ubuntu-manual team mailing list archive
ubuntu-manual team
Mailing list archive
Message #02655
Re: July Meeting Poll
I have updated the poll to reflect UTC times. Sorry for any inconvenience.
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Rick Fosburgh <rick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> All:
> I apologize in advance for the late July meeting (we are avoiding multiple
> holidays, vacations, and summer semesters here). Hope you all are having a
> fabulous summer.
> While I am getting lots of email for editors, the Natty manual could use
> some additional *writing* help. Some sections/chapters are making good
> progress; others, not so much. Let's discuss getting some movement on those
> sections.
> I have built a poll for our next meeting. Feel free to suggest additional
> times if necessary.
> Poll: http://doodle.com/5wwvxs6fab28xm3b (As I seem to be 'doodle
> challanged' from time to time, let me know if these times are too far out
> into the nether regions![?]
> The agenda is available for your input here:
> http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/3WfNyRf9Lg
> And, as always, we will meet via freenode at #ubuntu-manual
> I'm looking forward to getting with the team. See you soon.
> Rick
> rickfosb
> Rick Fosburgh
> editor in chief
-- Rick

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