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[Blueprint boot-speed] Speed up the boot


Blueprint changed by Jon Ramvi:

Whiteboard changed to:

== 1st way of speeding up: profile boot proccess automatically ==
Does "profile" actually speed up the boot?
If so, then it should be done automatically by eeepc-tweaks.
But first someone has to bechmark if it actually does something.

This is how you do it:
Stop the Grub bootloader before the timeout and go to the EasyPeasy boot option if it is not the default. Press "e" to edit it, move to the second line and press "e" again to edit that line. Add the word "profile" to the end of the line (with a space first, of course) and then tap Enter. Tap "b" to boot the edited config and wait.

== 2nd way:  ==
One can also change a setting in /etc/init.d/rc (IIRC) to enable multiple threads at boot which is great for the HyperThreading Atom CPUs in most netbooks. That won't really help a Celeron-based 2G though. Thanks Jon --ramvi

  Speed up the boot