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[Merge] lp:~m4sk1n/ubuntu-packaging-guide/setting-up-sbuild into lp:ubuntu-packaging-guide


Marcin Mikołajczak has proposed merging lp:~m4sk1n/ubuntu-packaging-guide/setting-up-sbuild into lp:ubuntu-packaging-guide.

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Packaging Guide Team (ubuntu-packaging-guide-team)

For more details, see:
Your team Ubuntu Packaging Guide Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~m4sk1n/ubuntu-packaging-guide/setting-up-sbuild into lp:ubuntu-packaging-guide.
=== modified file 'ubuntu-packaging-guide/index.rst'
--- ubuntu-packaging-guide/index.rst	2017-11-10 04:24:41 +0000
+++ ubuntu-packaging-guide/index.rst	2017-12-20 22:26:40 +0000
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
+   setting-up-sbuild
 Further Reading

=== added file 'ubuntu-packaging-guide/setting-up-sbuild.rst'
--- ubuntu-packaging-guide/setting-up-sbuild.rst	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ ubuntu-packaging-guide/setting-up-sbuild.rst	2017-12-20 22:26:40 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+Setting up sbuild
+``sbuild`` simplifies building Debian/Ubuntu binary package from source
+in clean environment. It allows to try debugging packages in environment
+similar (as opposed to ``pbuild``) to builders used by Launchpad.
+It works on different architectures and allows to build packages for
+other releases. It needs kernel supporting overlayfs.
+Installing sbuild
+To use sbuild, you need to install sbuild and other required packages
+and add yourself to the ``sbuild`` group:
+    $ sudo apt install debhelper sbuild schroot ubuntu-dev-tools
+    $ sudo adduser $USER sbuild
+Create ``.sbuildrc`` in your home directory with following content:
+    # Name to use as override in .changes files for the Maintainer: field
+    # (mandatory, no default!).
+    $maintainer_name='Your Name <user@xxxxxxxxxxx>';
+    # Default distribution to build.
+    $distribution = "bionic";
+    # Build arch-all by default.
+    $build_arch_all = 1;
+    # When to purge the build directory afterwards; possible values are "never",
+    # "successful", and "always".  "always" is the default. It can be helpful
+    # to preserve failing builds for debugging purposes.  Switch these comments
+    # if you want to preserve even successful builds, and then use
+    # "schroot -e --all-sessions" to clean them up manually.
+    $purge_build_directory = 'successful';
+    $purge_session = 'successful';
+    $purge_build_deps = 'successful';
+    # $purge_build_directory = 'never';
+    # $purge_session = 'never';
+    # $purge_build_deps = 'never';
+    # Directory for writing build logs to
+    $log_dir=$ENV{HOME}."/ubuntu/logs";
+    # don't remove this, Perl needs it:
+    1;
+Replace “Your Name <user@xxxxxxxxxxx>” with your name and e-mail address.
+Change default distribution if you want, but remember that you can
+specify target distribution when executing command.
+If you haven’t restarted your session after adding yourself to the
+``sbuild`` group, enter:
+    $ sg sbuild
+Generate GPG keypair for sbuild and create chroot for specified release.
+    $ sbuild-update --keygen
+    $ mk-sbuild bionic
+This will create chroot for your current architecture. You might want to
+specify another architecture. For this, you can use ``--arch`` option.
+    $ mk-sbuild xenial --arch=i386
+Using schroot
+Entering schroot
+You can use ``schroot -c <release>-<architecture> [-u <USER>]`` to enter
+newly created chroot, but that’s not exactly the reason why you are
+using sbuild:
+    $ schroot -c bionic-amd64 -u root
+Using schroot for package building
+To build package using sbuild chroot, we use (surprisingly) the
+``sbuild`` command. For example, to build ``hello`` package from x86_64
+chroot, after applying some changes:
+    apt source hello
+    cd hello-*
+    sed -i -- 's/Hello/Goodbye/g' src/hello.c   # some
+    sed -i -- 's/Hello/Goodbye/g' tests/hello-1 #
+    dpkg-source --commit
+    dch -i                                      #
+    update-maintainer                           # changes
+    sbuild -d bionic-amd64
+To build package from source package (``.dsc``), use location of the
+source package as second parameter:
+    sbuild -d bionic-amd64 ~/packages/goodbye_*.dsc
+To make use of all power of your CPU, you can specify number of threads
+used for building using standard ``-j<threads>``:
+    sbuild -d bionic-amd64 -j8
+Maintaining schroots
+List chroots
+To get list of all your sbuild chroots, use ``schroot -l``. The
+``source:`` chroots are used as base of new schroots. Changes here aren’t
+recommended, but if you have specific reason, you can open it using
+something like:
+    $ schroot -c source:bionic-amd64
+Updating schroots
+To upgrade the whole schroot:
+    $ sbuild-update -ubc bionic-amd64
+Expiring active schroots
+If because of any reason, you haven’t stopped your schroot, you can
+expire all active schroots using:
+    $ schroot -e --all-sessions
+Further reading
+There is `Debian wiki page <DebianWiki_>`_ covering sbuild usage.
+`Ubuntu Wiki <UbuntuWiki_>`_ also has article about basics of sbuild.
+``sbuild`` manpages are covering details about sbuild usage and
+available features.
+.. _DebianWiki: https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild
+.. _UbuntuWiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild