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Re: Groups coming to identi.ca


Nick Ali wrote:
> Looks like this has been kicked off. !ubuntu, !ubuntudevelopers,
> !kubuntu seem to have been registered already. I grabbed !xubuntu,
> !edubuntu, !ubuntults, !ubuntuplus1, !uds, and !ubuntunews.

Looks like groups can't sit idle, like name squatting can. Anyone can
join any group, which also means, it looks like you can't filter
membership based on some criteria (like !ubuntudevelopers).

The only advantage to creating a group so far, is the ability to change
the group picture and details. No administrative function over adding or
removing members (yet) or other things. So, I'd say it doesn't really
matter who created it, as long as someone does.

Good to see we have the big ones kicked off though. Identi.ca is getting
pretty feature rich. Fun times ahead.

 ,-O  Aaron Toponce
O   } Ubuntu Member
 `-O  http://www.ubuntu.com

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