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Re: Benin Ubuntu


On 03/12/2013 07:24 AM, Hodonou SOUNTON wrote:
I am once reiterate again my desire to have the privileges necessary in order to make the *Ubuntu****Benin*really active team. If this is not possible, please let me know so I can move on.
Thank you.

Ingénieur en Analyse et Conception de systèmes d'Information
Spécialiste Java Enterprise Edition
Hey there,

Our standard response when an individual is interested in helping lead an inactive team is to contact the team owner/ administrators and give them an opportunity to weigh in. When you had written them previously, you decided to e-mail them directly, so we have know idea how long they actually had to respond. On behalf of you and the LoCo Council, I sent an e-mail to them on March 10th, at this time two full days haven't even passed, and you are already trying to force a faster process. While we can appreciate your desire to be involved, I would recommend you try and be a little more patient.

With that being said, if we don't receive a response from the other team members within one week, we will elevate your role in the team to a team administrator, so that you can approve members and take care of other administrative functions.

Currently as a team member you already have the ability to create a team event in the Local Community Team Portal for the Benin Team.

Thanks for your time,

Chris Crisafulli
On Behalf of the LoCo Council

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