml_bytes):
-        """
-        Parse the reservations XML payload that is returned from an AWS
-        RunInstances API call.
-        """
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        # Get the security group information.
-        groups = []
-        for group_data in root.find("groupSet"):
-            group_id = group_data.findtext("groupId")
-            groups.append(group_id)
-        # Create a reservation object with the parsed data.
-        reservation = model.Reservation(
-            reservation_id=root.findtext("reservationId"),
-            owner_id=root.findtext("ownerId"),
-            groups=groups)
-        # Get the list of instances.
-        instances = self._parse_instances_set(root, reservation)
-        return instances
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_run_instances)
     def terminate_instances(self, *instance_ids):
         """Terminate some instances.
@@ -188,20 +87,7 @@
             action="TerminateInstances", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=instances)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_terminate_instances)
-    def _parse_terminate_instances(self, xml_bytes):
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        result = []
-        # May be a more elegant way to do this:
-        for instance in root.find("instancesSet"):
-            instanceId = instance.findtext("instanceId")
-            previousState = instance.find("previousState").findtext(
-                "name")
-            shutdownState = instance.find("shutdownState").findtext(
-                "name")
-            result.append((instanceId, previousState, shutdownState))
-        return result
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_terminate_instances)
     def describe_security_groups(self, *names):
         """Describe security groups.
@@ -219,48 +105,7 @@
             action="DescribeSecurityGroups", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=group_names)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_describe_security_groups)
-    def _parse_describe_security_groups(self, xml_bytes):
-        """Parse the XML returned by the C{DescribeSecurityGroups} function.
-        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse}
-            root element.
-        @return: A list of L{SecurityGroup} instances.
-        """
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        result = []
-        for group_info in root.findall("securityGroupInfo/item"):
-            name = group_info.findtext("groupName")
-            description = group_info.findtext("groupDescription")
-            owner_id = group_info.findtext("ownerId")
-            allowed_groups = []
-            allowed_ips = []
-            ip_permissions = group_info.find("ipPermissions") or ()
-            for ip_permission in ip_permissions:
-                ip_protocol = ip_permission.findtext("ipProtocol")
-                from_port = int(ip_permission.findtext("fromPort"))
-                to_port = int(ip_permission.findtext("toPort"))
-                for groups in ip_permission.findall("groups/item") or ():
-                    user_id = groups.findtext("userId")
-                    group_name = groups.findtext("groupName")
-                    if user_id and group_name:
-                        if (user_id, group_name) not in allowed_groups:
-                            allowed_groups.append((user_id, group_name))
-                for ip_ranges in ip_permission.findall("ipRanges/item") or ():
-                    cidr_ip = ip_ranges.findtext("cidrIp")
-                    allowed_ips.append(
-                        model.IPPermission(
-                            ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_ip))
-            allowed_groups = [model.UserIDGroupPair(user_id, group_name)
-                              for user_id, group_name in allowed_groups]
-            security_group = model.SecurityGroup(
-                name, description, owner_id=owner_id,
-                groups=allowed_groups, ips=allowed_ips)
-            result.append(security_group)
-        return result
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_describe_security_groups)
     def create_security_group(self, name, description):
         """Create security group.
@@ -275,11 +120,7 @@
             action="CreateSecurityGroup", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=parameters)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
-    def _parse_truth_return(self, xml_bytes):
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        return root.findtext("return") == "true"
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def delete_security_group(self, name):
@@ -292,7 +133,7 @@
             action="DeleteSecurityGroup", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=parameter)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def authorize_security_group(
         self, group_name, source_group_name="", source_group_owner_id="",
@@ -349,7 +190,7 @@
             action="AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=parameters)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def authorize_group_permission(
         self, group_name, source_group_name, source_group_owner_id):
@@ -434,7 +275,7 @@
             action="RevokeSecurityGroupIngress", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=parameters)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def revoke_group_permission(
         self, group_name, source_group_name, source_group_owner_id):
@@ -473,35 +314,7 @@
             action="DescribeVolumes", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_describe_volumes)
-    def _parse_describe_volumes(self, xml_bytes):
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        result = []
-        for volume_data in root.find("volumeSet"):
-            volume_id = volume_data.findtext("volumeId")
-            size = int(volume_data.findtext("size"))
-            status = volume_data.findtext("status")
-            availability_zone = volume_data.findtext("availabilityZone")
-            snapshot_id = volume_data.findtext("snapshotId")
-            create_time = volume_data.findtext("createTime")
-            create_time = datetime.strptime(
-                create_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-            volume = model.Volume(
-                volume_id, size, status, create_time, availability_zone,
-                snapshot_id)
-            result.append(volume)
-            for attachment_data in volume_data.find("attachmentSet"):
-                instance_id = attachment_data.findtext("instanceId")
-                status = attachment_data.findtext("status")
-                device = attachment_data.findtext("device")
-                attach_time = attachment_data.findtext("attachTime")
-                attach_time = datetime.strptime(
-                    attach_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-                attachment = model.Attachment(
-                    instance_id, device, status, attach_time)
-                volume.attachments.append(attachment)
-        return result
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_describe_volumes)
     def create_volume(self, availability_zone, size=None, snapshot_id=None):
         """Create a new volume."""
@@ -517,29 +330,14 @@
             action="CreateVolume", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_create_volume)
-    def _parse_create_volume(self, xml_bytes):
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        volume_id = root.findtext("volumeId")
-        size = int(root.findtext("size"))
-        status = root.findtext("status")
-        create_time = root.findtext("createTime")
-        availability_zone = root.findtext("availabilityZone")
-        snapshot_id = root.findtext("snapshotId")
-        create_time = datetime.strptime(
-            create_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-        volume = model.Volume(
-            volume_id, size, status, create_time, availability_zone,
-            snapshot_id)
-        return volume
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_create_volume)
     def delete_volume(self, volume_id):
         query = self.query_factory(
             action="DeleteVolume", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
             other_params={"VolumeId": volume_id})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def describe_snapshots(self, *snapshot_ids):
         """Describe available snapshots."""
@@ -550,24 +348,7 @@
             action="DescribeSnapshots", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=snapshot_set)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_snapshots)
-    def _parse_snapshots(self, xml_bytes):
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        result = []
-        for snapshot_data in root.find("snapshotSet"):
-            snapshot_id = snapshot_data.findtext("snapshotId")
-            volume_id = snapshot_data.findtext("volumeId")
-            status = snapshot_data.findtext("status")
-            start_time = snapshot_data.findtext("startTime")
-            start_time = datetime.strptime(
-                start_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-            progress = snapshot_data.findtext("progress")[:-1]
-            progress = float(progress or "0") / 100.
-            snapshot = model.Snapshot(
-                snapshot_id, volume_id, status, start_time, progress)
-            result.append(snapshot)
-        return result
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_snapshots)
     def create_snapshot(self, volume_id):
         """Create a new snapshot of an existing volume."""
@@ -575,20 +356,7 @@
             action="CreateSnapshot", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
             other_params={"VolumeId": volume_id})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_create_snapshot)
-    def _parse_create_snapshot(self, xml_bytes):
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        snapshot_id = root.findtext("snapshotId")
-        volume_id = root.findtext("volumeId")
-        status = root.findtext("status")
-        start_time = root.findtext("startTime")
-        start_time = datetime.strptime(
-            start_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-        progress = root.findtext("progress")[:-1]
-        progress = float(progress or "0") / 100.
-        return model.Snapshot(
-            snapshot_id, volume_id, status, start_time, progress)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_create_snapshot)
     def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
         """Remove a previously created snapshot."""
@@ -596,7 +364,7 @@
             action="DeleteSnapshot", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
             other_params={"SnapshotId": snapshot_id})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def attach_volume(self, volume_id, instance_id, device):
         """Attach the given volume to the specified instance at C{device}."""
