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[Merge] lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/precise into lp:ubuntu-manual


Jeffrey Flaker has proposed merging lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/precise into lp:ubuntu-manual.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Manual Team (ubuntu-manual)

For more details, see:

There was only one place where the "Ubuntu Software Center" was referred to as "Ubuntu Software centre" <--With a lower cand British spelling.
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Ubuntu Manual Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/precise into lp:ubuntu-manual.
=== added file '.bzrignore'
--- .bzrignore	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ .bzrignore	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+titlepage/cover-proposal 2.svg

=== renamed file '.bzrignore' => '.bzrignore.moved'
=== added file 'Makefile'
--- Makefile	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ Makefile	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+all: $(LATEXFILE).pdf
+	frontmatter/*.tex \
+	advanced-topics/*.tex \
+	ubuntu-desktop/*.tex \
+	backmatter/*.tex \
+	working-with-ubuntu/*.tex \
+	installation/*.tex \
+	learning-more/*.tex \
+	hardware/*.tex \
+	software-management/*.tex \
+	troubleshooting/*.tex
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+	$(color_tex) $(LATEXFILE).log
+	cat screenshots.log
+check: $(LATEXFILE).pdf
+	$(color_tex) $(LATEXFILE).log
+style-guide.pdf: style-guide.tex ubuntu-manual.cls
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+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" style-guide
+	makeglossaries -L english style-guide
+	makeindex style-guide
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" style-guide
+	makeglossaries -L english style-guide
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" style-guide
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" style-guide
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" style-guide
+	$(color_tex) style-guide.log
+# Handle translations
+TRANSLATIONS=$(shell for PO in po/*.po; do basename $$PO .po; done) # list of languages in the po/ dir
+TRANSLATIONS_TEX=$(foreach PO, $(TRANSLATIONS), ubuntu-manual-$(shell basename $(PO) .po).tex) # list of .tex files to be generated
+TRANSLATIONS_PDF=$(foreach PO, $(TRANSLATIONS), ubuntu-manual-$(shell basename $(PO) .po).pdf) # list of .pdf files to be generated
+# Default translation is en_US
+ubuntu-manual-en_US.pdf: $(LATEXFILE).pdf
+	cp $(LATEXFILE).pdf $@
+# Compile all translations at once
+translations: $(TRANSLATIONS_PDF) ubuntu-manual.cls
+LLANG=$(shell echo $${LANG} | sed -e 's/\..*$$//g')
+SLANG=$(shell echo $${LANG} | sed -e 's/_.*$$//g')
+MYLANG=$(shell for PO in ${TRANSLATIONS}; do if [ "$${PO}" == "${LLANG}" ]; then echo ${LLANG}; exit 0; elif [ "$${PO}" == "${SLANG}" ]; then echo ${SLANG}; exit 0; fi; done; echo "en_US")
+# Compile the pdf for the current system language (if there's an appropriate translation)
+mylang: ubuntu-manual-${MYLANG}.pdf
+ubuntu-manual-%.tex: POLANG=$(shell basename $(subst ubuntu-manual-,,$@) .tex)
+ubuntu-manual-%.tex: revinfo
+	cp po/$(POLANG).po po/$(POLANG)_org.po
+	./po/convert_translation-credits.sed -n po/$(POLANG)_org.po > po/$(POLANG).po
+	rm po/$(POLANG)_org.po
+	po4a-translate --master-charset=utf8 -f latex -m $(LATEXFILE).tex -p $(subst .tex,.po,$(subst ubuntu-manual-,po/,$@)) -l $@ -k 0
+#%.tex: %.po ubuntu-manual.cls revinfo
+#	po4a-translate --master-charset=utf8 -f latex -m $(LATEXFILE).tex -p $< -l ubuntu-manual-$(shell basename $< .po).tex -k 0
+%.pdf: POLANG=$(shell basename $(subst ubuntu-manual-,,$<) .tex)
+%.pdf: TEXFILE=$(shell basename $< .tex)
+%.pdf: XINDYLANG=$(shell grep -v "^#" langcodes.txt | grep "^${POLANG}" | awk '{ print $$3 }' || echo -n "general")
+%.pdf: %.tex ubuntu-manual.cls revinfo
+	#$(call generate_titlepage,${POLANG})
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+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" -interaction nonstopmode "\def\polang{${POLANG}}\input{${TEXFILE}}"
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+	xindy -C utf8 -M texindy -L ${XINDYLANG} ${TEXFILE}.idx
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" -interaction nonstopmode '\def\polang{$(POLANG)}\input{$(TEXFILE)}'
+	makeglossaries -L ${XINDYLANG} $(TEXFILE)
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" -interaction nonstopmode '\def\polang{$(POLANG)}\input{$(TEXFILE)}'
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" -interaction nonstopmode '\def\polang{$(POLANG)}\input{$(TEXFILE)}'
+	xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -V 5" -interaction nonstopmode '\def\polang{$(POLANG)}\input{$(TEXFILE)}'
+	$(color_tex) $(TEXFILE).log
+	cat screenshots.log
+	#po4a -v --no-translations -MUTF-8 --copyright-holder "The Ubuntu Manual Team" --package-name ubuntu-manual --package-version `bzr revno` po4a.conf
+	po4a-gettextize -v -MUTF-8 --copyright-holder "The Ubuntu Manual Team" --package-name ubuntu-manual --package-version `bzr revno` -f latex -m $(LATEXFILE).tex -p po/ubuntu-manual.pot
+	bzr version-info --custom --template="\\\revinfo{{revno}}{{date}}" > revision.tex
+generate_titlepage = \
+	inkscape --export-text-to-path --export-pdf=titlepage/titlepage-$(1).pdf titlepage/titlepage-$(1).svg
+#titlepage/titlepage-%.pdf: titlepage/titlepage-%.svg
+#	inkscape --export-text-to-path --export-pdf=$(subst .svg,.pdf,$<) $<
+%.pdf: %.asy
+	asy -f pdf $<
+%.pdf: %.svg
+	inkscape --export-text-to-path --export-pdf=$@ $<
+	#pdfcrop $@ $@
+%.png: %.dot
+	dot -v -Tpng $< -o $@
+show: $(LATEXFILE).pdf
+	evince $<
+show-mylang: ubuntu-manual-${MYLANG}.pdf
+	evince $<
+	-rm -fr $(LATEXFILE).aux $(LATEXFILE).log $(LATEXFILE).nav $(LATEXFILE).out $(LATEXFILE).pdf $(LATEXFILE).snm $(LATEXFILE).toc
+	-rm -fr $(LATEXFILE).idx $(LATEXFILE).ilg $(LATEXFILE).ind $(LATEXFILE).lof $(LATEXFILE).lot
+	-rm -fr $(LATEXFILE).glg $(LATEXFILE).glo $(LATEXFILE).gls $(LATEXFILE).xdy
+	-rm -f missfont.log
+	-rm -f */*.aux
+	-rm -f */*.log
+	-rm -f *.bbl *.blg */*.bbl */*.blg # biblio files
+	-rm -f *.ptc # titletoc
+	-rm -f ubuntu-manual-* # translated files
+# From Chris Monson's LaTeX Makefile
+SED		?= sed
+TPUT	?= tput
+tput	= $(shell $(TPUT) $1)
+black	:= $(call tput,setaf 0)
+red	:= $(call tput,setaf 1)
+green	:= $(call tput,setaf 2)
+yellow	:= $(call tput,setaf 3)
+blue	:= $(call tput,setaf 4)
+magenta	:= $(call tput,setaf 5)
+cyan	:= $(call tput,setaf 6)
+white	:= $(call tput,setaf 7)
+bold	:= $(call tput,bold)
+uline	:= $(call tput,smul)
+reset	:= $(call tput,sgr0)
+# User-settable definitions
+LATEX_COLOR_DEP		?= green
+LATEX_COLOR_SUCCESS	?= green bold
+# Gets the real color from a simple textual definition like those above
+# $(call get-color,ALL_CAPS_COLOR_NAME)
+# e.g., $(call get-color,WARNING)
+get-color	= $(subst $(space),,$(foreach c,$(LATEX_COLOR_$1),$($c)))
+C_WARNING	:= $(call get-color,WARNING)
+C_ERROR		:= $(call get-color,ERROR)
+C_INFO		:= $(call get-color,INFO)
+C_UNDERFULL	:= $(call get-color,UNDERFULL)
+C_OVERFULL	:= $(call get-color,OVERFULL)
+C_PAGES		:= $(call get-color,PAGES)
+C_BUILD		:= $(call get-color,BUILD)
+C_GRAPHIC	:= $(call get-color,GRAPHIC)
+C_DEP		:= $(call get-color,DEP)
+C_SUCCESS	:= $(call get-color,SUCCESS)
+C_FAILURE	:= $(call get-color,FAILURE)
+C_RESET		:= $(reset)
+color_tex	:= \
+	@$(SED) \
+	-e '$${' \
+	-e '  /^$$/!{' \
+	-e '    H' \
+	-e '    s/.*//' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	-e '}' \
+	-e '/^$$/!{' \
+	-e '  H' \
+	-e '  d' \
+	-e '}' \
+	-e '/^$$/{' \
+	-e '  x' \
+	-e '  s/^\n//' \
+	-e '  /Output written/{' \
+	-e '    s/.*(\([^)]\{1,\}\)).*/Success!  Wrote \1/' \
+	-e '    s/[[:digit:]]\{1,\}/$(C_PAGES)&$(C_RESET)/g' \
+	-e '    s/Success!/$(C_SUCCESS)&$(C_RESET)/g' \
+	-e '    b end' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	-e '  /! *LaTeX Error:.*/{' \
+	-e '    s/.*\(! *LaTeX Error:.*\)/$(C_ERROR)\1$(C_RESET)/' \
+	-e '    b end' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	-e '  /.*Warning: Marginpar on page [0-9]\+ moved\./{' \
+	-e '    s//$(C_RESET)&$(C_RESET)/' \
+	-e '    b end' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	-e '  /.*Warning: Reference .*/{' \
+	-e '    s//$(C_ERROR)&$(C_RESET)/' \
+	-e '    b end' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	-e '  /.*Warning:.*/{' \
+	-e '    s//$(C_WARNING)&$(C_RESET)/' \
+	-e '    b end' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	-e '  /Underfull.*/{' \
+	-e '    s/.*\(Underfull.*\)/$(C_UNDERFULL)\1$(C_RESET)/' \
+	-e '    b end' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	-e '  /Overfull.*/{' \
+	-e '    s/.*\(Overfull.*\)/$(C_OVERFULL)\1$(C_RESET)/' \
+	-e '    b end' \
+	-e '  }' \
+	$(if $(VERBOSE),,-e '  d') \
+	-e '  :end' \
+	-e '  G' \
+	-e '}' \
+.PHONY: translations clean show all mylang show-mylang check revinfo -

