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Paper Jams and Slogan


Aloha folks

It's been a while. I've written up a list of all the mails I got on Paper Jams feed back and put them under headings. Does anyone have any more thoughts on it?

Secondly back in November we came up with having a slogan for the team, the below was a selection of slogans that came up from the meeting. On the blog the favorite was "Ubuntu NGO Helping others to help" So unless folks have another idea I'll update the wiki this week with it and also the blog.

   * Ubuntu NGO: Helping Integrate Freedom
   * Ubuntu NGO  Helping others to help
   * Ubuntu NGO: Helping Your Charity Donations Go Towards What's
     Really Needed
   * Ubuntu NGO: Taking Software Freedom From Theory To Practice
   * Ubuntu NGO: Taking Freedom From Theory To Practice
   * Ubuntu NGO: helping NGO's to short digital breach

Finally, is there more we can do, I know some people are doing packaging, the marketing team have said they'll help us with a possible webinar and I'm still on the look out for more interviews so if people know of non profits/NGOs who use open source let me know thanks.



Skype: lauraczajkowski

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