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[Question #49646]: WIFI & WebCam on eee901 not functional


New question #49646 on Ubuntu Eee:

Hi everyone,

I'm really glad I found this page, as it seems I can contact directly the source of this nice piece of software. I got really enthusiastic about Ubuntu eee when I found it in the net. So I downloaded the ISO file 8.04.1 and installed it on my USB stick and started it up with my eee901 without installing the OS ... so I used the LiveCD version. Unfortunately i couldn't get the WIFI connection to my router running. I set up the WEP encryption and the DHCP settings, but I couldn't get an IP address from the router. Checking the status in the terminal with IFCONFIG I saw the WIFI device was recognized but the IP address was something like 164.x.x.x. It seems also that the FN+WIFI on/off key combination is not working properly. A quick check on the Web cam was not successfull too (do I have to activate the cam in the bios?)

On different web pages I read that the 8.04.1 version should support all functions of the eee 7x, 9x, 10x without any manual rework. Is this the case? As my linux know-how is pretty limited, I'm not sure if I can get it working manually.

Many thanks for your reply!

Best regards,


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