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[Merge] ~emitorino/ubuntu-qa-tools:support_updates_ppas into ubuntu-qa-tools:master


Emilia Torino has proposed merging ~emitorino/ubuntu-qa-tools:support_updates_ppas into ubuntu-qa-tools:master.

Commit message:
- security-tools/unembargo: support specifying esm-*-updates PPAs as destination. This supports the use case of populating ESM archives in prep for upcoming release

Requested reviews:
  Emilia Torino (emitorino)

For more details, see:

When populating ESM archives in prep for upcoming release we need to first build a package in the esm-infra-security-staging PPA, and then copy to the various ESM PPAs available (esm-infra-security, esm-apps-security, esm-infra-updates and esm-apps-updates).

Adding new options to unembargo to support this scenario.
Your team Ubuntu Bug Control is subscribed to branch ubuntu-qa-tools:master.
diff --git a/security-tools/unembargo b/security-tools/unembargo
index a78c826..348cd35 100755
--- a/security-tools/unembargo
+++ b/security-tools/unembargo
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ ESM_APPS_PRODUCTION_PPA = "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-security"
 ESM_INFRA_STAGING_PPA = "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security-staging"
 ESM_INFRA_PRODUCTION_PPA = "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-security"
+ESM_APPS_UPDATES_PRODUCTION_PPA = "ubuntu-esm/esm-apps-updates"
+ESM_INFRA_UPDATES_PRODUCTION_PPA = "ubuntu-esm/esm-infra-updates"
@@ -65,6 +68,14 @@ parser.add_argument("--esm-infra", help="Copy completed ESM packages from the "
                     "ESM Infra staging PPA to the ESM Infra production PPA "
                     "(default: None)", action='store_true',
+parser.add_argument("--esm-apps-updates", help="Copy completed ESM packages from the "
+                    "ESM Infra security staging PPA to the ESM Apps updates production PPA. "
+                    "This supports populating ESM archives in prep for upcoming release (default: None)",
+                    action='store_true', default=None)
+parser.add_argument("--esm-infra-updates", help="Copy completed ESM packages from the "
+                    "ESM Infra security staging PPA to the ESM Infra updates production PPA "
+                    "This supports populating ESM archives in prep for upcoming release(default: None)",
+                    action='store_true', default=None)
 parser.add_argument("-r", "--release", help="Limit unembargo to a specific set "
                     "of comma-separate releases",
                     metavar="SERIES", action='store', default=None)
@@ -106,6 +117,14 @@ if opt.esm or opt.esm_apps or opt.esm_infra:
         opt.destination = ESM_INFRA_PRODUCTION_PPA
         opt.ppa = ESM_INFRA_STAGING_PPA
         opt.pocket = RELEASE_POCKET
+    elif opt.esm_infra_updates:
+        opt.destination = ESM_INFRA_UPDATES_PRODUCTION_PPA
+        opt.ppa = ESM_INFRA_STAGING_PPA
+        opt.pocket = RELEASE_POCKET
+    elif opt.esm_app_updates:
+        opt.destination = ESM_APPS_UPDATES_PRODUCTION_PPA
+        opt.ppa = ESM_INFRA_STAGING_PPA
+        opt.pocket = RELEASE_POCKET
         opt.destination = ESM_PRODUCTION_PPA
         opt.ppa = ESM_STAGING_PPA

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