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ubiquity-slideshow team
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Message #01164
Re: Last slideshow slide
On Feb 21, 2012 7:08 AM, "Christian Giordano" <
christian.giordano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Since the last release the last slide (mainly used for support) changed.
While the copy still talks about askubuntu.com, instead of the typical
screenshot layout now the slideshow background is visible and there is a
Twitter feed.
> I am not sure when this change happened and who did it, but my
understanding is that it is serving the purpose of acknowledging the user
about the breath of the install base (many languages many topics).
> Being the last slide it is quite important so it would be great if we can
discuss this solution further.
> While I understand the motivation of advertising something different than
askubuntu for not English speaker, I think that a moderation will be
necessary. My concern is that when a moderation will be in place, this
breath of users (especially because moderating in different languages is
very difficult) will get missing.
> Because we are close to release, and because such moderation is not in
place yet, I wonder if we should just revert back to the slide how it was
in 11.10.
> What do you think guys?
> Cheers, chr
Just to be clear, that Twitter thingy was my doing. It is still a work in
progress, but the rest of that work is low priority for 12.04.
You're right about moderation limiting the assortment of users we see. In
fact, I have implemented moderation - in the current revision (and my
preview web page at
The way moderation works is quite reliable: there's a list of accounts we
like attached to a twitter account called hello_ubuntu, and the slideshow
gets tweets from that list. We can edit the list at any time. The list also
has retweets, so that works nicely to give us some extra breadth, but it's
specifically pulling from English places.
It's possible to expand on this in a bunch of ways, but, indeed, rushing
would end in teers. Hopefully it can be cleverer next cycle, if the feature
sticks around!
With that said, English works, and it should be pretty cool. Especially for
an exciting release like this one! I'd like to show it for English installs
and hide it otherwise - same way it behaves when there's an error or no
internet connection. It isn't ideal, but I think it's better than nothing :)
(And don't worry: that's already three quarters implemented).
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