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Americas Time Zone Landing Team


Hi All -

On Wednesday we are going to introduce the Americas TZ landing team. Up to
now, Didier Roche (didrocks), Lukasz Zemczak (sil2100), Alan Pope (popey)
and Dave Morley (davmor2) (with help from others) have been doing the work
around landings. The challenge has been Americas TZ coverage.

Starting today, Didier and company will do a handover to the Americas
contingent of Robert Park (robru), Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (cyphermox),
Selene Scriven (ToyKeeper) and Nicholas Skaggs (balloons). This group will
work just like the European TZ landing team and help to get silos
allocated, issues identified & addressed, components landed and images
created and dogfooded.

The one caveat for now is that image promotion will happen via
Didier/Lukasz in the EU timezone until we get to a point with the Americas
TZ that we feel comfortable promoting an image.

As this would be the first such handover, don't expect everything to go
smoothly and bear with us as we work out any rough patches. I hope overtime
the Americas TZ coverage will increase everyone's velocity and grease the
image creation wheels quite a bit.

As always, if something does fall through or an issue is identified, feel
free to bring it up to myself or Alexander Sack (asac).

Thanks everyone,

PS. Special thanks to Julien Funk and Jono Bacon for lending Selene and
Nicholas to this! Without them, we'd be in quite a bind to get anything
substantial moving in the Americas TZ.