=== renamed file 'Makefile' => 'Makefile.moved'
=== added directory 'advanced-topics'
=== renamed directory 'advanced-topics' => 'advanced-topics.moved'
=== added file 'advanced-topics/advanced-topics.tex'
--- advanced-topics/advanced-topics.tex	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ advanced-topics/advanced-topics.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+\label {ch:advanced-topics}
+\section{Ubuntu for advanced users}
+We hope you understand how using Ubuntu can make your computing experience easier, safer, and more efficient. To this point, we've provided detailed instructions on getting the most from Ubuntu's basic features. In this chapter, we'll detail some of Ubuntu's more advanced features \dash like the terminal, a powerful utility that can help you accomplish tasks without the need for a graphical user interface (\gls{GUI}). We'll also discuss some advanced security measures you can implement to make your computer even safer. We've written this chapter with advanced users in mind. If you're new to Ubuntu, don't feel as though you'll need to master these topics to get the most out of your new software (you can quite easily skip to the next chapter without any adverse impact to your experience with Ubuntu). However, if you're looking to expand your knowledge of Ubuntu, we encourage you to keep reading.
+\section{Introduction to the terminal}
+Throughout this manual, we have focused primarily on the graphical desktop user interface. In order to fully realize the power of Ubuntu, you may want to learn how to use the terminal.
+\subsection{What is the terminal?}
+Most operating systems, including Ubuntu, have two types of user interfaces. The first is a graphical user interface (\gls{GUI}). This is the desktop, windows, menus, and toolbars that you click to get things done. The second, and much older, type of interface is the command-line interface (\gls{CLI}).
+The \emph{terminal} is Ubuntu's command-line interface. It is a method of controlling some aspects of Ubuntu using only commands that you type on the keyboard.
+\subsection{Why would I want to use the terminal?}
+You can perform most day-to-day activities without ever needing to open the terminal. However, the terminal is a powerful and invaluable tool that can be used to perform many useful tasks you might not be able to accomplish with a \gls{GUI}. For example:
+  \item Troubleshooting any difficulties that may arise when using Ubuntu sometimes requires you to use the terminal.
+  \item A command-line interface is sometimes a faster way to accomplish a task. For example, it is often easier to perform operations on many files concurrently using the terminal.
+  \item Learning the command-line interface is the first step towards more advanced troubleshooting, system administration, and software development skills. If you are interested in becoming a developer or an advanced Ubuntu user, knowledge of the command-line will be essential. 
+\subsection{Opening the Terminal}
+\marginnote{The \emph{terminal} gives you access to what is called a \emph{shell}. When you type a command
+in the \gls{terminal} the \gls{shell} interprets this command, resulting in the desired action. Different types of shells accept slightly different commands. The most popular is called ``bash,'' and is the default shell in Ubuntu.}
+You can open the terminal by clicking \menu{Dash \then Applications \then Terminal}.
+When the terminal window opens, it will be largely blank apart from some text at the top left of the screen, followed by a blinking block. This text is your \gls{prompt}\dash it displays, by default, your login name and your computer's name, followed by the current directory. 
+\marginnote{In \acronym{GUI} environments the term ``folder'' is commonly used to describe a
+place where files are stored. In \acronym{CLI} environments the term ``directory'' is used to describe the same thing. This metaphor is exposed in many commands (\ie, \code{cd} or \code{pwd}) throughout this chapter.} The tilde (\textasciitilde) means that the current directory is your home directory. Finally, the blinking block is the \gls{cursor}\dash this marks where text will be entered as you type.
+To test a terminal command, type \userinput{pwd} and press \keystroke{Enter}. The terminal should display \filepath{/home/\emph{yourusername}}. This text is called the ``\gls{output}.'' You have just used the
+\commandlineapp{pwd} (print working directory) command, which outputs (displays) the current directory.
+\screenshot{06-default-terminal.png}{ss:default-terminal}{The default terminal window allows you to run hundreds of useful commands.}
+All commands in the terminal follow the same approach: Type a command, possibly followed by some \glspl{parameter}, and press \keystroke{Enter} to perform the specified action. 
+\marginnote{\emph{Parameters} are extra segments of text, usually added at the end of a command, that change how the command itself is interpreted. These usually take the form of \userinput{-h} or \userinput{--help}, for example. In fact, \userinput{--help} can be added to most commands to display a short description of the command, as well as a list of any other parameters that can be used with that command.}
+Often some output will be displayed that confirms the action was completed successfully, although this can depend on the command being executed. For example, using the \commandlineapp{cd} command
+to change your current directory (see below) will change the prompt, but will not display any output.
+The rest of this chapter covers some very common uses of the terminal. However, it cannot address the nearly infinite possibilities available to you when using the command-line interface in Ubuntu. Throughout the second part of this manual, we will continue to refer to the command line, particularly when discussing steps involved in troubleshooting and the more advanced management of your computer.
+\section{Ubuntu file system structure}
+\index{file system structure|(}
+Ubuntu uses the Linux file system, which is based on a series of folders in the root directory. Each of these folders contains important system files that cannot be modified unless you are running as the root user or use \emph{sudo}. This restriction exists for both security and safety reasons: computer viruses will not be able to change the core system files, and ordinary users should not be able to accidentally damage anything vital.
+Below are some of the most important directories.
+\screenshot{06-root-directories.png}{ss:root-directories}{Some of the most important directories in the root file system.}
+The root directory \dash denoted by \filepath{/} \dash contains all other directories and files. Here are the contents of some essential system directories:
+  \item[\filepath{/bin} \& \filepath{/sbin}] Many essential system applications (equivalent to \filepath{C:\textbackslash Windows})
+  \item[\filepath{/etc}] System-wide configuration files
+  \item[\filepath{/home}] Each user will have a subdirectory to store personal files (for example \filepath{/home/your-username}, equivalent to \filepath{C:\textbackslash Users} or \filepath{C:\textbackslash Documents and Settings})
+  \item[\filepath{/lib}] Library files, similar to \filepath{.dll} files on Windows
+  \item[\filepath{/media}] Removable media (\acronym{CD-ROMs} and \acronym{USB} drives) will be mounted in this directory
+  \item[\filepath{/root}] This contains the root user's files (not to be confused with the root directory)
+  \item[\filepath{/usr}] Pronounced ``user,'' it contains most program files (not to be confused with each user's home directory, equivalent to \filepath{C:\textbackslash Program Files})
+  \item[\filepath{/var/log}] Contains log files written by many applications
+Every directory has a \emph{path}. The path is a directory's full name \dash it describes a way to navigate the directory from anywhere in the system.
+For example, the directory \filepath{/home/your-username/Desktop} contains all the files that are on your Ubuntu desktop. The path /home/your-username/Desktop can be broken down into a handful of key pieces:
+  \item / \dash indicates that the path starts at the root directory
+  \item home/ \dash from the root directory, the path goes into the home directory
+  \item your-username/ \dash from the home directory, the path goes into the your-username directory
+  \item Desktop \dash from the your-username directory, the path ends up in the Desktop directory
+Every directory in Ubuntu has a complete path that starts with the \filepath{/} (the root directory) and ends in the directory's own name.
+\marginnote{If you are creating a file or directory from the command line and ultimately want it hidden, then simply start the filename or directory name with a dot (.)\dash this signals to the filesystem that the file/directory should be hidden unless expressly viewed through showing hidden files and folders through the GUI or through the appropriate command line switch.} Directories and files that begin with a period are hidden directories. These are usually only visible with a special command or by selecting a specific option. In the \application{Nautilus} you can show hidden files and directories by selecting \menu{View\then Show Hidden Files}, or by pressing \keystroke{Ctrl+H}. If you are using the terminal, then you would type \userinput{ls -a} and press \keystroke{Enter} to see the hidden files and directories. There are many hidden directories in your home folder used to store program preferences. For example, \filepath{/home/your-username/.evolution} stores preferences used by the \application{Evolution} mail application.
+\index{file system structure|)}
+\subsection{Mounting and unmounting removable devices}
+\index{mounting devices}
+\index{unmounting devices}
+Any time you add storage media to your computer \dash an internal or external hard drive, a \acronym{USB} flash drive, a \acronym{CD-ROM} \dash it needs to be \emph{mounted} before it is accessible. Mounting a device means associating a directory name with the device, allowing you to navigate to the directory to access the device's files.
+When a device, such as a \acronym{USB} flash drive or a media player, is mounted in Ubuntu, a folder is automatically created for it in the \emph{media} directory, and you are given the appropriate permissions to be able to read and write to the device.
+Most file managers will automatically add a shortcut to the mounted device in the side bar of your home folder so the device is easy to access. You shouldn't have to physically navigate to the \emph{media} directory in Ubuntu, unless you choose to do so from the command line.
+When you've finished using a device, you can \emph{unmount} it. Unmounting a device disassociates the device from its directory, allowing you to eject it.
+\section{Securing Ubuntu}
+Now that you know a bit more about using the command line, we can use it to make your computer more secure. The following sections discuss various security concepts, along with procedures for keeping your Ubuntu running smoothly, safely, and securely.
+\section{Why Ubuntu is safe}
+Ubuntu is secure by default for a number of reasons:
+\marginnote{Just because Ubuntu implements strong security by default doesn't mean the user can ''throw caution to the wind.'' Care should be taken when downloading files, opening email, and browsing the Internet. Using a good antivirus program is warranted.}
+  \item Ubuntu clearly distinguishes between normal users and administrative users.
+  \item Software for Ubuntu is kept in a secure online repository, which contains no false or malicious software.
+  \item Open-source software like Ubuntu allows security flaws to be easily detected.
+  \item Security patches for open-source software like Ubuntu are often released quickly.
+  \item Many viruses designed to primarily target Windows-based systems do not affect Ubuntu systems.
+\section{Basic security concepts}
+The following sections discuss basic security concepts \dash like file permissions, passwords, and user accounts. Understanding these concepts will help you follow the remaining procedures for securing your computer.
+In Ubuntu, files and folders can be set up so that only specific users can view, modify, or run them.  For instance, you might wish to share an important file with other users, but do not want those users to be able to edit the file.  Ubuntu controls access to files on your computer through a system of ``permissions.''  Permissions are settings configured to control exactly how files on your computer are accessed and used.
+To learn more about modifying permissions, visit \url{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions}.
+You should use a strong password to increase the security of your computer. Your password should not contain names, common words, or common phrases. By default, the minimum length of a password in Ubuntu is four characters. We recommend a password with more than the minimum number of characters. A password with a minimum of eight characters which includes both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols is considered strong.
+\subsubsection{Locking the screen}
+\index{security!screen locking}
+When you leave your computer unattended, you may want to lock the screen. Locking your screen prevents anyone from using your computer until your password is entered. To lock the screen:
+	\item Click the session menu icon in the right corner of the top panel, then select \menu{Lock Screen}, or
+	\item press \keystroke{Ctrl+Alt+L} to lock the screen. This keyboard shortcut can be changed in \menu{Dash \then Applications \then Keyboard Shortcuts}
+\subsection{User accounts}
+\section{Users and groups}
+When Ubuntu is installed, it is automatically configured for a single person to use. If more than one person will use the computer, each person should have his or her own user account. This way, each user can have separate settings, documents, and other files. If necessary, you can also protect files from being viewed or modified by users without administrative privileges.
+Like most operating systems, Ubuntu allows you to create separate user accounts for each person. Ubuntu also supports user groups, which allow you to administer permissions for multiple users at the same time.
+Every user in Ubuntu is a member of at least one group \dash at a bare minimum, the user of the computer has permissions in a group with the same name as the user. A user can also be a member of additional groups. You can configure some files and folders to be accessible only by a user and a group. By default, a user's files are only accessible by that user; system files are only accessible by the root user.
+%\screenshotTODO{Screenshoots of User and Groups window}
+\screenshot{06-user-group-settings.png}{ss:users-settings}{Add, remove and change the user accounts.}
+\subsection{Managing users}
+You can manage users and groups using the \application{Users and Groups} administration application. To find this application, click \menu{Session Indicator \then Systems and Settings \then User Accounts}.
+To adjust the user settings, first click the \button{Unlock} button and enter your password to unlock the user settings. Next, select the user that you want to modify from the list. Then click on the element that you want to change.
+\paragraph{Adding a user}
+Click the \button{+} button which appears underneath the list of the current user accounts that have already been created. A window will appear that has two fields. The \textfield{Name} field is for a friendly display name. The \textfield{Username} field is for the actual username. Fill in the requested information, then click \button{OK}. A new dialog box will appear asking you to enter a password for the user you have just created. Fill out the fields, then click \button{OK}. You can also click the \button{gears} button to generate a password. Privileges you grant to the new user can be altered in \window{Users Settings}.
+\paragraph{Modifying a user}
+Click on the name of a user in the list of users, then click on the text entry which appears next to each of following options:
+  \item Account type:
+  \item Password:
+  \item Automatic Login:
+\paragraph{Deleting a user}
+Select a user from the list and click \button{-}. Ubuntu will deactivate the user's account, and you can choose whether to remove the user's home folder or leave it in place. If a user is removed and the user's files remain, the only user that can access the files will be root or anyone associated with the file's group.
+\subsection{Managing groups}
+Group management is accomplished through the command line (Terminal) or by adding third-party applications that are beyond the scope of this manual. You will find more information in the subsection ``Using the command line'' below.
+\paragraph{Adding a group}
+To add a group, type \userinput{sudo addgroup groupname} and press \keystroke{Enter}, replacing \emph{groupname} with the name of the group you wish to add.
+\paragraph{Modifying a group}
+To alter the users in an existing group, type \userinput{sudo adduser username groupname} (adding a user) or \userinput{sudo deluser username groupname} (removing a user) and press \keystroke{Enter}, replacing \emph{username} and \emph{groupname} with the user and group name with which you're working.
+\paragraph{Deleting a group}
+To delete a group, type \userinput{sudo delgroup groupname} and press \keystroke{Enter}, replacing \emph{groupname} with the name of the group you wish to delete.
+\subsection{Applying groups to files and folders}
+\index{groups!files and folders}
+To change the group associated with a file or folder, open the \application{Nautilus} file browser and navigate to the appropriate file or folder. Then, either select the folder and choose \menu{File \then Properties} from the menubar, or right-click on the file or folder and select \menu{Properties}. In the Properties dialog window, click on the \tab{Permissions} tab and select the desired group from the \dropdown{Groups} drop-down list. Then close the window.
+\subsubsection{Using the command line}
+You can also modify user and group settings via the command line. We recommend that you use the graphical method above unless you have a good reason to use the command line. For more information on using the command line to modify users and groups, see the Ubuntu Server Guide at \href{https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/user-management.html}{https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/user-management.html}
+\section{System updates}
+\index{security!system updates}
+Good security happens with an up-to-date system. Ubuntu provides free software and security updates. You should apply these updates regularly. See \seclink{sec:updates-and-upgrades} to learn how to update your Ubuntu computer with the latest security updates and patches.
+\subsubsection{Trusting third party sources}
+Normally, you will add applications to your computer via the Ubuntu Software Center which downloads software from the Ubuntu repositories as described in \chaplink{ch:software-management}. However, it is occasionally necessary to add software from other sources. For example, you may need to do this when an application is not available in the Ubuntu repositories or when you need a newer version of the one available in the Ubuntu repositories.
+Additional repositories are available from sites such as \href{http://getdeb.net}{getdeb.net} and Launchpad \acronym{PPA}s which can be added as described in \seclink{sec:software-sources}. You can download the \acronym{deb} packages for some applications from their respective project sites on the Internet. Alternately, you can build applications from their source code (an advanced method of installing and using applications).
+Using only recognized sources such as a project's site, \acronym{PPA}, or various community repositories (such as \href{http://getdeb.net}{getdeb.net}) is more secure than downloading applications from an arbitrary (and perhaps less reputable) source. When using a third party source, consider its trustworthiness, and be sure you know exactly what you're installing on your computer.
+A firewall is an application that protects your computer against unauthorized access by people on the Internet or your local network. Firewalls block connections to your computer from unknown sources. This helps prevent security breaches.
+\application{Uncomplicated Firewall} (\acronym{UFW}) is the standard firewall configuration program in Ubuntu. It runs from the command line, but a program called \application{Gufw} allows you to use it with a graphical user interface \gls{GUI}. See \chaplink{ch:software-management} to learn more about installing the \application{Gufw} package.
+%To difficult to do due to quickshot user permissions luke jenings (ubuntujenkins)
+%\screenshotTODO{GUFW Window with Add service window}
+Once \application{Gufw} is installed, start \application{Gufw} by clicking \menu{Dash \then Applications \then Firewall configuration}. To enable the firewall, select the \checkbox{Enable} option. By default, all incoming connections are denied. This setting should be suitable for most users.
+If you are running server software on your Ubuntu system (such as a web server, or an \acronym{FTP} server), then you will need to open the ports these services use. If you are not familiar with servers, you will likely not need to open any additional ports.
+To open a port click on the \button{Add} button. For most purposes, the \tab{Preconfigured} tab is sufficient. Select \button{Allow} from the first box and then select the program or service required.
+The \tab{simple} tab can be used to allow access on a single port, and the \tab{Advanced} tab can be used to allow access on a range of ports.
+You may wish to protect your sensitive personal data \dash for instance, financial records \dash by encrypting it. Encrypting a file or folder essentially ``locks'' that file or folder by encoding it with an algorithm that keeps it scrambled until it is properly decoded with a password. Encrypting your personal data ensures that no one can open your personal folders or read your private data without your authorization through the use of a private key.
+Ubuntu includes a number of tools to encrypt files and folders. This chapter will discuss two of them. For further information on using encryption with either single files or email, see Ubuntu Community Help documents at \href{https://help.ubuntu.com/community}{https://help.ubuntu.com/community}. 
+\subsubsection{Home folder}
+When installing Ubuntu, it is possible to encrypt a user's home folder. See \chaplink{ch:installation} for more on encrypting the home folder.
+\subsubsection{Private folder}
+If you have not chosen to encrypt a user's entire home folder, it is possible to encrypt a single folder \dash called \filepath{Private} \dash in a user's home folder.
+To do this, follow these steps:
+	\item Install the \package{ecryptfs-utils} software package from the Ubuntu Software Center. (For more information about the Software Center, review \seclink{sec:software-center}.)
+	\item Use the terminal to run \commandlineapp{ecryptfs-setup-private} to set up the private folder.
+	\item Enter your account's password when prompted.
+	\item Either choose a mount passphrase or generate one.
+	\item Record both passphrases in a safe location. \emph{These are required if you ever have to recover your data manually.}
+	\item Log out and log back in to mount the encrypted folder.
+After the \filepath{Private} folder has been set up, any files or folders in it will automatically be encrypted.
+%If you need to recover your encrypted files manually see \href{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering Your Data Manually}{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory\#Recovering Your Data Manually}.
+%If you need to recover your encrypted files manually see \href{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering Your Data Manually}{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory}.
+%If you need to recover your encrypted files manually see \href{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory}{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory}.
+If you need to recover your encrypted files manually see \url{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory}.
+% The Arabic translation doesn't like # in urls.  I'm looking into the issue. In the meantime, I've shortened the URL a bit.  I'll restore it once I've fixed this bug. --godbyk 2010-03-06

