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Invitacion para promocionar en el exterior



Hagan sus criticas para luego usar este texto para promocionar el evento
en el exterior (Planet Ubuntu and so).

Dear friends,

Ubuntu Argentina is pleased to invite you all to the first edition of
the Argentina Ubuntu Day, a full day dedicated to learn about Ubuntu, to
share our love for this excellent operating system and the people that
use it and make this community a great place.

There will be technical and community related talks, a community lunch
and, at the end, some beers to talk and relax for the intense day

The date will be on Saturday, September 26, from 9:30 AM to 5:00PM. at
the Complejo Costa Salguero (Rafael Obligado 1221 - Ciudad Autonoma de
Buenos Aires. In front of Pabellon 4 2nd floor, Globant offices map[0]

It is necessary to be registered in our wiki page[1] to be accepted to
enter the building.
Is open to anyone and free of charge (gratis).

If anybody has experienced troubles with the registration, please send
an e-mail to ubuntuday@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the tag [registracion] at the
beginning of the subject without forget name, surname and nickname (in
case you have one) in the message body.

We are all awaiting to share with you this incredible experience !!

We'll appreciate to spread this invitation.

Ubuntu Argentina

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArgentinaTeam/ubuntu-day/

El original esta en

Guillermo Lisi

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