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[Blueprint liveusb-creator] Make an Ubuntu Eee version of Fedora's liveusb-creator


Blueprint changed by Geza Kovacs:

Whiteboard changed to:

It seems Sidux (Debian live distribution) developers already patched Fedora's liveusb-creator to work with Ubuntu LiveCD, look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=820887 and 
http://maledivenhilfe.com/liveusb-creator/ for more info and sources

Also consider using UNetbootin http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ it is
far easier to customize and will have a much smaller executable size
(easier redistribution) since it's written in C++. For an example, see
the customized build for EeePCLinuxOS http://www.eeepclinuxos.com/ at
http://www.eeepclinuxos.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=173 --gezakovacs
(I'm the developer of UNetbootin, if you need any help just contact me)

*Announce* As per Jon Ramvi's request, I've prepared a customized build of UNetbootin for Ubuntu Eee at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=222386 suggestions welcome --gezakovacs
Direct download links:

  Make an Ubuntu Eee version of Fedora's liveusb-creator