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+% Colophon
+This book was typeset with \XeLaTeX.
+The book design is based on the Tufte-\LaTeX{} document classes available at \url{http://code.google.com/p/tufte-latex/}.
+The text face is Linux Libertine, designed by Philipp H. Poll.  It is an open font available at \url{http://linuxlibertine.sf.net/}.
+The captions and margin notes are set in Ubuntu, a font commissioned by Canonical and designed by Dalton Maag. It is freely available for download at \url{http://font.ubuntu.com/}.
+The terminal text and keystrokes are set in DejaVu Sans Mono (available at \url{http://dejavu-fonts.org/}), originally developed by Bitstream, Inc.\ as Bitstream Vera.
+The screenshots were captured using Quickshot, available at \url{http://ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot}.
+The cover and title page pictograms contain shapes taken from the Humanity icon set, available at \url{https://launchpad.net/humanity}.
+The title page and cover were designed using Inkscape, available at \url{http://inkscape.org/}.

=== added file 'backmatter/credits.tex'
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+++ backmatter/credits.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
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+This manual wouldn't have been possible without the efforts and contributions from the following people:
+\section*{Team leads}
+  \vspace{\topskip}%
+  \parindent0pt
+  \parskip0pt
+  \par Kevin Godby\dash Lead \TeX{}nician
+  \par John Xygonakis\dash Authors Coordinator \amp Translation Maintainer
+  \par Hannie Dumoleyn\dash Editors Coordinator \amp Translation Maintainer
+  \par Thorsten Wilms\dash Design
+  \par Adnane Belmadiaf\dash Web development
+\begin{credits}% Alphabetical Order Please
+  \item Herat Gandhi Amrish
+  \item Bryan Behrenshausen
+  \item Senthil Velan Bhooplan
+  \item Mario Burgos
+  \item Jim Connett
+  \item Sayantan Das
+  \item Che Dean
+  \item Patrick Dickey
+  \item Hannie Dumoleyn
+  \item Andrew Montag
+  \item Brian Peredo
+  \item Joel Pickett
+  \item Kev Quirk
+  \item Tom Swartz
+\begin{credits}% Alphabetical Order Please
+  \item Mario Burgos
+  \item Jim Connett
+  \item Hannie Dumoleyn
+  \item Scott Gwin
+  \item Paddy Landau
+  \item Vibhav Pant
+  \item Chris Woollard
+\begin{credits}% Alphabetical Order Please
+  \item Thorsten Wilms
+\begin{credits}% Alphabetical Order Please
+  \item Adnane Belmadiaf
+  \item Kevin Godby
+\section*{Translation editors}
+\begin{credits}% Alphabetical Order Please
+  \item Fran Diéguez (Galician)
+  \item Hannie Dumoleyn (Dutch)
+  \item Shazedur Rahim Joardar (Bengali)
+  \item Xuacu Saturio (Asturian)
+  \item Daniel Schury (German)
+  \item Shrinivasan (Tamil)
+  \item Chris Woollard (British English)
+  \item John Xygonakis (Greek)
+  % Leave out the Translators section for the US English edition (as it's not
+  % translated.
+  % Print the list of translators we get from Launchpad.  (I hope this magic
+  % works!)
+  \section*{Translators}%
+  \vspace{-1\baselineskip}%
+  \begin{translatorcredits}%
+  translation-credits
+  \end{translatorcredits}%
+%\section{Special thanks}
+%\begin{credits2}% Alphabetical Order Please
+%  \item Manualbot
+%  \item crocodoc.com
+\section*{Past contributors}
+\begin{credits2}% Alphabetical Order Please
+ \item Benjamin Humphrey (Project Founder)
+ \item Jim Connett (Author)
+ \item Will Kromer (Author)
+ \item Simon Lewis (Author)
+ \item Ryan Macnish (Author)
+ \item Mez Pahlan (Author)
+ \item Kartik Sulakhe (Author)
+ \item David Wales (Author)
+ \item Rick Fosburgh (Editor-in-Chief)

=== added file 'backmatter/glossary.tex'
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+% The glossary
+\printglossaries% TRANSLATORS: do not translate this line

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+++ backmatter/index.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% The index
+% see entries
+\index{Mac OS X@Mac~\smallcaps{OS~X}|see{MacBook}}
+\index{audio|see{sound \textit{and} music}}
+\index{FireWire|see{\smallcaps{IEEE} 1394}}
+\index{command line|see{terminal}}
+\index{start up|see{boot}}
+% seealso entries
+\printindex% Will automatically do \chapter{Index}

