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Re: German quotation marks


Hello, Daniel.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Daniel Schury <Surst@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> in german the manual needs to use »?« and ??? as quotation marks. What
> was the correct procedure to include them correctly, except just enter
> them into the translation?

You have the choice of either entering them directly into the
translation like that or wrapping the quoted text in the \enquote{...}
command.  The \enquote{...} command will use the proper quotation
marks based on your language (if I have it set up properly) and the
level of quotation (i.e., it will keep track of whether to use inner
or outer quotation marks).

If \enquote{} doesn't work as expected (wrong quotation marks, errors,
etc.), send me an email with your language and the Unicode numbers for
the quotation marks you use (both opening and closing for inner and
outer quotes).

