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Bugsquad Meeting Reminder - Tuesday 10th August 2010


Hello Folks,

Just a reminder that the Tuesday 10th of August 2010 at 1700 UTC we're
having our Monthly BugSquad Meeting at #ubuntu-bugs, as always everybody
is welcome to join us, the agenda[1] so far looks like:

 * Mentorship program update from Mentors
 * Open Discussions. 

As always don't hesitate to add or modify the topics as needed.

If you're a Mentor or Student in the BugSquad mentoring program please
attend since we'd like to hear updates on how's everything working for
you (how is your student/mentor doing), if you have updates but cannot
attend to the meeting please send an email to any of the Mentors

1- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting
2- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors/AdminList

Have a great day!,
