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Re: Sharing namespace permissions


On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:54 PM, Martin Albisetti
<martin.albisetti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following the UDS discussion[1] about click packages as part of the
> touch image, I'd like to flesh out how I understand the server should
> work.
> The core idea here is that tying a namespace to a user alone is not a
> good fit for a collaborative, team-based software development process.
> The proposed solution would that someone would still own a namespace,
> but would be able to give access to teams to be able to update the
> app.
> An example of this would be, for any app that is shipped in the
> default image that Ubuntu isn't the upstream, we'll want core devs to
> be able to push updates to it (especially security updates).
> So my proposal is this: from the app page, you will be able to add
> multiple teams to it, and anyone who is on one of those teams will be
> able to upload new versions of the app (but not necessarily to a lot
> more).

Why teams, or teams defined where? If myapps is the UI for defining
those teams, it might be simpler to use if you just "Add uploaders"
rather than "create new uploader team" and "Add uploader to team" etc.
(I'm assuming you're not talking about LP teams).

> They would not own the namespace, they would just be able to upload.

... to upload a specific app right? (ie. they'd be able to upload
fooapp.example.com, rather than general upload access to any app under
the *.example.com namespace which is linked to the original person who
registered the app).


Follow ups
