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Re: On management of sounds


On 26 February 2013 16:16, Bruno Girin <brunogirin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Having to configure each application individually sounds very clunky to me!
> Installing a new app should be easy. This is why I like the N9's
> implementation: a generic volume setting that applies to all apps + a ring
> profile with associated volume (when in ringing mode) that applies to all
> alerts. And the volume buttons control the generic volume settings, not the
> ring.

The N9's implementation is the best I've ever used on a mobile device.
It also has a separate volume memory for when headphones are
connected, but otherwise works perfectly. It's far better than on iOS
where you have to just be very quick (AFAICT) to ensure a game is



Andrew Flegg -- mailto:andrew@xxxxxxxx  |  http://www.bleb.org/
