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Announcing activity Ubuntu-cm in social networks


Hi guys and girls

i just getting some input from the LoCo Council members.
If you are announcing some activities of our LocoTeam in social networks, please to add the tag #locoteams and #ubucm (that is our).

Ubuntu-cm on twitter: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=ubucm
Ubuntu-cm on identi.ca: http://identi.ca/group/ubucm
Ubuntu-cm on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=171200901083

Salutations les gars et les filles,

justes quelques inputs des membres du Loco Council.
Si nous voulions annoncer nos activites sur les reseaux sociaux, il serait interessant d'utliser le tag #locoteams et (j'ajoute) #ubucm ( ca c'est notre tag)

Bien des choses a tous.


Septime Lowe