=== added file 'backmatter/license-cs.tex'
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+++ backmatter/license-cs.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+% License details
+% TODO format for LaTeX
+\chapter{Licenční ujednání}
+  \item Definice
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Pojem ``dílo'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání autorské dílo nebo jiný nehmotný statek chráněný autorským zákonem, pokud příslušný právní řád jeho ochranu též uznává. Autorskými díly mohou být mimo jiné díla literární, výtvarná, hudební, audiovizuální, vědecká, fotografie nebo počítačové programy. Jinými nehmotnými statky jsou zejména umělecké výkony výkonných umělců, zvukové nebo zvukově obrazové záznamy, televizní a rozhlasové vysílání. Za díla jsou považovány též databáze. Pojem ``Dílo'' popřípadě ``DÍLO'' označuje konkrétní dílo, ke kterému poskytovatel poskytuje nabyvateli licenci za podmínek uvedených v tomto ujednání.
+      \item Pojem ``souborné dílo'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání soubor nezávislých děl nebo jiných prvků, který je jako celek dílem, a do něhož je celé Dílo v nezměněné, tj. neupravené podobě zařazeno. Souborným dílem může být zejména časopis nebo jiné periodikum, sborník, encyklopedie, antologie, pásmo nebo výstava. Zařazení Díla do souborného díla se nepovažuje za jeho úpravu. Pokud je to výslovně uvedeno, považuje se za souborné dílo též soubor, který místo Díla obsahuje upravené Dílo.
+      \item Pojem ``upravené Dílo'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání výsledek jakékoliv úpravy Díla, kterou může být zejména zpracování Díla nebo zpracování Díla s jinými díly, doplnění Díla nebo jiné změny Díla. Upraveným Dílem může být mimo jiné jeho překlad, dramatizace, zhudebnění. Za upravené Dílo se považuje i jeho spojení s dalším dílem či prvky (např. užití hudebního díla jako doprovodu), ale ne jeho pouhé zařazení do souborného díla.
+      \item Pojem ``autor'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání osobu nebo osoby, které Dílo vytvořily.
+      \item Pojem ``poskytovatel'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání autora nebo jinou fyzickou nebo právnickou osobu, která je oprávněna poskytnout licenci k užití Díla za podmínek uvedených v tomto ujednání.
+      \item Pojem ``nabyvatel'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání fyzickou nebo právnickou osobu, která užívá Dílo v souladu s tímto ujednáním a která neporušila ve vztahu k Dílu podmínky tohoto ujednání, ledaže získala od poskytovatele výslovný souhlas vykonávat práva k Dílu na základě tohoto ujednání i přes předchozí porušení jeho podmínek.
+      \item Pojem ``rozmnožování'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání zhotovování rozmnoženin díla, a to jakýmikoli prostředky. Rozmnoženiny mohou být mimo jiné tiskové, fotografické, zvukové, obrazové, nebo zvukově-obrazové a mohou mít též elektronickou podobu, zahrnující vyjádření analogové i digitální. Rozmnožováním je též zhotovení rozmnoženiny nezbytné k zavedení, uložení, zobrazení, provoz a přenos počítačového programu a vytěžování obsahu databáze.
+      \item Pojem ``rozšiřování'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání zpřístupňování originálu díla nebo jeho rozmnoženiny v hmotné podobě prodejem nebo jiným převodem vlastnického práva. Za rozšiřování díla se považuje také jeho vystavování, pronájem a půjčování.
+      \item Pojem ``sdělování veřejnosti'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání zpřístupňování díla v nehmotné podobě. Sdělováním veřejnosti se mimo jiné rozumí veřejné provozování díla nebo jeho přenos, vysílání rozhlasem nebo televizí a zpřístupňování díla veřejnosti prostřednictvím počítačové nebo jiné sítě, a to způsobem, že kdokoli může mít k němu přístup na místě a v čase podle své volby. Sdělováním veřejnosti je též zužitkování obsahu databáze.
+      \item Pojem ``licenční prvky'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání charakteristické prvky této licence, které stanovil poskytovatel a které jsou vyjádřeny v jejím označení: ``Uveďte autora'' a ``Zachovejte licenci''.
+      \item Pojem ``licenční ujednání kompatibilní s Creative Commons'' označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání licenční ujednání uvedené na adrese http://creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses/, které Creative Commons uznala jako ve své podstatě ekvivalentní s tímto ujednáním, neboť splňuje minimálně následující kritéria:
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item obsahuje licenční podmínky, které mají stejný účel a stejné důsledky jako licenční prvky tohoto ujednání a
+          \item výslovně umožňuje poskytování upraveného díla za podmínek tohoto ujednání nebo licenčního ujednání Creative Commons Unported se shodnými licenčními prvky, popřípadě licenčního ujednání určeného pro právní řád jiného státu se shodnými licenčními prvky.
+        \end{enumerate}
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item Výjimky a omezení ochrany práv k Dílu
+Toto ujednání neomezuje, nezužuje ani jinak nelimituje volná užití Díla, užití Díla na základě zákonné licence, vyčerpání práv při prvním převodu vlastnictví k originálu nebo rozmnoženině Díla v hmotné podobě nebo jiná zákonná omezení práv k Dílu.
+  \item Poskytnutí licence
+Za podmínek stanovených tímto ujednáním poskytuje poskytovatel nabyvateli bezúplatnou, množstevně a místně neomezenou, nevýhradní a časově neomezenou (na celou dobu trvání práv k Dílu) licenci k Dílu:
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item oprávnění rozmnožovat Dílo, zahrnovat Dílo do souborných děl a jako součást souborných děl Dílo dále rozmnožovat,
+      \item oprávnění upravovat Dílo a upravené Dílo rozmnožovat, zařazovat do souborných děl a jako součást souborných děl dále rozmnožovat, pokud je z upraveného Díla nebo jeho označení zřejmé, že Dílo bylo změněno nebo jinak upraveno,
+      \item oprávnění Dílo samostatně nebo jako součást souborného díla rozšiřovat a sdělovat veřejnosti,
+      \item oprávnění rozšiřovat a sdělovat veřejnosti upravené Dílo.
+      \item Práva na odměnu za užití Díla podle tohoto ujednání jsou upravena následovně:
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item Tímto ujednáním nejsou dotčena práva na odměnu za užití Díla, která poskytovatel nemůže neuplatnit nebo se jich vzdát, zejména práva povinně kolektivně spravovaná.
+          \item Ve všech ostatních případech se poskytovatel zavazuje svá práva na odměnu za užití Díla podle tohoto ujednání neuplatnit nebo se jich tímto vzdává.
+        \end{enumerate}
+    \end{enumerate}
+Nabyvatel je oprávněn Dílo užívat výše uvedenými způsoby na všech nosičích a ve všech formátech, není-li takové užití omezeno zákonem. Oprávnění nabyvatele se vztahuje i na provádění technických úprav nezbytných k tomu, aby Dílo bylo dovoleným způsobem užito na jiném nosiči nebo v jiném formátu. Veškerá práva k Dílu, která nejsou výslovně poskytnuta touto licencí, zůstávají vyhrazena. Nabyvatel není povinen poskytnutou licenci využít.
+Je-li součástí poskytované licence i zvláštní právo pořizovatele k jím pořízené databázi, poskytovatel se takového práva k Dílu v celém rozsahu vzdává.
+  \item Omezení licence
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Nabyvatel je oprávněn rozšiřovat Dílo nebo ho sdělovat veřejnosti pouze za podmínek stanovených tímto ujednáním. Nabyvatel je při tom vždy povinen k Dílu připojit text tohoto ujednání nebo odkaz na něj ve formátu Uniform Resource Identifier (dále jen ``URI''). Nabyvatel není oprávněn omezovat užití Díla nad rámec stanovený tímto ujednáním. Nabyvatel není oprávněn poskytovat podlicenci k Dílu. Při rozšiřování Díla nebo jeho sdělování veřejnosti je nabyvatel povinen zachovat beze změny všechny odkazy na toto ujednání a případná ustanovení o odpovědnosti vztahující se k Dílu. Při rozšiřování Díla nebo jeho sdělování veřejnosti nesmí nabyvatel použít žádné technické prostředky ochrany, které by omezovaly oprávnění dalších osob v užití Díla v souladu s tímto ujednáním. Ustanovení tohoto čl. 4 písm. a) se vztahují na Dílo i tehdy, je-li zahrnuto do souborného díla. Licence poskytovaná podle tohoto ujednání se však nemusí vztahovat na souborné dílo jako celek nebo na jeho ostatní části. Pokud nabyvatel vytvoří souborné dílo je povinen na žádost poskytovatele odstranit ze souborného díla údaje uvedené v ustanovení čl. 4 písm. c), je-li to fakticky možné. Pokud nabyvatel vytvoří upravené Dílo je povinen na žádost poskytovatele odstranit z upraveného Díla údaje uvedené v ustanovení čl. 4 písm. c), je-li to fakticky možné.
+      \item Nabyvatel je oprávněn rozšiřovat nebo sdělovat veřejnosti upravené Dílo výhradně za podmínek:
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item tohoto licenčního ujednání,
+          \item pozdější verze tohoto licenčního ujednání se shodnými licenčními prvky,
+          \item verze 3.0 nebo vyšší licenčního ujednání Creative Commons určeného pro právní řád jiného státu, jež obsahuje shodné licenční prvky,
+          \item verze 3.0 nebo vyšší licenčního ujednání Creative Commons Unported se shodnými licenčními prvky, nebo
+          \item licenčního ujednání kompatibilního s Creative Commons.
+        \end{enumerate}
+Pokud nabyvatel poskytuje k upravenému Dílu licenci uvedenou v bodě (v), je povinen dodržovat podmínky této licence.
+Pokud nabyvatel poskytuje jednu z licencí uvedenou v bodě (i)–(iv) (dále jen ``dovolená licenční ujednání''), je povinen dodržovat podmínky takové licence, zejména: Je při rozšiřování upraveného Díla a jeho sdělování veřejnosti vždy povinen k upravenému Dílu připojit text dovoleného licenčního ujednání nebo odkaz na něj ve formátu URI. Není oprávněn omezovat užití upraveného Díla nad rámec stanovený tímto ujednáním. Při rozšiřování upraveného Díla nebo jeho sdělování veřejnosti je nabyvatel povinen zachovat beze změny všechny odkazy na dovolené ujednání a případná ustanovení o odpovědnosti. Při rozšiřování upraveného Díla nebo jeho sdělování veřejnosti nesmí použít žádné technické prostředky ochrany, které by omezovaly oprávnění dalších osob v užití upraveného Díla v souladu s dovoleným licenčním ujednáním. Ustanovení tohoto čl. 4 písm. b) se vztahují na upravené Dílo i tehdy, je-li zahrnuto do souborného díla. Licence poskytovaná podle dovoleného licenčního ujednání se však nemusí vztahovat na takové souborné dílo jako celek nebo na jeho ostatní části.
+      \item Při rozšiřování Díla, upraveného Díla nebo souborného díla nebo při jejich sdělování veřejnosti je nabyvatel povinen, pokud nebyl v souladu s ustanovením čl. 4 písm. a) požádán o opak, připojit beze změny všechny copyrightové doložky a je povinen způsobem odpovídajícím danému nosiči a v přiměřené formě uvést následující údaje, pokud existují a jsou mu známy:
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item jméno případně pseudonym autora nebo jména či označení jiných osob, které autor nebo poskytovatel uvedl v copyrightové doložce k Dílu, v podmínkách užití Díla nebo které označil jiným přiměřeným způsobem (dále jen ``uvedené osoby''), pozdější verze tohoto licenčního ujednání se shodnými licenčními prvky,
+          \item název Díla,
+          \item odkaz ve formátu URI, který poskytovatel k Dílu připojil, pokud odkazuje na copyrightovou doložku k Dílu nebo na licenční podmínky a
+          \item pokud se jedná o upravené Dílo, též údaje o Díle a o způsobu, kterým bylo upraveno, v souladu s ustanovením čl. 3 písm. b).
+        \end{enumerate}
+Údaje uvedené v ustanovení tohoto čl. 4 písm. c) má nabyvatel povinnost uvést jakýmkoli přiměřeným způsobem. V případě upraveného Díla nebo souborného díla se považuje za přiměřené, aby údaje vztahující se k Dílu byly uvedeny spolu s obdobnými údaji o ostatních dílech, která byla zahrnuta do souborného díla nebo využita při vzniku upraveného Díla, a to způsobem nesnižujícím jejich hodnotu ve srovnání s obdobnými údaji o ostatních uvedených dílech a ostatních uvedených osobách. Údaje uvedené v ustanovení tohoto čl. 4 písm. c) je nabyvatel oprávněn použít pouze pro označení Díla v souvislosti s užitím Díla v souladu s tímto ujednáním. Bez předchozího písemného souhlasu uvedených osob není nabyvatel oprávněn uvádět údaje o Díle způsobem, který by přímo či nepřímo vyvolal dojem účasti nebo jiné formy podpory ze strany uvedených osob.
+      \item Omezení uvedená v čl. 4 písm. a) až c) se nevztahují na ty části Díla, na které se vztahuje definice díla uvedená v čl. 1 písm. a) pouze z důvodu ochrany zvláštních práv pořizovatele databáze.
+      \item Tímto ujednáním nejsou dotčena osobnostní práva autora, pokud příslušný právní řád jejich ochranu uznává. Zejména si nikdo nesmí osobovat autorství k Dílu a Dílo smí být užito jen způsobem nesnižujícím jeho hodnotu. Za zásah do osobnostních práv autora se nepovažuje jednání v souladu s podmínkami stanovenými tímto ujednáním.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item Odpovědnost za vady
+  \item Odpovědnost za škodu
+  \item Ukončení licence
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Nabyvateli zaniká licence k Dílu podle tohoto ujednání okamžikem, kdy nabyvatel poruší podmínky tohoto ujednání. Tím nejsou dotčeny licence k upravenému Dílu nebo soubornému dílu, které nabyvatel poskytl nebo poskytne v souladu s tímto ujednáním dalším osobám, pokud tyto osoby podmínky příslušné licence dodržují. Články 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 a 8 tohoto ujednání zůstávají v účinnosti i po zániku oprávnění k užití Díla podle tohoto odstavce.
+      \item Nedojde-li k zániku licence k Dílu podle odstavce a), je licence k Dílu časově neomezená (na celou dobu trvání práv k Dílu). Poskytovatel je oprávněn současně poskytovat k Dílu jiné licence nebo může přestat Dílo šířit, pokud tím nebude dotčena licence k Dílu poskytnutá nabyvateli ani další licence poskytnuté v souladu s tímto ujednáním, a pokud zůstane, vyjma případu uvedeného v předchozím odstavci, v plném rozsahu platná a účinná licence, kterou poskytovatel nabyvateli na základě tohoto ujednání poskytl.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item Závěrečná ustanovení
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Když nabyvatel rozšiřuje nebo sděluje veřejnosti Dílo nebo souborné dílo, poskytuje licenci k Dílu dalším osobám přímo poskytovatel, a to za stejných podmínek a ve stejném rozsahu, v jakém získal licenci k Dílu nabyvatel na základě tohoto ujednání.
+      \item Když nabyvatel rozšiřuje nebo sděluje veřejnosti upravené Dílo, poskytuje licenci k Dílu dalším osobám přímo poskytovatel, a to za stejných podmínek a ve stejném rozsahu, v jakém získal licenci k Dílu nabyvatel na základě tohoto ujednání.
+      \item Pokud se některé ustanovení tohoto ujednání stane neplatným nebo neúčinným, nemá tato neplatnost nebo neúčinnost vliv na platnost a účinnost zbývajících ustanovení.
+      \item Bez písemného souhlasu druhé smluvní strany není smluvní strana oprávněna vyloučit nebo změnit žádné ustanovení tohoto ujednání.
+      \item Smluvní strany prohlašují, že toto ujednání tvoří úplnou dohodu o podmínkách poskytnutí licence k Dílu. Toto ujednání lze měnit pouze písemnou dohodou smluvních stran.
+      \item Pokud se smluvní strany nedohodnou jinak, řídí se právní vztahy podle tohoto ujednání právem České republiky.
+    \end{enumerate}
+\section{Upozornění Creative Commons}
+Creative Commons není stranou licenční smlouvy a neposkytuje k Dílu žádné záruky. Creative Commos v žádném případě neodpovídá nabyvateli nebo třetím osobám za škodu nebo jinou újmu, kterou utrpěli v souvislosti s tímto ujednáním. Předchozí dvě věty se nevztahují na případ, kdy Creative Commons sebe jako poskytovatele podle tohoto ujednání výslovně uvede.
+Ochrannou známku ``Creative Commons'' a jiné ochranné známky nebo loga Creative Commons je možné použít pouze pro potřeby označení, že Dílo je poskytováno veřejnosti pod licencí CCPL. Jakékoli jiné užití ochranné známky ``Creative Commons'' nebo jiné ochranné známky nebo loga Creative Commons vyžaduje předchozí písemný souhlas Creative Commons. Jejich užití se řídí aktuálním zněním pokynů pro užívání ochranných známek Creative Commons, které je k dispozici na internetových stránkách Creative Commons nebo na vyžádání. Uvedená pravidla pro užití ochranných známek nejsou součástí této licence.
+Creative Commons je možno kontaktovat na adrese http://creativecommons.org/.