@@ -605,15 +373,7 @@
             other_params={"VolumeId": volume_id, "InstanceId": instance_id,
                           "Device": device})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_attach_volume)
-    def _parse_attach_volume(self, xml_bytes):
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        status = root.findtext("status")
-        attach_time = root.findtext("attachTime")
-        attach_time = datetime.strptime(
-            attach_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-        return {"status": status, "attach_time": attach_time}
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_attach_volume)
     def describe_keypairs(self, *keypair_names):
         """Returns information about key pairs available."""
@@ -624,19 +384,7 @@
             action="DescribeKeyPairs", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=keypairs)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_describe_keypairs)
-    def _parse_describe_keypairs(self, xml_bytes):
-        results = []
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        keypairs = root.find("keySet")
-        if not keypairs:
-            return results
-        for keypair_data in keypairs:
-            key_name = keypair_data.findtext("keyName")
-            key_fingerprint = keypair_data.findtext("keyFingerprint")
-            results.append(model.Keypair(key_name, key_fingerprint))
-        return results
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_describe_keypairs)
     def create_keypair(self, keypair_name):
@@ -647,14 +395,7 @@
             action="CreateKeyPair", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
             other_params={"KeyName": keypair_name})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_create_keypair)
-    def _parse_create_keypair(self, xml_bytes):
-        keypair_data = XML(xml_bytes)
-        key_name = keypair_data.findtext("keyName")
-        key_fingerprint = keypair_data.findtext("keyFingerprint")
-        key_material = keypair_data.findtext("keyMaterial")
-        return model.Keypair(key_name, key_fingerprint, key_material)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_create_keypair)
     def delete_keypair(self, keypair_name):
         """Delete a given keypair."""
@@ -662,7 +403,7 @@
             action="DeleteKeyPair", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
             other_params={"KeyName": keypair_name})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def import_keypair(self, keypair_name, key_material):
@@ -683,14 +424,7 @@
             other_params={"KeyName": keypair_name,
                           "PublicKeyMaterial": b64encode(key_material)})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_import_keypair, key_material)
-    def _parse_import_keypair(self, xml_bytes, key_material):
-        """Extract the key name and the fingerprint from the result."""
-        keypair_data = XML(xml_bytes)
-        key_name = keypair_data.findtext("keyName")
-        key_fingerprint = keypair_data.findtext("keyFingerprint")
-        return model.Keypair(key_name, key_fingerprint, key_material)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_import_keypair, key_material)
     def allocate_address(self):
@@ -704,11 +438,7 @@
             action="AllocateAddress", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_allocate_address)
-    def _parse_allocate_address(self, xml_bytes):
-        address_data = XML(xml_bytes)
-        return address_data.findtext("publicIp")
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_allocate_address)
     def release_address(self, address):
@@ -720,7 +450,7 @@
             action="ReleaseAddress", creds=self.creds, endpoint=self.endpoint,
             other_params={"PublicIp": address})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def associate_address(self, instance_id, address):
@@ -734,7 +464,7 @@
             other_params={"InstanceId": instance_id, "PublicIp": address})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def disassociate_address(self, address):
@@ -746,7 +476,7 @@
             action="DisassociateAddress", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params={"PublicIp": address})
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_truth_return)
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_truth_return)
     def describe_addresses(self, *addresses):
@@ -764,16 +494,7 @@
             action="DescribeAddresses", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=address_set)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_describe_addresses)
-    def _parse_describe_addresses(self, xml_bytes):
-        results = []
-        root = XML(xml_bytes)
-        for address_data in root.find("addressesSet"):
-            address = address_data.findtext("publicIp")
-            instance_id = address_data.findtext("instanceId")
-            results.append((address, instance_id))
-        return results
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_describe_addresses)
     def describe_availability_zones(self, names=None):
         zone_names = None
@@ -784,9 +505,373 @@
             action="DescribeAvailabilityZones", creds=self.creds,
             endpoint=self.endpoint, other_params=zone_names)
         d = query.submit()
-        return d.addCallback(self._parse_describe_availability_zones)
-    def _parse_describe_availability_zones(self, xml_bytes):
+        return d.addCallback(self.parser.parse_describe_availability_zones)
+class Parser(object):
+    """A parser for EC2 responses"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Parser, self).__init__()
+    def parse_instances_set(self, root, reservation):
+        """Parse instance data out of an XML payload.
+        @param root: The root node of the XML payload.
+        @param reservation: The L{Reservation} associated with the instances
+            from the response.
+        @return: A C{list} of L{Instance}s.
+        """
+        instances = []
+        for instance_data in root.find("instancesSet"):
+            instances.append(self.parse_instance(instance_data, reservation))
+        return instances
+    def parse_instance(self, instance_data, reservation):
+        """Parse instance data out of an XML payload.
+        @param instance_data: An XML node containing instance data.
+        @param reservation: The L{Reservation} associated with the instance.
+        @return: An L{Instance}.
+        """
+        instance_id = instance_data.findtext("instanceId")
+        instance_state = instance_data.find(
+            "instanceState").findtext("name")
+        instance_type = instance_data.findtext("instanceType")
+        image_id = instance_data.findtext("imageId")
+        private_dns_name = instance_data.findtext("privateDnsName")
+        dns_name = instance_data.findtext("dnsName")
+        key_name = instance_data.findtext("keyName")
+        ami_launch_index = instance_data.findtext("amiLaunchIndex")
+        launch_time = instance_data.findtext("launchTime")
+        placement = instance_data.find("placement").findtext(
+            "availabilityZone")
+        products = []
+        product_codes = instance_data.find("productCodes")
+        if product_codes:
+            for product_data in instance_data.find("productCodes"):
+                products.append(product_data.text)
+        kernel_id = instance_data.findtext("kernelId")
+        ramdisk_id = instance_data.findtext("ramdiskId")
+        instance = model.Instance(
+            instance_id, instance_state, instance_type, image_id,
+            private_dns_name, dns_name, key_name, ami_launch_index,
+            launch_time, placement, products, kernel_id, ramdisk_id,
+            reservation=reservation)
+        return instance
+    def parse_describe_instances(self, xml_bytes):
+        """
+        Parse the reservations XML payload that is returned from an AWS
+        describeInstances API call.
+        Instead of returning the reservations as the "top-most" object, we
+        return the object that most developers and their code will be
+        interested in: the instances. In instances reservation is available on
+        the instance object.
+        The following instance attributes are optional:
+            * ami_launch_index
+            * key_name
+            * kernel_id
+            * product_codes
+            * ramdisk_id
+            * reason
+        @param xml_bytes: raw XML payload from AWS.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        results = []
+        # May be a more elegant way to do this:
+        for reservation_data in root.find("reservationSet"):
+            # Get the security group information.
+            groups = []
+            for group_data in reservation_data.find("groupSet"):
+                group_id = group_data.findtext("groupId")
+                groups.append(group_id)
+            # Create a reservation object with the parsed data.
+            reservation = model.Reservation(
+                reservation_id=reservation_data.findtext("reservationId"),
+                owner_id=reservation_data.findtext("ownerId"),
+                groups=groups)
+            # Get the list of instances.
+            instances = self.parse_instances_set(
+                reservation_data, reservation)
+            results.extend(instances)
+        return results
+    def parse_run_instances(self, xml_bytes):
+        """
+        Parse the reservations XML payload that is returned from an AWS
+        RunInstances API call.
+        @param xml_bytes: raw XML payload from AWS.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        # Get the security group information.
+        groups = []
+        for group_data in root.find("groupSet"):
+            group_id = group_data.findtext("groupId")
+            groups.append(group_id)
+        # Create a reservation object with the parsed data.
+        reservation = model.Reservation(
+            reservation_id=root.findtext("reservationId"),
+            owner_id=root.findtext("ownerId"),
+            groups=groups)
+        # Get the list of instances.
+        instances = self.parse_instances_set(root, reservation)
+        return instances
+    def parse_terminate_instances(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{TerminateInstances} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{TerminateInstancesResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: An iterable of C{tuple} of (instanceId, previousState,
+            shutdownState) for the ec2 instances that where terminated.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        result = []
+        # May be a more elegant way to do this:
+        for instance in root.find("instancesSet"):
+            instanceId = instance.findtext("instanceId")
+            previousState = instance.find("previousState").findtext(
+                "name")
+            shutdownState = instance.find("shutdownState").findtext(
+                "name")
+            result.append((instanceId, previousState, shutdownState))
+        return result
+    def parse_describe_security_groups(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{DescribeSecurityGroups} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse}
+            root element.
