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[Merge] ~litios/ubuntu-qa-tools:mozilla-cookies-issue into ubuntu-qa-tools:master


David Fernandez Gonzalez has proposed merging ~litios/ubuntu-qa-tools:mozilla-cookies-issue into ubuntu-qa-tools:master.

Requested reviews:
  Emilia Torino (emitorino)
  Eduardo Barretto (ebarretto)

For more details, see:

New customer-ppa-related scripts rely on the opener_with_cookie capability to get the changelog of the packages.

I added a check to ensure that the LP cookies work and tried to implement an in-memory files approach as this was a TODO.

Let me know of any improvements!
Your team Ubuntu Bug Control is subscribed to branch ubuntu-qa-tools:master.
diff --git a/common/lpl_common.py b/common/lpl_common.py
index 744e588..2d35bf0 100644
--- a/common/lpl_common.py
+++ b/common/lpl_common.py
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import os, sys, tempfile, time, shutil, launchpadlib
 from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
 from launchpadlib.credentials import Credentials
 import launchpadlib.errors
+import io
+import webbrowser
     import progressbar
@@ -130,44 +132,61 @@ def get_archive(name, lp, verbose=False, distribution=None):
 def opener_with_cookie(cookie_file):
-    # TODO: For a more secure approach, consider handling files in memory
-    # rather than creating temporary files.
     import sqlite3 as sqlite
     old_umask = os.umask(0o077)
-    # Work around Firefox 3.5's dumb sqlite locking problems by copying cookies out:
-    tmp = None
     if cookie_file.endswith('.sqlite'):
-        (cookie_path, cookie_name) = os.path.split(cookie_file)
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='cookies-XXXXXX', suffix='.sqlite') as sql_handle:
-            sql = sql_handle.name
-        shutil.copyfile(cookie_file, sql)
+        try:
+            src = sqlite.connect(cookie_file)
+            db_dump = io.StringIO()
+            for line in src.iterdump():
+                db_dump.write('%s\n' % line)
+            src.close()
+            con = sqlite.connect(':memory:')
+            con.cursor().executescript(db_dump.getvalue())
+            db_dump.close()
+        except sqlite.OperationalError:
+            # Work around Firefox 3.5's dumb sqlite locking problems by copying cookies out
+            # We cannot make this an in-memory file as sqlite3 has no capabilities to load them.
+            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='cookies-XXXXXX', suffix='.sqlite') as sql_handle:
+                sql = sql_handle.name
+            shutil.copyfile(cookie_file, sql)
+            con = sqlite.connect(sql)
         match = '%launchpad.net'
-        con = sqlite.connect(sql)
         cur = con.cursor()
         cur.execute("select host, path, isSecure, expiry, name, value from moz_cookies where host like ?", [match])
         ftstr = ["FALSE","TRUE"]
-        tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='cookies-XXXXXX', suffix='.mozilla', mode='w+')
-        cookie_file = tmp.name
-        tmp.write("# HTTP Cookie File\n")
+        cookie_file_dump = io.StringIO()
+        cookie_file_dump.write("# HTTP Cookie File\n")
         for item in cur.fetchall():
             str = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( item[0], \
                    ftstr[item[0].startswith('.')], item[1], \
                    ftstr[item[2]], item[3], item[4], item[5])
-            tmp.write(str)
+            cookie_file_dump.write(str)
         sql = None
-        tmp.flush()
+        cookie_file_dump.flush()
+        cookie_file_dump.seek(0)
+        con.close()
     cj = MozillaCookieJar()
-        cj.load(cookie_file)
+        cj._really_load(cookie_file_dump, '', False, False)
     except LoadError as e:
         print("Failed to load cookie from file (%s): %s - continuing anyway..." % (cookie_file, e.strerror))
     opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
-    tmp = None
+    cookie_file_dump.close()
+    # Ensure that the lp token (if any) is a valid token 
+    response = open_url(opener, 'https://launchpad.net')
+    if 'Log in' in response.read().decode():
+        print('User is not logged in. Please log in...')
+        webbrowser.get('firefox').open('https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+login')
+        input('Press any key after logging in. (Firefox must be closed in order to grab the updated cookies)')
+        return opener_with_cookie(cookie_file)
     return opener
 def open_url(opener, url):