ubuntu-lgbt team mailing list archive
ubuntu-lgbt team
Mailing list archive
Message #00078
would you be interested in participating in an interview about mentoring?
"ubuntu-lgbt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ubuntu-lgbt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"Serebrenik, A." <a.serebrenik@xxxxxx>
Tue, 20 Oct 2020 08:16:04 +0000
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"Milewicz, Reed" <rmilewi@xxxxxxxxxx>
would you be interested in participating in an interview about mentoring?
Dear members of the “Ubuntu Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender” team
I am Alexander Serebrenik, full professor social software engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. Together with colleagues from Sandia National Laboratories, and Microsoft we want to better understand experiences of LGBTIQ+ software managers and engineers related to mentoring. We want to ask you a few questions on what mentorship means to you, and whether you have any experiences to share as a mentor, mentee, or both. Through this research, we seek to identify effective mentorship practices and to develop methods to help policy-makers and team leads promote a more inclusive workplace culture.
Participants must be 18+. Your participation in this study is voluntary and confidential. Only the researchers involved in this study will see your responses. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact Reed Morgan Milewicz (rmilewi@xxxxxxxxxx, bi, he/him) or me (a.serebrenik@xxxxxx, gay, he/him). If you are interested in participating, you can click the link below to schedule a time slot for an interview; if/when you book an interview with us, we'll contact you to set up a video conferencing solution.
Book a slot for an interview https://mentorshipstudy.youcanbook.me
Best regards