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To see oursels as ithers see us ....


Hi there ....  I mentioned a video made by a professional ad. agency for
the United Reformed Church.  I think the concept is one we could use.
This campaign is in two parts; one to reach non-church folk, and this
one aimed squarely at 'insiders' (churchy folk).  I've put it at:
http://www.colwicktheatreclub.org.uk/barry/ZI.wmv  It runs for two

Note especially the way it turns negatives into positives - eg
homophobia.  Compare Ubuntu and geekophilia.  I'd like to see something
along these lines from our creative folk.  I imagine I could write a
creative brief for this if people think it's a good plan.  Your thoughts

Regards,		Barry.
Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.