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Shardbridge (Vala Implementation)


Hey all,

Sorry I wasn't able to get the code up earlier. There were some problems
I was running into with differences between the Python sqlite API, and
the API provided by SQLHeavy (a Vala library for sqlite), as well as a
lack of UUID API. I've got them worked around now, and all the tests I
have so far, pass.

However, the Database class is not quite ready for use. I've basically
only implemented the constructor for the class so far. I will have the
get/put/delete and similar functions working soon though.

Sync will come a bit later. I want to have everything else working very
well, before implementing sync, and I don't think it's going to be all
that useful beyond novelty, until there's a server running on the U1
service (or other places). Most of the things I want to do with u1db
don't really particularly well into the local sync only model. :)

You can grab the code at lp:shardbridge [1] and play with it. The
packages for sqlheavy in Debian/Ubuntu are a bit broken currently
though. I have a package in ppa:dobey/ppa for Oneiric which fixes the
issue though.


[1] https://code.launchpad.net/shardbridge