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+% License details
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+  \item \label{item:1} \textbf{Definitionen}
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Der Begriff \textbf{``Abwandlung''} im Sinne dieser Lizenz bezeichnet das Ergebnis jeglicher Art von Veränderung des Schutzgegenstandes, solange die eigenpersönlichen Züge des Schutzgegenstandes darin nicht verblassen und daran eigene Schutzrechte entstehen. Das kann insbesondere eine Bearbeitung, Umgestaltung, Änderung, Anpassung, Übersetzung oder Heranziehung des Schutzgegenstandes zur Vertonung von Laufbildern sein. Nicht als Abwandlung des Schutzgegenstandes gelten seine Aufnahme in eine Sammlung oder ein Sammelwerk und die freie Benutzung des Schutzgegenstandes.
+      \item Der Begriff \textbf{``Sammelwerk''} im Sinne dieser Lizenz meint eine Zusammenstellung von literarischen, künstlerischen oder wissenschaftlichen Inhalten, sofern diese Zusammenstellung aufgrund von Auswahl und Anordnung der darin enthaltenen selbständigen Elemente eine geistige Schöpfung darstellt, unabhängig davon, ob die Elemente systematisch oder methodisch angelegt und dadurch einzeln zugänglich sind oder nicht.
+      \item \textbf{``Mit Creative Commons kompatible Lizenz''} bezeichnet eine Lizenz, die unter \url{http://creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses} aufgelistet ist und die durch Creative Commons als grundsätzlich zur vorliegenden Lizenz äquivalent akzeptiert wurde, da zumindest folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind:
+Diese mit Creative Commons kompatible Lizenz
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item enthält Bestimmungen, welche die gleichen Ziele verfolgen, die gleiche Bedeutung haben und die gleichen Wirkungen erzeugen wie die Lizenzelemente der vorliegenden Lizenz; und
+          \item erlaubt ausdrücklich das Lizenzieren von ihr unterstellten Abwandlungen unter vorliegender Lizenz, unter einer anderen rechtsordnungsspezifisch angepassten Creative-Commons-Lizenz mit denselben Lizenzelementen, wie sie die vorliegende Lizenz aufweist, oder unter der entsprechenden Creative-Commons-Unported-Lizenz.
+        \end{enumerate}
+      \item \textbf{``Verbreiten''} im Sinne dieser Lizenz bedeutet, den Schutzgegenstand oder Abwandlungen im Original oder in Form von Vervielfältigungsstücken, mithin in körperlich fixierter Form der Öffentlichkeit anzubieten oder in Verkehr zu bringen.
+      \item Unter \textbf{``Lizenzelementen''} werden im Sinne dieser Lizenz die folgenden übergeordneten Lizenzcharakteristika verstanden, die vom Lizenzgeber ausgewählt wurden und in der Bezeichnung der Lizenz zum Ausdruck kommen: ``Namensnennung'', ``Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen''.
+      \item Der \textbf{``Lizenzgeber''} im Sinne dieser Lizenz ist diejenige natürliche oder juristische Person oder Gruppe, die den Schutzgegenstand unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz anbietet und insoweit als Rechteinhaberin auftritt.
+      \item \textbf{``Rechteinhaber''} im Sinne dieser Lizenz ist der Urheber des Schutzgegenstandes oder jede andere natürliche oder juristische Person oder Gruppe von Personen, die am Schutzgegenstand ein Immaterialgüterrecht erlangt hat, welches die in Abschnitt \ref{item:3} genannten Handlungen erfasst und bei dem eine Einräumung von Nutzungsrechten oder eine Weiterübertragung an Dritte möglich ist.
+      \item Der Begriff \textbf{``Schutzgegenstand''} bezeichnet in dieser Lizenz den literarischen, künstlerischen oder wissenschaftlichen Inhalt, der unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz angeboten wird. Das kann insbesondere eine persönliche geistige Schöpfung jeglicher Art, ein Werk der kleinen Münze, ein nachgelassenes Werk oder auch ein Lichtbild oder anderes Objekt eines verwandten Schutzrechts sein, unabhängig von der Art seiner Fixierung und unabhängig davon, auf welche Weise jeweils eine Wahrnehmung erfolgen kann, gleichviel ob in analoger oder digitaler Form. Soweit Datenbanken oder Zusammenstellungen von Daten einen immaterialgüterrechtlichen Schutz eigener Art genießen, unterfallen auch sie dem Begriff ``Schutzgegenstand'' im Sinne dieser Lizenz.
+      \item Mit \textbf{``Sie''} bzw. \textbf{``Ihnen''} ist die natürliche oder juristische Person gemeint, die in dieser Lizenz im Abschnitt \ref{item:3} genannte Nutzungen des Schutzgegenstandes vornimmt und zuvor in Hinblick auf den Schutzgegenstand nicht gegen Bedingungen dieser Lizenz verstoßen oder aber die ausdrückliche Erlaubnis des Lizenzgebers erhalten hat, die durch diese Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte trotz eines vorherigen Verstoßes auszuüben.
+      \item Unter \textbf{``Öffentlich Zeigen''} im Sinne dieser Lizenz sind Veröffentlichungen und Präsentationen des Schutzgegenstandes zu verstehen, die für eine Mehrzahl von Mitgliedern der Öffentlichkeit bestimmt sind und in unkörperlicher Form mittels öffentlicher Wiedergabe in Form von Vortrag, Aufführung, Vorführung, Darbietung, Sendung, Weitersendung, zeit- und ortsunabhängiger Zugänglichmachung oder in körperlicher Form mittels Ausstellung erfolgen, unabhängig von bestimmten Veranstaltungen und unabhängig von den zum Einsatz kommenden Techniken und Verfahren, einschließlich drahtgebundener oder drahtloser Mittel und Einstellen in das Internet.
+      \item \textbf{``Vervielfältigen''} im Sinne dieser Lizenz bedeutet, mittels beliebiger Verfahren Vervielfältigungsstücke des Schutzgegenstandes herzustellen, insbesondere durch Ton- oder Bildaufzeichnungen, und umfasst auch den Vorgang, erstmals körperliche Fixierungen des Schutzgegenstandes sowie Vervielfältigungsstücke dieser Fixierungen anzufertigen, sowie die Übertragung des Schutzgegenstandes auf einen Bild- oder Tonträger oder auf ein anderes elektronisches Medium, gleichviel ob in digitaler oder analoger Form.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item \label{item:2} \textbf{Schranken des Immaterialgüterrechts}
+Diese Lizenz ist in keiner Weise darauf gerichtet, Befugnisse zur Nutzung des Schutzgegenstandes zu vermindern, zu beschränken oder zu vereiteln, die Ihnen aufgrund der Schranken des Urheberrechts oder anderer Rechtsnormen bereits ohne Weiteres zustehen oder sich aus dem Fehlen eines immaterialgüterrechtlichen Schutzes ergeben.
+  \item \label{item:3} \textbf{Einräumung von Nutzungsrechten}
+Unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz räumt Ihnen der Lizenzgeber - unbeschadet unverzichtbarer Rechte und vorbehaltlich des Abschnitts \ref{item:3.e} - das vergütungsfreie, räumlich und zeitlich (für die Dauer des Schutzrechts am Schutzgegenstand) unbeschränkte einfache Recht ein, den Schutzgegenstand auf die folgenden Arten und Weisen zu nutzen (``unentgeltlich eingeräumtes einfaches Nutzungsrecht für jedermann''):
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Den Schutzgegenstand in beliebiger Form und Menge zu vervielfältigen, ihn in Sammelwerke zu integrieren und ihn als Teil solcher Sammelwerke zu vervielfältigen;
+      \item \label{item:3.b} Abwandlungen des Schutzgegenstandes anzufertigen, einschließlich Übersetzungen unter Nutzung jedweder Medien, sofern deutlich erkennbar gemacht wird, dass es sich um Abwandlungen handelt;
+      \item den Schutzgegenstand, allein oder in Sammelwerke aufgenommen, öffentlich zu zeigen und zu verbreiten;
+      \item Abwandlungen des Schutzgegenstandes zu veröffentlichen, öffentlich zu zeigen und zu verbreiten.
+      \item \label{item:3.e} Bezüglich Vergütung für die Nutzung des Schutzgegenstandes gilt Folgendes:
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item \textbf{Unverzichtbare gesetzliche Vergütungsansprüche}: Soweit unverzichtbare Vergütungsansprüche im Gegenzug für gesetzliche Lizenzen vorgesehen oder Pauschalabgabensysteme (zum Beispiel für Leermedien) vorhanden sind, behält sich der Lizenzgeber das ausschließliche Recht vor, die entsprechende Vergütung einzuziehen für jede Ausübung eines Rechts aus dieser Lizenz durch Sie.
+          \item \textbf{Vergütung bei Zwangslizenzen}: Sofern Zwangslizenzen außerhalb dieser Lizenz vorgesehen sind und zustande kommen, verzichtet der Lizenzgeber für alle Fälle einer lizenzgerechten Nutzung des Schutzgegenstandes durch Sie auf jegliche Vergütung.
+          \item \textbf{Vergütung in sonstigen Fällen}: Bezüglich lizenzgerechter Nutzung des Schutzgegenstandes durch Sie, die nicht unter die beiden vorherigen Abschnitte (i) und (ii) fällt, verzichtet der Lizenzgeber auf jegliche Vergütung, unabhängig davon, ob eine Einziehung der Vergütung durch ihn selbst oder nur durch eine Verwertungsgesellschaft möglich wäre.
+        \end{enumerate}   
+Das vorgenannte Nutzungsrecht wird für alle bekannten sowie für alle noch nicht bekannten Nutzungsarten eingeräumt. Es beinhaltet auch das Recht, solche Änderungen am Schutzgegenstand vorzunehmen, die für bestimmte nach dieser Lizenz zulässige Nutzungen technisch erforderlich sind. Alle sonstigen Rechte, die über diesen Abschnitt hinaus nicht ausdrücklich durch den Lizenzgeber eingeräumt werden, bleiben diesem allein vorbehalten. Soweit Datenbanken oder Zusammenstellungen von Daten Schutzgegenstand dieser Lizenz oder Teil dessen sind und einen immaterialgüterrechtlichen Schutz eigener Art genießen, verzichtet der Lizenzgeber auf sämtliche aus diesem Schutz resultierenden Rechte.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item \label{item:4} \textbf{Bedingungen}
+Die Einräumung des Nutzungsrechts gemäß Abschnitt \ref{item:3} dieser Lizenz erfolgt ausdrücklich nur unter den folgenden Bedingungen:
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item \label{item:4.a} Sie dürfen den Schutzgegenstand ausschließlich unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen. Sie müssen dabei stets eine Kopie dieser Lizenz oder deren vollständige Internetadresse in Form des Uniform-Resource-Identifier (URI) beifügen. Sie dürfen keine Vertrags- oder Nutzungsbedingungen anbieten oder fordern, die die Bedingungen dieser Lizenz oder die durch diese Lizenz gewährten Rechte beschränken. Sie dürfen den Schutzgegenstand nicht unterlizenzieren. Bei jeder Kopie des Schutzgegenstandes, die Sie verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen, müssen Sie alle Hinweise unverändert lassen, die auf diese Lizenz und den Haftungsausschluss hinweisen. Wenn Sie den Schutzgegenstand verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen, dürfen Sie (in Bezug auf den Schutzgegenstand) keine technischen Maßnahmen ergreifen, die den Nutzer des Schutzgegenstandes in der Ausübung der ihm durch diese Lizenz gewährten Rechte behindern können. Dieser Abschnitt \ref{item:4.a} gilt auch für den Fall, dass der Schutzgegenstand einen Bestandteil eines Sammelwerkes bildet, was jedoch nicht bedeutet, dass das Sammelwerk insgesamt dieser Lizenz unterstellt werden muss. Sofern Sie ein Sammelwerk erstellen, müssen Sie auf die Mitteilung eines Lizenzgebers hin aus dem Sammelwerk die in Abschnitt \ref{item:4.c} aufgezählten Hinweise entfernen. Wenn Sie eine Abwandlung vornehmen, müssen Sie auf die Mitteilung eines Lizenzgebers hin von der Abwandlung die in Abschnitt \ref{item:4.c} aufgezählten Hinweise entfernen.
+      \item \label{item:4.b} Sie dürfen eine Abwandlung ausschließlich unter den Bedingungen
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item \label{item:4.b.i} dieser Lizenz,
+          \item einer späteren Version dieser Lizenz mit denselben Lizenzelementen,
+          \item einer rechtsordnungsspezifischen Creative-Commons-Lizenz mit denselben Lizenzelementen ab Version 3.0 aufwärts (z.B. Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 US),
+	  \item \label{item:4.b.iv} der Creative-Commons-Unported-Lizenz mit denselben Lizenzelementen ab Version 3.0 aufwärts, oder
+          \item \label{item:4.b.v} einer mit Creative Commons kompatiblen Lizenz verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen.
+        \end{enumerate}
+Falls Sie die Abwandlung gemäß Abschnitt \ref{item:4.b.v} unter einer mit Creative Commons kompatiblen Lizenz lizenzieren, müssen Sie deren Lizenzbestimmungen Folge leisten.
+Falls Sie die Abwandlungen unter einer der unter \ref{item:4.b.i}-\ref{item:4.b.iv} genannten Lizenzen (``Verwendbare Lizenzen'') lizenzieren, müssen Sie deren Lizenzbestimmungen sowie folgenden Bestimmungen Folge leisten: Sie müssen stets eine Kopie der verwendbaren Lizenz oder deren vollständige Internetadresse in Form des Uniform-Resource-Identifier (URI) beifügen, wenn Sie die Abwandlung verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen. Sie dürfen keine Vertrags- oder Nutzungsbedingungen anbieten oder fordern, die die Bedingungen der verwendbaren Lizenz oder die durch sie gewährten Rechte beschränken. Bei jeder Abwandlung, die Sie verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen, müssen Sie alle Hinweise auf die verwendbare Lizenz und den Haftungsausschluss unverändert lassen. Wenn Sie die Abwandlung verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen, dürfen Sie (in Bezug auf die Abwandlung) keine technischen Maßnahmen ergreifen, die den Nutzer der Abwandlung in der Ausübung der ihm durch die verwendbare Lizenz gewährten Rechte behindern können. Dieser Abschnitt \ref{item:4.b} gilt auch für den Fall, dass die Abwandlung einen Bestandteil eines Sammelwerkes bildet, was jedoch nicht bedeutet, dass das Sammelwerk insgesamt der verwendbaren Lizenz unterstellt werden muss. 
+      \item \label{item:4.c} Die Verbreitung und das öffentliche Zeigen des Schutzgegenstandes oder auf ihm aufbauender Abwandlungen oder ihn enthaltender Sammelwerke ist Ihnen nur unter der Bedingung gestattet, dass Sie, vorbehaltlich etwaiger Mitteilungen im Sinne von Abschnitt \ref{item:4.a}, alle dazu gehörenden Rechtevermerke unberührt lassen. Sie sind verpflichtet, die Rechteinhaberschaft in einer der Nutzung entsprechenden, angemessenen Form anzuerkennen, indem Sie - soweit bekannt - Folgendes angeben:
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item Den Namen (oder das Pseudonym, falls ein solches verwendet wird) des Rechteinhabers und\/oder, falls der Lizenzgeber im Rechtevermerk, in den Nutzungsbedingungen oder auf andere angemessene Weise eine Zuschreibung an Dritte vorgenommen hat (z.B. an eine Stiftung, ein Verlagshaus oder eine Zeitung) (``Zuschreibungsempfänger''), Namen bzw. Bezeichnung dieses oder dieser Dritten;
+          \item den Titel des Inhaltes;
+          \item in einer praktikablen Form den Uniform-Resource-Identifier (URI, z.B. Internetadresse), den der Lizenzgeber zum Schutzgegenstand angegeben hat, es sei denn, dieser URI verweist nicht auf den Rechtevermerk oder die Lizenzinformationen zum Schutzgegenstand;
+          \item und im Falle einer Abwandlung des Schutzgegenstandes in Übereinstimmung mit Abschnitt \ref{item:3.b} einen Hinweis darauf, dass es sich um eine Abwandlung handelt.
+        \end{enumerate}
+Die nach diesem Abschnitt \ref{item:4.c} erforderlichen Angaben können in jeder angemessenen Form gemacht werden; im Falle einer Abwandlung des Schutzgegenstandes oder eines Sammelwerkes müssen diese Angaben das Minimum darstellen und bei gemeinsamer Nennung mehrerer Rechteinhaber dergestalt erfolgen, dass sie zumindest ebenso hervorgehoben sind wie die Hinweise auf die übrigen Rechteinhaber. Die Angaben nach diesem Abschnitt dürfen Sie ausschließlich zur Angabe der Rechteinhaberschaft in der oben bezeichneten Weise verwenden. Durch die Ausübung Ihrer Rechte aus dieser Lizenz dürfen Sie ohne eine vorherige, separat und schriftlich vorliegende Zustimmung des Lizenzgebers und / oder des Zuschreibungsempfängers weder explizit noch implizit irgendeine Verbindung zum Lizenzgeber oder Zuschreibungsempfänger und ebenso wenig eine Unterstützung oder Billigung durch ihn andeuten.
+      \item Die oben unter \ref{item:4.a} bis \ref{item:4.c} genannten Einschränkungen gelten nicht für solche Teile des Schutzgegenstandes, die allein deshalb unter den Schutzgegenstandsbegriff fallen, weil sie als Datenbanken oder Zusammenstellungen von Daten einen immaterialgüterrechtlichen Schutz eigener Art genießen.
+      \item Persönlichkeitsrechte bleiben - soweit sie bestehen - von dieser Lizenz unberührt.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item \label{item:5} \textbf{Gewährleistung}
+  \item \label{item:6} \textbf{Haftungsbeschränkung}
+  \item \label{item:7} \textbf{Erlöschen}
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Diese Lizenz und die durch sie eingeräumten Nutzungsrechte erlöschen mit Wirkung für die Zukunft im Falle eines Verstoßes gegen die Lizenzbedingungen durch Sie, ohne dass es dazu der Kenntnis des Lizenzgebers vom Verstoß oder einer weiteren Handlung einer der Vertragsparteien bedarf. Mit natürlichen oder juristischen Personen, die Abwandlungen des Schutzgegenstandes oder diesen enthaltende Sammelwerke unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz von Ihnen erhalten haben, bestehen nachträglich entstandene Lizenzbeziehungen jedoch solange weiter, wie die genannten Personen sich ihrerseits an sämtliche Lizenzbedingungen halten. Darüber hinaus gelten die Ziffern \ref{item:1}, \ref{item:2}, \ref{item:5}, \ref{item:6}, \ref{item:7}, und \ref{item:8} auch nach einem Erlöschen dieser Lizenz fort.
+      \item Vorbehaltlich der oben genannten Bedingungen gilt diese Lizenz unbefristet bis der rechtliche Schutz für den Schutzgegenstand ausläuft. Davon abgesehen behält der Lizenzgeber das Recht, den Schutzgegenstand unter anderen Lizenzbedingungen anzubieten oder die eigene Weitergabe des Schutzgegenstandes jederzeit einzustellen, solange die Ausübung dieses Rechts nicht einer Kündigung oder einem Widerruf dieser Lizenz (oder irgendeiner Weiterlizenzierung, die auf Grundlage dieser Lizenz bereits erfolgt ist bzw. zukünftig noch erfolgen muss) dient und diese Lizenz unter Berücksichtigung der oben zum Erlöschen genannten Bedingungen vollumfänglich wirksam bleibt.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item \label{item:8} \textbf{Sonstige Bestimmungen}
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item \label{item:8.a} Jedes Mal wenn Sie den Schutzgegenstand für sich genommen oder als Teil eines Sammelwerkes verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen, bietet der Lizenzgeber dem Empfänger eine Lizenz zu den gleichen Bedingungen und im gleichen Umfang an, wie Ihnen in Form dieser Lizenz.
+      \item \label{item:8.b} Jedes Mal wenn Sie eine Abwandlung des Schutzgegenstandes verbreiten oder öffentlich zeigen, bietet der Lizenzgeber dem Empfänger eine Lizenz am ursprünglichen Schutzgegenstand zu den gleichen Bedingungen und im gleichen Umfang an, wie Ihnen in Form dieser Lizenz.
+      \item Sollte eine Bestimmung dieser Lizenz unwirksam sein, so bleibt davon die Wirksamkeit der Lizenz im Übrigen unberührt.
+      \item Keine Bestimmung dieser Lizenz soll als abbedungen und kein Verstoß gegen sie als zulässig gelten, solange die von dem Verzicht oder von dem Verstoß betroffene Seite nicht schriftlich zugestimmt hat.
+      \item Diese Lizenz (zusammen mit in ihr ausdrücklich vorgesehenen Erlaubnissen, Mitteilungen und Zustimmungen, soweit diese tatsächlich vorliegen) stellt die vollständige Vereinbarung zwischen dem Lizenzgeber und Ihnen in Bezug auf den Schutzgegenstand dar. Es bestehen keine Abreden, Vereinbarungen oder Erklärungen in Bezug auf den Schutzgegenstand, die in dieser Lizenz nicht genannt sind. Rechtsgeschäftliche Änderungen des Verhältnisses zwischen dem Lizenzgeber und Ihnen sind nur über Modifikationen dieser Lizenz möglich. Der Lizenzgeber ist an etwaige zusätzliche, einseitig durch Sie übermittelte Bestimmungen nicht gebunden. Diese Lizenz kann nur durch schriftliche Vereinbarung zwischen Ihnen und dem Lizenzgeber modifiziert werden. Derlei Modifikationen wirken ausschließlich zwischen dem Lizenzgeber und Ihnen und wirken sich nicht auf die Dritten gemäß Ziffern \ref{item:8.a} und \ref{item:8.b} angeboteten Lizenzen aus.
+      \item Sofern zwischen Ihnen und dem Lizenzgeber keine anderweitige Vereinbarung getroffen wurde und soweit Wahlfreiheit besteht, findet auf diesen Lizenzvertrag das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Anwendung.
+    \end{enumerate}
+\section{Creative Commons Notice}
+Creative Commons ist nicht Partei dieser Lizenz und übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr oder dergleichen in Bezug auf den Schutzgegenstand. Creative Commons haftet Ihnen oder einer anderen Partei unter keinem rechtlichen Gesichtspunkt für irgendwelche Schäden, die - abstrakt oder konkret, zufällig oder vorhersehbar - im Zusammenhang mit dieser Lizenz entstehen. Unbeschadet der vorangegangen beiden Sätze, hat Creative Commons alle Rechte und Pflichten eines Lizenzgebers, wenn es sich ausdrücklich als Lizenzgeber im Sinne dieser Lizenz bezeichnet.
+Creative Commons gewährt den Parteien nur insoweit das Recht, das Logo und die Marke ``Creative Commons'' zu nutzen, als dies notwendig ist, um der Öffentlichkeit gegenüber kenntlich zu machen, dass der Schutzgegenstand unter einer CCPL steht. Ein darüber hinaus gehender Gebrauch der Marke ``Creative Commons'' oder einer verwandten Marke oder eines verwandten Logos bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung von Creative Commons. Jeder erlaubte Gebrauch richtet sich nach der Creative Commons Marken-Nutzungs-Richtlinie in der jeweils aktuellen Fassung, die von Zeit zu Zeit auf der Website veröffentlicht oder auf andere Weise auf Anfrage zugänglich gemacht wird. Zur Klarstellung: Die genannten Einschränkungen der Markennutzung sind nicht Bestandteil dieser Lizenz.
+Creative Commons kann kontaktiert werden über \url{http://creativecommons.org/}.