+        @return: A list of L{SecurityGroup} instances.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        result = []
+        for group_info in root.findall("securityGroupInfo/item"):
+            name = group_info.findtext("groupName")
+            description = group_info.findtext("groupDescription")
+            owner_id = group_info.findtext("ownerId")
+            allowed_groups = []
+            allowed_ips = []
+            ip_permissions = group_info.find("ipPermissions") or ()
+            for ip_permission in ip_permissions:
+                ip_protocol = ip_permission.findtext("ipProtocol")
+                from_port = int(ip_permission.findtext("fromPort"))
+                to_port = int(ip_permission.findtext("toPort"))
+                for groups in ip_permission.findall("groups/item") or ():
+                    user_id = groups.findtext("userId")
+                    group_name = groups.findtext("groupName")
+                    if user_id and group_name:
+                        if (user_id, group_name) not in allowed_groups:
+                            allowed_groups.append((user_id, group_name))
+                for ip_ranges in ip_permission.findall("ipRanges/item") or ():
+                    cidr_ip = ip_ranges.findtext("cidrIp")
+                    allowed_ips.append(
+                        model.IPPermission(
+                            ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_ip))
+            allowed_groups = [model.UserIDGroupPair(user_id, group_name)
+                              for user_id, group_name in allowed_groups]
+            security_group = model.SecurityGroup(
+                name, description, owner_id=owner_id,
+                groups=allowed_groups, ips=allowed_ips)
+            result.append(security_group)
+        return result
+    def parse_truth_return(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML for a truth value.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes.
+        @return: True if the node contains "return" otherwise False.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        return root.findtext("return") == "true"
+    def parse_describe_volumes(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{DescribeVolumes} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{DescribeVolumesResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: A list of L{Volume} instances.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        result = []
+        for volume_data in root.find("volumeSet"):
+            volume_id = volume_data.findtext("volumeId")
+            size = int(volume_data.findtext("size"))
+            status = volume_data.findtext("status")
+            availability_zone = volume_data.findtext("availabilityZone")
+            snapshot_id = volume_data.findtext("snapshotId")
+            create_time = volume_data.findtext("createTime")
+            create_time = datetime.strptime(
+                create_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+            volume = model.Volume(
+                volume_id, size, status, create_time, availability_zone,
+                snapshot_id)
+            result.append(volume)
+            for attachment_data in volume_data.find("attachmentSet"):
+                instance_id = attachment_data.findtext("instanceId")
+                status = attachment_data.findtext("status")
+                device = attachment_data.findtext("device")
+                attach_time = attachment_data.findtext("attachTime")
+                attach_time = datetime.strptime(
+                    attach_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+                attachment = model.Attachment(
+                    instance_id, device, status, attach_time)
+                volume.attachments.append(attachment)
+        return result
+    def parse_create_volume(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{CreateVolume} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{CreateVolumeResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: The L{Volume} instance created.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        volume_id = root.findtext("volumeId")
+        size = int(root.findtext("size"))
+        status = root.findtext("status")
+        create_time = root.findtext("createTime")
+        availability_zone = root.findtext("availabilityZone")
+        snapshot_id = root.findtext("snapshotId")
+        create_time = datetime.strptime(
+            create_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+        volume = model.Volume(
+            volume_id, size, status, create_time, availability_zone,
+            snapshot_id)
+        return volume
+    def parse_snapshots(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{DescribeSnapshots} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{DescribeSnapshotsResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: A list of L{Snapshot} instances.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        result = []
+        for snapshot_data in root.find("snapshotSet"):
+            snapshot_id = snapshot_data.findtext("snapshotId")
+            volume_id = snapshot_data.findtext("volumeId")
+            status = snapshot_data.findtext("status")
+            start_time = snapshot_data.findtext("startTime")
+            start_time = datetime.strptime(
+                start_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+            progress = snapshot_data.findtext("progress")[:-1]
+            progress = float(progress or "0") / 100.
