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Re: "Old style" flyer design for Chemnitzer Linuxtage



Am 27.02.2016 um 18:29 schrieb sturmflut:
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuconeu/ubuconeu2016/design/view/head:/preliminary/sturmflut/flyer_oldstyle_front_german.pdf

Can you center the "UbuCon Europe 2016" on the top? It currently isn't,
as someone just mentioned to me.

Also, the text in the fist bubble is a bit full. I think changing it to
just "Erstes europäisches Community-Treffen!" should be enough.

> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuconeu/ubuconeu2016/design/view/head:/preliminary/sturmflut/flyer_oldstyle_back_german.pdf

Can you put the text into a jusity (Blocksatz)? Then the QR-Code can be
aligned to the left board of the above paragraph.

Also please change the E-Mail addresses to idea@xxxxxxxxx and
team@xxxxxxxxx (Those e-mails are not active yet, but I already
requested it)


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