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Bug Reporting Guidelines and Acknowledgement


Objects which bugs can be reported about have a couple of attributes
that can help us receive more useful bug reports.  They are the "bug
reporting guidelines" and "bug reported acknowledgement".  The ability
to set and edit both of these used to be restricted to the project's
owner, which for Ubuntu is the ubuntu-drivers team.  I've now changed
this on edge[1] so that a member of Ubnuntu's bug supervisor team,
Ubuntu Bug Control, can set these for distribution source packages.
Further information about both of these attributes and how to set them

The bug reporting guidelines are what appear when a user is filing a new
bug report about Ubuntu or one of its source packages.  As an example of
what you might to use - for Ubuntu we ask about what release and package
version people are using and steps to recreate the issue.

The bug reported acknowledgement is a relatively new feature in
Launchpad.  It appears on the reported bug's page in a notification box
above the bug description.  With the Ubuntu bug reported acknowledgement
I've taken the opportunity to ask the reporter to test with the
development release[2] of Ubuntu:

"Thank you for spending your time helping to make Ubuntu better with
this bug report.  If you haven't already tested this bug with the
development release of Ubuntu it would be quite helpful if you did.  You
can obtain and learn more about the development release by visiting

Reporting a bug is the first step in the bug fixing process.  As a part
of that process you may need to answer some questions to help developers
work on your bug.  You can learn more about how we triage bug reports at

If you have a PPA version of the latest version of your package you
might want to ask bug repoters to test it.

Both of these can be set at the +edit page for a source package - e.g.
https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gspot/+edit.  Please take this
opportunity to increase the quality of initial bug reports by using both
of these tools to communicate with bug reporters.

[1] It should make the 10.10 release of Launchpad
[2] I realize this is less possible now

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master

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