=== added file 'backmatter/license-en.tex'
--- backmatter/license-en.tex	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ backmatter/license-en.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+% License details
+% TRANSLATORS: Before translating this to your language, see if there's an existing translation on the Creative Commons website.
+\begin{english}[variant=american]% TRANSLATORS: Remove this line
+\section{Creative Commons Attribution--ShareAlike 3.0 Legal Code}
+  \item\label{cc:definitions} Definitions
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item\label{cc:adaptation} ``Adaptation'' means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or artistic work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from the original, except that a work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image (``synching'') will be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License.
+      \item\label{cc:collection} ``Collection'' means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopedias and anthologies, or performances, phonograms or broadcasts, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(f) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation (as defined below) for the purposes of this License.
+      \item\label{cc:cc-compatible-license} ``Creative Commons Compatible License'' means a license that is listed at \url{http://creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses} that has been approved by Creative Commons as being essentially equivalent to this License, including, at a minimum, because that license: (i) contains terms that have the same purpose, meaning and effect as the License Elements of this License; and, (ii) explicitly permits the relicensing of adaptations of works made available under that license under this License or a Creative Commons jurisdiction license with the same License Elements as this License.
+      \item\label{cc:distribute} ``Distribute'' means to make available to the public the original and copies of the Work or Adaptation, as appropriate, through sale or other transfer of ownership.
+      \item\label{cc:license-elements} ``License Elements'' means the following high-level license attributes as selected by Licensor and indicated in the title of this License: Attribution, ShareAlike.
+      \item\label{cc:licensor} ``Licensor'' means the individual, individuals, entity or entities that offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License.
+      \item\label{cc:original-author} ``Original Author'' means, in the case of a literary or artistic work, the individual, individuals, entity or entities who created the Work or if no individual or entity can be identified, the publisher; and in addition (i) in the case of a performance the actors, singers, musicians, dancers, and other persons who act, sing, deliver, declaim, play in, interpret or otherwise perform literary or artistic works or expressions of folklore; (ii) in the case of a phonogram the producer being the person or legal entity who first fixes the sounds of a performance or other sounds; and, (iii) in the case of broadcasts, the organization that transmits the broadcast.
+      \item\label{cc:work} ``Work'' means the literary and/or artistic work offered under the terms of this License including without limitation any production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression including digital form, such as a book, pamphlet and other writing; a lecture, address, sermon or other work of the same nature; a dramatic or dramatico-musical work; a choreographic work or entertainment in dumb show; a musical composition with or without words; a cinematographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to cinematography; a work of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving or lithography; a photographic work to which are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to photography; a work of applied art; an illustration, map, plan, sketch or three-dimensional work relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; a performance; a broadcast; a phonogram; a compilation of data to the extent it is protected as a copyrightable work; or a work performed by a variety or circus performer to the extent it is not otherwise considered a literary or artistic work.
+      \item\label{cc:you} ``You'' means an individual or entity exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.
+      \item\label{cc-publicly-perform} ``Publicly Perform'' means to perform public recitations of the Work and to communicate to the public those public recitations, by any means or process, including by wire or wireless means or public digital performances; to make available to the public Works in such a way that members of the public may access these Works from a place and at a place individually chosen by them; to perform the Work to the public by any means or process and the communication to the public of the performances of the Work, including by public digital performance; to broadcast and rebroadcast the Work by any means including signs, sounds or images.
+      \item\label{cc:reproduce} ``Reproduce'' means to make copies of the Work by any means including without limitation by sound or visual recordings and the right of fixation and reproducing fixations of the Work, including storage of a protected performance or phonogram in digital form or other electronic medium.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item\label{cc:fair-dealing-rights} Fair Dealing Rights. Nothing in this License is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any uses free from copyright or rights arising from limitations or exceptions that are provided for in connection with the copyright protection under copyright law or other applicable laws.
+  \item\label{cc:license-grant} License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in the Collections;
+      \item to create and Reproduce Adaptations provided that any such Adaptation, including any translation in any medium, takes reasonable steps to clearly label, demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to the original Work. For example, a translation could be marked ``The original work was translated from English to Spanish,'' or a modification could indicate ``The original work has been modified.'';
+      \item to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated in Collections; and,
+      \item to Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations.
+      \item
+      For the avoidance of doubt:
+        \begin{enumerate}
+          \item Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in which the right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory licensing scheme cannot be waived, the Licensor reserves the exclusive right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights granted under this License;
+          \item Waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those jurisdictions in which the right to collect royalties through any statutory or compulsory licensing scheme can be waived, the Licensor waives the exclusive right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of the rights granted under this License; and,
+          \item Voluntary License Schemes. The Licensor waives the right to collect royalties, whether individually or, in the event that the Licensor is a member of a collecting society that administers voluntary licensing schemes, via that society, from any exercise by You of the rights granted under this License.
+        \end{enumerate}   
+The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter devised. The above rights include the right to make such modifications as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other media and formats. Subject to Section 8(f), all rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item\label{cc:restrictions} Restrictions. The license granted in Section 3 above is expressly made subject to and limited by the following restrictions:
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item You may Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work only under the terms of this License. You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for, this License with every copy of the Work You Distribute or Publicly Perform. You may not offer or impose any terms on the Work that restrict the terms of this License or the ability of the recipient of the Work to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. You may not sublicense the Work. You must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work You Distribute or Publicly Perform. When You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work, You may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. This Section 4(a) applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collection, but this does not require the Collection apart from the Work itself to be made subject to the terms of this License. If You create a Collection, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Collection any credit as required by Section 4(c), as requested. If You create an Adaptation, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Adaptation any credit as required by Section 4(c), as requested.
+      \item You may Distribute or Publicly Perform an Adaptation only under the terms of: (i) this License; (ii) a later version of this License with the same License Elements as this License; (iii) a Creative Commons jurisdiction license (either this or a later license version) that contains the same License Elements as this License (\eg, Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 US)); (iv) a Creative Commons Compatible License. If you license the Adaptation under one of the licenses mentioned in (iv), you must comply with the terms of that license. If you license the Adaptation under the terms of any of the licenses mentioned in (i), (ii) or (iii) (the ``Applicable License''), you must comply with the terms of the Applicable License generally and the following provisions: (I) You must include a copy of, or the URI for, the Applicable License with every copy of each Adaptation You Distribute or Publicly Perform; (II) You may not offer or impose any terms on the Adaptation that restrict the terms of the Applicable License or the ability of the recipient of the Adaptation to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the Applicable License; (III) You must keep intact all notices that refer to the Applicable License and to the disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work as included in the Adaptation You Distribute or Publicly Perform; (IV) when You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Adaptation, You may not impose any effective technological measures on the Adaptation that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Adaptation from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the Applicable License. This Section 4(b) applies to the Adaptation as incorporated in a Collection, but this does not require the Collection apart from the Adaptation itself to be made subject to the terms of the Applicable License.
+      \item If You Distribute, or Publicly Perform the Work or any Adaptations or Collections, You must, unless a request has been made pursuant to Section 4(a), keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and provide, reasonable to the medium or means You are utilizing: (i) the name of the Original Author (or pseudonym, if applicable) if supplied, and/or if the Original Author and/or Licensor designate another party or parties (\eg, a sponsor institute, publishing entity, journal) for attribution (``Attribution Parties'') in Licensor's copyright notice, terms of service or by other reasonable means, the name of such party or parties; (ii) the title of the Work if supplied; (iii) to the extent reasonably practicable, the URI, if any, that Licensor specifies to be associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to the copyright notice or licensing information for the Work; and (iv) , consistent with Ssection 3(b), in the case of an Adaptation, a credit identifying the use of the Work in the Adaptation (\eg, ``French translation of the Work by Original Author,'' or ``Screenplay based on original Work by Original Author''). The credit required by this Section 4(c) may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of a Adaptation or Collection, at a minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for all contributing authors of the Adaptation or Collection appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the other contributing authors. For the avoidance of doubt, You may only use the credit required by this Section for the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, by exercising Your rights under this License, You may not implicitly or explicitly assert or imply any connection with, sponsorship or endorsement by the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties, as appropriate, of You or Your use of the Work, without the separate, express prior written permission of the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties.
+      \item Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Licensor or as may be otherwise permitted by applicable law, if You Reproduce, Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work either by itself or as part of any Adaptations or Collections, You must not distort, mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the Work which would be prejudicial to the Original Author's honor or reputation. Licensor agrees that in those jurisdictions (\eg Japan), in which any exercise of the right granted in Section 3(b) of this License (the right to make Adaptations) would be deemed to be a distortion, mutilation, modification or other derogatory action prejudicial to the Original Author's honor and reputation, the Licensor will waive or not assert, as appropriate, this Section, to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable national law, to enable You to reasonably exercise Your right under Section 3(b) of this License (right to make Adaptations) but not otherwise.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item\label{cc:representations} Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer
+  \item\label{cc:termination} Termination
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this License. Individuals or entities who have received Adaptations or Collections from You under this License, however, will not have their licenses terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in full compliance with those licenses. Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will survive any termination of this License.
+      \item Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in the Work). Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right to release the Work under different license terms or to stop distributing the Work at any time; provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as stated above.
+    \end{enumerate}
+  \item\label{cc:miscellaneous} Miscellaneous
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \item Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work or a Collection, the Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License.
+      \item Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform an Adaptation, Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the original Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License.
+      \item If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this License, and without further action by the parties to this agreement, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.
+      \item No term or provision of this License shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged with such waiver or consent.
+      \item This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Work licensed here. There are no understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the Work not specified here. Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may appear in any communication from You. This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor and You.
+      \item The rights granted under, and the subject matter referenced, in this License were drafted utilizing the terminology of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (as amended on September 28, 1979), the Rome Convention of 1961, the WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 1996 and the Universal Copyright Convention (as revised on July 24, 1971). These rights and subject matter take effect in the relevant jurisdiction in which the License terms are sought to be enforced according to the corresponding provisions of the implementation of those treaty provisions in the applicable national law. If the standard suite of rights granted under applicable copyright law includes additional rights not granted under this License, such additional rights are deemed to be included in the License; this License is not intended to restrict the license of any rights under applicable law.
+    \end{enumerate}
+\section{Creative Commons Notice}
+Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work. Creative Commons will not be liable to You or any party on any legal theory for any damages whatsoever, including without limitation any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising in connection to this license. Notwithstanding the foregoing two (2) sentences, if Creative Commons has expressly identified itself as the Licensor hereunder, it shall have all rights and obligations of Licensor.
+Except for the limited purpose of indicating to the public that the Work is licensed under the CCPL, Creative Commons does not authorize the use by either party of the trademark ``Creative Commons'' or any related trademark or logo of Creative Commons without the prior written consent of Creative Commons. Any permitted use will be in compliance with Creative Commons' then-current trademark usage guidelines, as may be published on its website or otherwise made available upon request from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, this trademark restriction does not form part of the License.
+Creative Commons may be contacted at \url{http://creativecommons.org/}.
+\end{english}% TRANSLATORS: Remove this line

