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Fabio Marconi applying for BugControl =8-0


I'm Fabio Marconi, alias njin, member of BugSquad from two years.
I want to review my contribution to BugSquad doing something more
I've seen that Evolution has more than 1000 reports, so I think that is
not followed as it need then I decide to take care of it.


 Do you promise to be polite to bug reporters even if they are rude   to
you or Ubuntu? Have you signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct? 
-Yes I've already established this and I will continue to be polite with

Have you read Bugs/HowToTriage, Bugs/Assignment, Bugs/Status and
Bugs/Importance? Do you have any questions about that documentation? 
-Yes I've read the documentation.

What sensitive data should you look for in a private Apport crash report
bug before making it public? See Bugs/HowToTriage for more information.
-I have to look in CoreDup, stacktrace and threadstacktrqace or any
other file eventually attached that can contain sensitive data like
passwords, bank accounts, keys, usernames, servernames ecc.

Is there a particular package or group of packages that you are
interested in helping out with? 

Please list five or more bug reports which you have triaged and include
an explanation of your decisions. Please note that these bugs should be
representative of your very best work and they should demonstrate your
understanding of the triage process and how to properly handle bugs. For
all the bugs in the list, please indicate what importance you would give
it and explain the reasoning.

 * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1027207
 Here I'll set importance medium for ubiquity and critical for the OEM
priority project.

Here I'll set importance high because sometimes it freeze the system,
refering tho the packages, but medium refering to Ubuntu as it is not
shipped by default.
The original title, on the bugzilla report was changed by the developer,
but I left it as it was in Launchpad because more understandable for a
medium user.

Same here, high refered to the packages and medium refered to Ubuntu.
Yes is not a good thing to ear but we have too bug reports from the
already shipped packages (we are not ready to lift the world, but just
few time and we will do it)

Uhm, decisely a low bug, but with his importance as we sometimes need
help from not expert reporters that has to follow the guide and not be
instructed step by step in the use of the tool.

In accord with Brian is a medium bug for me too because it is easily

More and more at:

Greetings and thanks

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