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Re: [SDK][Theming] Styling a compound widget


On 09.09.2013 19:54, Robert Schroll wrote:
> Maybe I'm just being dense, but I don't see how this helps me out.  I
> don't want to implement a CustomOptionSelectorDelegate that uses the
> same style as the default one; I want to take the existing one and tweak
> one aspect of its style.  It seems to me that either (1) there has to be
> a property (whether in the Delegate itself or in its associated Style)
> that sets the font for me to tweak (but then you're back to Whack-a-Mole
> trying to expose the appropriate things), or (2) there needs to be
> access to the sub-widgets (whether in the Delegate itself or in its
> associated Style) for me to adjust directly.

I feel like there has been a misunderstanding here...

IIUC, you want an OptionSelector with:


Each of those in the font it describes, right?

IMO that's the exact place where you create a custom
OptionSelectorDelegate that will change the font for its own Label.

I agree that exposing the font on the standard OptionSelectorDelegate is
not the way to go - if you need to customize it - just build your own
with the tweaks you need.

> If you're going to ask for a use case for each feature, you're dooming yourself to a long game of Whack-a-Mole, where you have to keep adding features each time someone comes up for a reasonable use for them.  IMO, you should either declare none of them will be allowed (a mistake, I think) or allow access to everything and trust us devs to use that power responsibly.

For this we'll have to agree to disagree. We're exposing whatever we
feel makes sense straight away (not only if we already have a usecase,
but just using reason). You need to also remember that "exposing
everything" means actually supporting it (so it is problematic when you
need to change the API for whatever reason). Not to mention it has
resource implications.

Michał (Saviq) Sawicz <michal.sawicz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Canonical Services Ltd.

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