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Ubuntu Touch Summary (week 16)


And here's the summary for this week.

The higlights:
- Switched from quantal to raring.
- The mako kernel is now being pulled in from a package in the archive.
- Porting is now easier as breakfast has been re enabled.
- Container flip ongoing, got to the point where upstart is run and an
  adb daemon is running on the Ubuntu side.

Interesting work:
- gallery: 
  - translation work.
  - migration to cmake.
- media player:
  - name changed to mediaplayer-app.
  - removed ffmpeg dependency.
- phone-app
  - unread message display improvements.
  - channel handling functions moved to a separate process.
  - unit tests now run during the build.
- android/phablet source:
  - Trimming ongoing for a leaner and cleaner source base.
  - daily repo dumps available at http://phablet.ubuntu.com/export/
- phablet-tools:
  - revision listing for tagged builds.
  - new tool to run autopilot on device.
- image building:
  - PPAs are included by default in sources.list.
  - scripts and configurations to build images are available.
- weather-app:
  - Uses real data for weather reporting.


PS: if you have anything interesting worth mentioning send me a note and I'll
    add it to the summary