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Re: Editing Getting Online


Op 10-06-12 12:05, Chris Woollard schreef:

I have edited getting online


Hi Chris,
Oh dear, Jim has been working on this section too (see email below). Could you guys contact each other about the progress and let me know? I noticed it has not yet been pushed to Launchpad.

quote from email June 8 to mailing list:
Will do...I proof for not only grammar/content, but also for the tex markup as well.
I would also like to remind everyone while we are in this crucial phase 
where a lot of people have their hands in a lot of areas--that we 
'commit' as frequently as is reasonable and not sit too long on any 
changes. This benefits everyone by making everyone's commit process (and 
conflicts that can and do occur) as painless as possible; it also 
prevents duplication of author and editor efforts.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn <lafeber-dumoleyn2@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:lafeber-dumoleyn2@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote: It appeared Carsten had done the conversion for "getting online" (see his mailing to the list), so it is ready for proofreading. Jim, when you have finished proofreading Advanced topics, would you like to do "getting online"?

Op 08-06-12 15:27, Jim Connett schreef:

I can take 'getting online' if no one is doing it.

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