=== added file 'backmatter/license.tex'
--- backmatter/license.tex	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ backmatter/license.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+% License details
+% TRANSLATORS: You may include an introductory paragraph here that will be included at the beginning of the License appendix.  You can include links to the translated license at the Creative Commons website and a note as to why we couldn't include the translated license in the manual. If you have any questions about what should be included here, please check the Ubuntu Manual Style Guide or the Ubuntu Manual mailing list.
+\textit{\plaintitle} is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution--Share Alike 3.0 License.
+\medskip\noindent You are free:
+  \item[to Share] to copy, distribute and transmit the work
+  \item[to Remix] to adapt the work
+\medskip\noindent Under the following conditions:
+  \item[Attribution] You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
+  \item[Share Alike] If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.
+Due to variance in legal code across the jurisdictions where this manual may
+be distributed, we are unable to include a fully translated license at this
+time.  You may, however, read the complete, translated license online at
+% We do some fancy stuff here to pull in the translated license.  If you'd like
+% the license translated in your language, create a new file called
+% ``license-LANG.tex'' where LANG is the language code.
+\LoadLicenseFile% TRANSLATORS: leave this command alone

=== added directory 'frontmatter'
=== renamed directory 'frontmatter' => 'frontmatter.moved'
=== added file 'frontmatter/copyright.tex'
--- frontmatter/copyright.tex	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ frontmatter/copyright.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% Copyright page
+%\includexmp{cc-by-sa}% include XMP CC-BY-SA license
+Copyright \textcopyright{} 2010--\the\year{} by The Ubuntu Manual Team. Some rights reserved. \ccbysa
+This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
+Attribution--Share Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this
+license, see \hyperref[ch:license]{Appendix~}\ref{ch:license}, visit
+\url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}, or send a
+letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco,
+California, 94105, USA.
+  \textit{\plaintitle} can be downloaded for free from \url{http://ubuntu-manual.org/}.
+  We permit and even encourage you to distribute a copy of this book to
+  colleagues, friends, family, and anyone else who might be interested.
+  \textit{\plaintitle} can be purchased from \url{\printurl}.
+  A printed copy of this book can be ordered for the price of printing and
+  delivery. An electronic copy of this book can be downloaded for free. We
+  permit and even encourage you to distribute a copy of this book to
+  colleagues, friends, family, and anyone else who might be interested.
+%Second Edition

=== added file 'frontmatter/cover.tex'
--- frontmatter/cover.tex	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ frontmatter/cover.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+% This code draws the cover page.
+% TRANSLATORS: You can ignore this entire file.
+% Make sure we're starting on a new page
+% No page numbers, running head or feet
+% Add the Circle of Friends graphic
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(73,482){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-cof.pdf}}}%
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(72,451){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-cof.pdf}}}%
+% Add the globe icon
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(160,519){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-globe.pdf}}}%
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(162,488){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-globe.pdf}}}%
+% Add the speech bubbles icon
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(217,518){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-chat.pdf}}}%
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(222,488){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-chat.pdf}}}%
+% Add the music icon
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(274,520){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-music.pdf}}}%
+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(280,489){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-music.pdf}}}%
+% Add the camera icon
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+% Add the circle of friends band
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+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(-11,136){\includegraphics{graphics/cover-cof-band.pdf}}}%
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+  \AddToShipoutPicture*{\put(160,481){\usebox{\covertitlebox}}}%
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+      \plaintitle
+    \end{minipage}
+  \end{lrbox}
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=== added file 'frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex'
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+++ frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+% All of the glossary entries must be in this file.
+% Run ``texdoc glossaries'' for information on the \newglossaryentry command.
+% Try to keep these entries alphabetized to avoid duplication.
+\newglossaryentry{applet}{name={applet}, description={%
+  A small program that runs in a \gls{panel}. Applets provide 
+  useful functions such as starting a program, viewing the time, or accessing
+  the main menu of an application.}}
+\newglossaryentry{Access Point}{name={Access Point}, description={%
+A device that allows for a wireless connection to a local network using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.}}
+\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={%
+  Canonical, the financial backer of Ubuntu, provides support for the core
+  Ubuntu system. It has over 310 paid staff members worldwide who ensure that
+  the foundation of the operating system is stable, as well as checking all the
+  work submitted by volunteer contributors.  To learn more about Canonical, go
+  to \url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}
+\newglossaryentry{CLI}{name={\acronym{CLI}}, description={%
+  \acronym{CLI} or command-line interface is another name for the \gls{terminal}.}}
+\newglossaryentry{cursor}{name={cursor}, description={%
+  The (usually) blinking square or vertical line used to show you where text will appear when you start typing. You can move it around with the arrow keys on your keyboard \gls{prompt} in a \gls{terminal} or other text-input application.}}
+%/ Needs update/rewriting. Update to "Encryption" -MarioB - Done - Ryan Macnish
+\newglossaryentry{encryption}{name={encryption}, description={%
+  Encryption is a security measure, it prevents others from accessing and viewing the contents of your files and/or hard drives, the files must first be decrypted with your password.}}
+\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={desktop environment}, description={%
+  A generic term to describe a \acronym{GUI} interface for humans to interact with computers. There are many
+  desktop environments such as \acronym{GNOME}, \acronym{KDE}, \acronym{XFCE} and \acronym{LXDE} just to name a few.}}
+\newglossaryentry{DHCP}{name={\acronym{DHCP}}, description={%
+  \acronym{DHCP} stands for \emph{Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol}, it is used by
+  a \acronym{DHCP} \gls{server} to assign computers on a network an \acronym{IP} address automatically.}}
+\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={%
+  A dialup connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through
+  your telephone line.}}
+\newglossaryentry{distribution}{name={distribution}, description={%
+  A \gls{distribution} is a collection of software that is already compiled and configured
+  ready to be installed. Ubuntu is an example of a distribution.}}
+\newglossaryentry{dual-booting}{name={dual-booting}, description={%
+  \gls{dual-booting} is the process of being able to choose one of two different operating systems
+  currently installed on a computer from the boot menu. Once selected your computer will then boot into
+  whichever operating system you chose at the boot menu. Dual booting is often used generically, and may refer to booting among more than two operating systems.}}
+\newglossaryentry{Ethernet port}{name={Ethernet port}, description={%
+  An Ethernet port is what an Ethernet cable is plugged into when you are using
+   a \gls{wired connection}.}}
+\newglossaryentry{GNOME}{name={\acronym{GNOME}}, description={%
+  \acronym{GNOME} (which once stood for \acronym{GNU} Network Object Model Environment) is the
+  default desktop environment used in Ubuntu.}}
+\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={%
+  The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows
+  humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}}
+\newglossaryentry{ISP}{name={\acronym{ISP}}, description={%
+  \acronym{ISP} stands for \emph{Internet Service Provider}, an \acronym{ISP} is a company that provides
+  you with your Internet connection.}}
+\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={kernel}, description={%
+  A kernel is the central portion of a Unix-based operating system, responsible
+  for running applications, processes, and providing security for the core
+  components.}}
+\newglossaryentry{Live CD}{name={Live CD}, description={%
+  A \gls{Live CD} allows you to try out an operating system before you actually install it, this is useful
+  for testing your hardware, diagnosing problems and recovering your system.}}
+\newglossaryentry{LTS}{name={\acronym{LTS}}, description={%
+  \acronym{LTS} stands for long-term support and is a type of Ubuntu release that is officially supported for far longer than the standard releases.}}
+\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximize}}, description={%
+  When you maximize an application in Ubuntu it will fill the whole desktop, excluding the panels.}}
+\newglossaryentry{minimize}{name={minimize}, description={%
+  When you minimize an open application, the window will no longer be shown. If you click on a minimized
+  application's panel button, it will then be restored to its normal state and allow you to interact with it.}}
+\newglossaryentry{notification area}{name={notification area}, description={%
+  The notification area is an applet on the panel that provides you with all sorts of information
+  such as volume control, the current song playing in Rhythmbox, your Internet connection status and email status.}}
+\newglossaryentry{output}{name={output}, description={%
+  The output of a command is any text it displays on the next line after typing a command and pressing
+  enter, \eg, if you type \commandlineapp{pwd} into a terminal and press \keystroke{Enter}, the directory name it displays on the
+  next line is the output.}}
+\newglossaryentry{package}{name={package}, description={%
+  Packages contain software in a ready-to-install format. Most of the time you can use the \gls{Software Center} instead of manually installing packages. Packages have a .deb extension in Ubuntu.}}
+\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, description={%
+  A panel is a bar that sits on the edge of your screen. It contains
+  \glspl{applet} which provide useful functions such as running programs,
+  viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
+\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parameter}, description={%
+  Parameters are special options that you can use with other commands in the terminal to make that
+  command behave differently, this can make a lot of commands far more useful.}}
+\newglossaryentry{partition}{name={partition}, description={%
+  A partition is an area of allocated space on a hard drive where you can put data.}}
+\newglossaryentry{partitioning}{name={partitioning}, description={%
+  \gls{partitioning} is the process of creating a \gls{partition}.}}
+\newglossaryentry{PPA}{name={\acronym{PPA}}, description={%
+  A personal package archive (\acronym{PPA}) is a custom software repository
+  that typically contains either packages that aren't available in the primary
+  Ubuntu repositories or newer versions of packages that are available in the
+  primary repositories.}, plural={\acronym{PPA}s}}
+\newglossaryentry{prompt}{name={prompt}, description={%
+  The prompt displays some useful information about your computer, it can be customized
+  to display in different colors as well as being able to display the time, date and current directory
+  as well as almost anything else you like.}}
+\newglossaryentry{proprietary}{name={proprietary}, description={%
+  Software made by companies that don't release their source code under an open source license.}}
+\newglossaryentry{router}{name={router}, description={%
+  A router is a specially designed computer that using its software and hardware, routes information from the
+  Internet to a network. It is also sometimes called a gateway.}}
+\newglossaryentry{server}{name={server}, description={%
+  A server is a computer that runs a specialized operating system and provides
+  services to computers that connect to it and make a request.}}
+\newglossaryentry{shell}{name={shell}, description={%
+  The \gls{terminal} gives access to the shell, when you type a command into the terminal and press enter
+  the shell takes that command and performs the relevant action.}}
+\newglossaryentry{Software Center}{name={Software Center}, description={%
+  The Software Center is where you can easily manage software installation and
+  removal as well as the ability to manage software installed via Personal Package Archives.}}
+\newglossaryentry{Synaptic Package Manager}{name={Synaptic Package Manager}, description={%
+  Synaptic Package Manager is a tool that, instead of listing applications (like the Software Center)
+  lists individual packages that can then be installed, removed and fixed.}}
+%/ Needs update/rewriting -MarioB - Done - Ryan Macnish
+\newglossaryentry{terminal}{name={terminal}, description={%
+  The terminal is Ubuntu's text-based interface, it is a method of controlling the operating system using only commands entered via the keyboard, the other method if using your Ubuntu computer is to use a \gls{GUI} such as Unity.}}
+\newglossaryentry{USB}{name={USB}, description={%
+  Universal Serial Bus is a standard interface specification for connecting peripheral hardware devices to computers. USB devices range from external hard drives to scanners and printers.}}
+%/ Needs update/rewriting -MarioB - Done - Ryan Macnish
+\newglossaryentry{wired connection}{name={wired connection}, description={%
+  A wired connection is when your computer is physically connected to a \gls{router} or \gls{Ethernet port} with a cable, this is the most method of connecting to the Internet and local network for desktop computers.}}
+\newglossaryentry{wireless connection}{name={wireless connection}, description={%
+  A network connection that uses a wireless signal to communicate with
+  either a \gls{router}, access point, or computer.}}
+\newglossaryentry{Wubi}{name={Wubi}, description={%
+  The Windows Ubuntu Installer that allows you to install Ubuntu
+  inside Windows. See page~\pageref{sec:installation:using-wubi} for more
+  information.}}

