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[Blueprint arm-m-liquid] Kubuntu Mobile


Blueprint changed by Rodrigo Belem:

Whiteboard changed:
  [asac Jun 10] spec approved; rodrigo, please talk to me if the work items need to be adjusted before we start to track them for this cycle. Thanks!
  [asac Jun 10] approved for maverick and activated work items for lucid+1
  [asac Jun 10] renamed to arm-m-liquid to keep this on my radar - for technical reasons.
  [asac 18-12-09] renamed to get this tracked by mobile burndown
  [asac 18-12-09] spec layout is a bit off compared to our standard format. but since this is a "community" spec thats fine. Approving.
  [asac 15-01-10] adding work item with persia assigned to keep this spec on new team work tracker: http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html
  Work items (maverick-alpha-2):
- Package the mobile-plasma shell: DONE
- Update the mobile-plasma shell to latest upstream release: TODO
- Get mobile-plasma shell through REVU in and in the archive: TODO
- Make a list of "default" plasmoids: TODO
+ [rbelem] Package the mobile-plasma shell: DONE
+ [rbelem] Update the mobile-plasma shell to latest upstream release: DONE
+ [rbelem] Get mobile-plasma shell through REVU in and in the archive: DONE
+ [rbelem] Make a list of "default" plasmoids: TODO
  [asac] Package uxlaunch and put it in the archive: TODO
  [asac] Add a uxlaunch-settings-liquid package or equiv. to ensure that liquid desktop gets auto started by uxlaunch: TODO
  [kitterman] Create the kubuntu.maverick/mobile seed: DONE
  [kitterman] Upload meta package to archive: DONE
  Work items (maverick-alpha-3):
  [asac] Setup live-helper config to produce liquid images for ARM/linaro: TODO
  [persia] get liquid image enabled in ubuntu: TODO
  evaluate and decide on best way to authenticate using SIM PIN: TODO
  implement middleware for SIM PIN auth for KDM - preferably a pam module (and screensaver?): TODO
  bring kdm with plasma support to archive if this feature lands upstream: TODO
  ensure that plasma virtual keyboard is available in kdm for handsets/touchscreens: TODO
  [arm-user-platforms] Package kde-pim 4.5 module, potentially a svn snapshot in archive or ppa: TODO
  Work items:
  Figure out what needs to be done to make Kwin more mobile friendly (discuss with upstream kwin maintainer): TODO
  Create virtual keyboard for Kwin: TODO
  [asac] assist liquid team to achieve their maverick goals: TODO
  Create documentation for Liquid: TODO
  Later cycle work items:
  Review maverick roadmap for widgets and maybe add more work items to make liquid default experience shinier: TODO
  ensure that KDM login is finger friendly (if needed as a plugin): TODO
  Add support for plugins in KDM: TODO
  Was this ment to be a work item of this spec?
  List the packages which are missing in order to have an open source telephony stack (http://www.gnutelephony.org/index.php/GNU_Telephony, http://ofono.org/, http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Gsm)
  History from (ubuntu-10.04)
  [ianlawrence 26-02-10]: Upstream requested to halt work as plasma mobile is immature and doesn't offer significant advancement over plasma-netbook at this time.  Significant improvements are expected soon so this blueprint will be revisited for Lucid +1. Work already completed for the blueprint will be placed in the PPA
  [ianlawrence 23-03-10]: After discussions with the upstream plasma-mobile/KDE developers this blueprint has been updated and is reopened for Lucid +1

Kubuntu Mobile