+            snapshot = model.Snapshot(
+                snapshot_id, volume_id, status, start_time, progress)
+            result.append(snapshot)
+        return result
+    def parse_create_snapshot(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{CreateSnapshot} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{CreateSnapshotResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: The L{Snapshot} instance created.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        snapshot_id = root.findtext("snapshotId")
+        volume_id = root.findtext("volumeId")
+        status = root.findtext("status")
+        start_time = root.findtext("startTime")
+        start_time = datetime.strptime(
+            start_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+        progress = root.findtext("progress")[:-1]
+        progress = float(progress or "0") / 100.
+        return model.Snapshot(
+            snapshot_id, volume_id, status, start_time, progress)
+    def parse_attach_volume(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{AttachVolume} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{AttachVolumeResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: a C{dict} with status and attach_time keys.
+        """
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        status = root.findtext("status")
+        attach_time = root.findtext("attachTime")
+        attach_time = datetime.strptime(
+            attach_time[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+        return {"status": status, "attach_time": attach_time}
+    def parse_describe_keypairs(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{DescribeKeyPairs} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{DescribeKeyPairsResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: a C{list} of L{Keypair}.
+        """
+        results = []
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        keypairs = root.find("keySet")
+        if not keypairs:
+            return results
+        for keypair_data in keypairs:
+            key_name = keypair_data.findtext("keyName")
+            key_fingerprint = keypair_data.findtext("keyFingerprint")
+            results.append(model.Keypair(key_name, key_fingerprint))
+        return results
+    def parse_create_keypair(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{CreateKeyPair} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{CreateKeyPairResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: The L{Keypair} instance created.
+        """
+        keypair_data = XML(xml_bytes)
+        key_name = keypair_data.findtext("keyName")
+        key_fingerprint = keypair_data.findtext("keyFingerprint")
+        key_material = keypair_data.findtext("keyMaterial")
+        return model.Keypair(key_name, key_fingerprint, key_material)
+    def parse_import_keypair(self, xml_bytes, key_material):
+        """Extract the key name and the fingerprint from the result."""
+        keypair_data = XML(xml_bytes)
+        key_name = keypair_data.findtext("keyName")
+        key_fingerprint = keypair_data.findtext("keyFingerprint")
+        return model.Keypair(key_name, key_fingerprint, key_material)
+    def parse_allocate_address(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{AllocateAddress} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{AllocateAddress} root element.
+        @return: The public ip address as a string.
+        """
+        address_data = XML(xml_bytes)
+        return address_data.findtext("publicIp")
+    def parse_describe_addresses(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{DescribeAddresses} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{DescribeAddressesResponse} root
+            element.
+        @return: a C{list} of L{tuple} of (publicIp, instancId).
+        """
+        results = []
+        root = XML(xml_bytes)
+        for address_data in root.find("addressesSet"):
+            address = address_data.findtext("publicIp")
+            instance_id = address_data.findtext("instanceId")
+            results.append((address, instance_id))
+        return results
+    def parse_describe_availability_zones(self, xml_bytes):
+        """Parse the XML returned by the C{DescribeAvailibilityZones} function.
+        @param xml_bytes: XML bytes with a C{DescribeAvailibilityZonesResponse}
+            root element.
+        @return: a C{list} of L{AvailabilityZone}.
+        """
         results = []
         root = XML(xml_bytes)
         for zone_data in root.find("availabilityZoneInfo"):

=== modified file 'txaws/ec2/tests/test_client.py'
--- txaws/ec2/tests/test_client.py	2011-04-19 17:42:18 +0000
+++ txaws/ec2/tests/test_client.py	2011-04-21 06:05:51 +0000
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
     def test_parse_reservation(self):
         creds = AWSCredentials("foo", "bar")
         ec2 = client.EC2Client(creds=creds)
-        results = ec2._parse_describe_instances(
+        results = ec2.parser.parse_describe_instances(