=== added file 'frontmatter/prologue.tex'
--- frontmatter/prologue.tex	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ frontmatter/prologue.tex	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+% Prologue
+% Authors: Benjamin Humphrey (up to Maverick); Mez Pahlan (11.10); Hannie Dumoleyn (12.04)
+%Editor (12.04): Paddy Landau
+Welcome to \emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu}, an introductory guide written to help new users get started with Ubuntu.
+Our goal is to cover the basics of Ubuntu (such as installation and working with the desktop) as well as hardware and software management, working with the command line, and security. We designed this guide to be simple to follow, with step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots, allowing you to discover the potential of your new Ubuntu system.
+Please bear in mind that this guide is still very much a work in progress and always will be. It is written specifically for Ubuntu 12.04 \smallcaps{LTS}, \marginnote{LTS is an abbreviation for ``Long Term Support.'' A new LTS version is released every 2 years. Starting with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, both the Desktop version and the Server version will have five years support, meaning you get free security updates for at least five years.} and although we have aimed to not limit our instructions to this version, it is unavoidable that some things will change over the life of Ubuntu. Whenever a new version of Ubuntu is released, we will incorporate updates and changes into our guide, and make a new version available at \url{http://www.ubuntu-manual.org}.
+\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.04} is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual. It is more like a quick-start guide that will get you doing the things you need to do with your computer quickly and easily, without getting bogged down with technical details. As with prior versions, Ubuntu 12.04 \acronym{LTS} incorporates many new features, including enhancements to the Unity shell and \acronym{HUD}. \marginnote{HUD is an abbreviation for heads-up display. It is a new concept, integrated into Unity as of Unity 5.2; it is still in development.} More about the Unity shell and what it means, and the \acronym{HUD}, can be found in \chaplink{ch:the-ubuntu-desktop}.
+For more detailed information on using Unity and the Ubuntu desktop, see the ``Ubuntu Desktop Guide,'' which can be obtained in any of the following ways:
+  \item in the Dash, type yelp;
+  \item in the desktop menubar, click \menu{Help \then Ubuntu Help};
+  \item go to \url{https://help.ubuntu.com}, \menu{Ubuntu 12.04 \acronym{LTS}\then Ubuntu Desktop Help}.
+The Internet is also an excellent resource. For example, on \url{https://help.ubuntu.com} you will find documentation on installing and using Ubuntu, and at the Ubuntu Forums, \url{http://ubuntuforums.org}, and Ask Ubuntu, \url{http://askubuntu.com}, you find answers to many Ubuntu related questions.
+\marginnote{More information about Ubuntu's online and system documentation can be found in \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.}
+If something isn't covered in this manual, chances are you will find the information you are looking for in one of those locations. We will try our best to include links to more detailed help wherever we can.
+\section{Ubuntu Philosophy}
+\index{Ubuntu!philosophy of|(}
+\index{Ubuntu!definition of}
+The term ``Ubuntu'' is a traditional African concept that originated from the Bantu languages of southern Africa.
+\marginnote{People sometimes wonder how to pronounce \emph{Ubuntu}. Each ``u'' is pronounced the same as in the word \emph{put}.}
+It can be described as a way of connecting with others\dash living in a global community where your actions affect all of humanity. Ubuntu is more than just an operating system: it is a community of people that come together voluntarily to collaborate on an international software project that aims to deliver the best possible user experience.
+\index{Ubuntu!philosophy of|)}
+\subsection{The Ubuntu Promise}
+\index{Ubuntu Promise}
+  \item Ubuntu will always be free of charge, along with its regular enterprise releases and security updates.
+  \item Ubuntu comes with full commercial support from \gls{Canonical} and hundreds of companies from across the world.
+  \item Ubuntu provides the best translations and accessibility features that the free software community has to offer.
+  \item Ubuntu's core applications are all free and open source. We want you to use free and open source software, improve it, and pass it on.
+\section{A brief history of Ubuntu}
+\index{Ubuntu!history of|(}
+\index{Shuttleworth, Mark}
+Ubuntu was conceived in 2004 by Mark Shuttleworth, a successful South African entrepreneur, and his company \Index[Canonical]{\gls{Canonical}}. \marginnote{Canonical is the company that provides financial and technical support for Ubuntu. It has employees based around the world who work on developing and improving the operating system, as well as reviewing work submitted by volunteer contributors. To learn more about Canonical, go to \url{http://www.canonical.com}.} Shuttleworth recognized the power of Linux and open source, but was also aware of weaknesses that prevented mainstream use. 
+Shuttleworth set out with clear intentions to address these weaknesses and create a system
+that was easy to use, completely free (see \chaplink{ch:learning-more} for the complete definition of ``free''), and could compete with other mainstream operating systems. 
+With the \Index{Debian} system as a base, \marginnote{Debian is the Linux operating system that Ubuntu is based upon. For more information visit \url{http://www.debian.org/}.} Shuttleworth began to build Ubuntu. Using his own funds at first, installation \acronym{CD}s were pressed and shipped worldwide at no cost to the recipients. Ubuntu spread quickly, its community rapidly grew, and  soon Ubuntu became the most popular Linux \gls{distribution} available.
+With more people working on the project than ever before, its core features and hardware support  continue to improve, and to its core features and hardware support, and Ubuntu has gained the attention of large organizations worldwide. One of IBM's open source operating systems is based on Ubuntu. In 2005, the French Police began to transition their entire computer infrastructure to a variant of Ubuntu\dash a process which has reportedly saved them ``millions of euros'' in licensing fees for Microsoft Windows. By the end of 2012, the French Police anticipates that all of their computers will be running Ubuntu. \Index{Canonical} profits from this arrangement by providing technical support and custom-built software.
+\marginnote{For information on Ubuntu Server Edition, and how you can use it in your company, visit \url{http://www.ubuntu.com/business/server/overview}.}
+While large organizations often find it useful to pay for support services, Shuttleworth has promised that the Ubuntu desktop system will always be free. As of 2012, Ubuntu is installed on an estimated 2\% of the world's computers. This equates to tens of millions of users worldwide, and is growing each year. As there is no compulsory registration, the percentage of Ubuntu users should be treated as an estimate.
+\index{Ubuntu!history of|)}
+\subsection{What is Linux?}
+Ubuntu is built on the foundation of Linux, which is a member of the \Index{Unix} family. \Index{Unix} is one of the oldest types of operating systems and has provided reliability and security in professional applications for almost half a century. Many servers around the world that store data for popular websites (such as YouTube and Google) run some variant of a \Index{Unix} system. The Linux \Index{kernel} is best described as the core, or almost the brain, of the operating system. 
+The Linux \Index{kernel} is the controller of the operating system; it is responsible for allocating memory and processor time. It can also be thought of as the program which manages any and all applications on the computer itself.
+\marginnote{While modern graphical \glspl{desktop environment} have generally replaced early command-line interfaces, the command line can still be a quick and efficient way of performing many tasks. See \chaplink{ch:advanced-topics} for more information, and \chaplink{ch:the-ubuntu-desktop} to learn more about \gls{GNOME} and other desktop environments.} 
+Linux was designed from the ground up with security and hardware compatibility in mind, and is currently one of the most popular \Index{Unix}-based operating systems. One of the benefits of Linux is that it is incredibly flexible and can be configured to run on almost any device\dash from the smallest micro-computers and cellphones to larger super-computers. 
+\Index{Unix} was entirely command line-based until graphical user interfaces (\glspl{GUI}) began to emerge in the early 1990s.
+These early \acronym{GUI}s were difficult to configure, clunky, and generally only used by seasoned computer programmers. In the past decade, however, graphical user interfaces have come a long way in terms of usability, reliability, and appearance. Ubuntu is just one of many different Linux \emph{distributions}, \marginnote{To learn more about Linux distributions, see \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.} and uses one of the more popular graphical desktop environments called \acronym{GNOME}.
+\section{Is Ubuntu right for you?}
+New users to Ubuntu may find that it takes some time to feel comfortable when trying a new operating system. You will no doubt notice many similarities to both Microsoft Windows and Mac \acronym{OS~X}, and some differences. Users coming from Mac \acronym{OS~X} are more likely to notice similarities due to the fact that both Mac \acronym{OS~X} and Ubuntu originated from \Index{Unix}. The Unity shell, which is the default in Ubuntu, is a completely new concept, which needs some exploring to get used to it. See \chaplink{ch:the-ubuntu-desktop} for more information about the Unity shell.
+Before you decide whether or not Ubuntu is right for you, we suggest giving yourself some time to grow accustomed to the way things are done in Ubuntu. You should expect to find that some things are different from what you are used to. We also suggest taking the following into account:
+  \item[Ubuntu is community based.] That is, Ubuntu is developed, written, and maintained by the community. Because of this, support is probably not available at your local computer store. Fortunately, the Ubuntu community is here to help. There are many articles, guides, and manuals available, as well as users on various Internet forums and Internet Relay Chat (\acronym{IRC}) rooms that are willing to assist beginners. Additionally, near the end of this guide, we include a troubleshooting chapter: \chaplink{ch:troubleshooting}.
+  \item[Many applications designed for Microsoft Windows or Mac \acronym{OS~X} will not run on Ubuntu.] For the vast majority of everyday computing tasks, you will find suitable alternative applications available in Ubuntu. However, many professional applications (such as the Adobe Creative Suite) are not developed to work with Ubuntu.  If you rely on commercial software that is not compatible with Ubuntu, yet still want to give Ubuntu a try, you may want to consider \gls{dual-booting}.  \marginnote{To learn more about \gls{dual-booting} (running Ubuntu side-by-side with another operating system), see \chaplink{ch:installation}.} Alternatively, some applications developed for Windows will work in Ubuntu with a program called \application{Wine}. For more information on Wine, go to \url{http://www.winehq.org}.
+  \item[Many commercial games will not run on Ubuntu.] If you are a heavy gamer, then Ubuntu may not be for you. Game developers usually design games for the largest market. Since Ubuntu's market share is not as substantial as Microsoft's Windows or Apple's Mac \acronym{OS~X}, most game developers will not allocate resources towards making their games compatible with Linux.  \marginnote{See \chaplink{ch:software-management} to learn more about \application{Ubuntu Software Center}.} If you just enjoy a game every now and then, there is active game development within the community, and many high quality games can be easily installed through the \application{Ubuntu Software Center}. 
+\section{Contact details}
+Many people have contributed their time to this project. If you notice any errors or think we have left something out, feel free to contact us. We do everything we can to make sure that this manual is up to date, informative, and professional. Our contact details are as follows:
+  \item Website: \url{http://www.ubuntu-manual.org/}
+  \item Email: \href{mailto:ubuntu-manual@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}{ubuntu-manual@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
+  \item \acronym{IRC}: \#ubuntu-manual on \url{irc.freenode.net}
+  \item Bug Reports: \url{https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+filebug}
+\section{About the team}
+Our project is an open source volunteer effort to create and maintain quality documentation for Ubuntu and its derivatives.
+\subsubsection{Want to help?}
+We are always looking for talented people to work with, and due to the size of the project we are fortunate to be able to cater to a wide range of skill sets:
+  \item Authors, editors
+  \item Programmers (Python or \TeX)
+  \item User interface designers
+  \item Icon and title page designers
+  \item Event organizers and ideas people
+  \item Testers
+  \item Web designers and developers
+  \item Translators and screenshotters
+  \item Bug reporters and triagers
+To find out how you can get started helping, please visit \url{http://ubuntu-manual.org/getinvolved}.
+\section{Conventions used in this book}
+The following typographic conventions are used in this book:
+  \item Button names, menu items, and other \acronym{GUI} elements are set in \textbf{boldfaced type}.
+  \item Menu sequences are sometimes typeset as \menu{File \then Save As\ldots}, which means, ``Choose the \menu{File} menu, then choose the \menu{Save As\ldots}.''
+  \item \texttt{Monospaced type} is used for text that you type into the computer, text that the computer outputs (as in a terminal), and keyboard shortcuts.

=== added directory 'graphics'
=== renamed directory 'graphics' => 'graphics.moved'
=== added file 'graphics/advanced.pdf'
--- graphics/advanced.pdf	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ graphics/advanced.pdf	2014-09-01 00:55:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
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