Hi All:
Hi all,
If I were considering a common format pool for various downstream users,
I would want to be explicit about the following:
* the key users are identified as stakeholders (individuals who
represent the teams that consume the content)
* stakeholders have an "official" methodology of governance of the
common pool
* stakeholder have identified their list of requirements
* requirements include output formats, localization, scheduling
(string freeze, translation)
* there's a clear release management owner and process
* a sufficiently rich tool chain must exist (proven/tested) for
converting the common pool source format to the required delivery formats
* common pool can be localized (text and images)
* localization only needs to be done once (at the common pool level.
Downstream users can ADD content while re-using existing localized content)
* common pool has methodology for commit control (who can commit, and
how do others participate)
* common pool uses bzr and exists as an LP project with translations
restricted to Ubuntu Translators
* community portals are identified and used (email list, LP project,
LP team, other)
(I'd also want to specify that development of the common pool should be
done *in* the common pool, not done elsewhere (downstream) and then
imported (upstreamed) into it.)
So, I wonder:
What are the (current) required delivery formats by stakeholders. My
* ubuntu-docs: mallard, xhtml, others?
* ubuntu-manual: xhtml, pdf, others?
What source format(s) and toolchain(s) supports these proposed requirements?
On 07/06/2010 07:02 AM, Luke-Jennings wrote:
Hello all,
On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 07:36 -0500, Jim Campbell wrote:
Hi all,
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 7:17 AM, Ryan Macnish<nisshh.ubuntu@xxxxxxxxx>
Doesnt effect me at all, im fine with either saturday or
Ryan Macnish
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 7:26 PM, Luke-Jennings
<ubuntujenkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 11:37 +0100, Phil Bull wrote:
> Hi guys,
> On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 12:00 -0400, Jason Cook wrote:
> > I agree with both of you a meeting would be nice.
I won't be available
> > today (It's Canada Day!) and I doubt that many
people will be able too
> > attend this weekend (July 4th weekend). I think
that the best time is
> > on the weekend so maybe the 10th would work.
> The 10th would work for me.
mark cox has mentioned on the learning list, that it
is ubuntu users day
the times for it are
Saturday July 10th 2010, 09:45 UTC - Sunday July 11th
2010, 03:00 UTC
How does that effect people?
The 10th would be better for me, too.
Ok then lets say 8.00 pm utc on the 10th . #ubuntu-meeting is booked
then but that time usually works well for meetings. we could use
#ubuntu-manual as mootbot is there. unless anyone else has a better
So it will be 8.00pm utc on the 10th in #ubuntu-manual times in your
area is [1].
I have started an agenda here [2], if people can also add their
attendance to the bottom as well.
Please feel free to add items please put your name by it so that we know
who's idea it was.
Thanks all!
Luke Jennings
(jenkins on #freenode)