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Greetings from Essen


Hi everybody,

we are Jens[0] and Jonathan[1] from the student council for systems
engineering and lectureship informatics ("FSE"[2]) at the University of
Duisburg-Essen ("UDE"[3]) and we are actively trying to get the
Ubucon-EU to Essen next year, serving as the "local contact". :-)

Right now, as there still are multiple options in Essen I can not say
anything more, yet I hope, that that decision becomes final in the next
weeks, since we were able to gather some support at the uni.

If you have any questions regarding Essen or the region, do not hesitate
to contact us. Also, we both are subscribed to this mailinglist. (But
since the summerterm is in its last weeks right now, the round-trip-time
for e-mails might be on a rise.)

See you soon in Essen, hopefully! :)


[0] jens.holschbach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[1] jonathan.liebers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2] In German: http://fse.uni-due.de/
[3] https://www.uni-due.de/en/

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