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Re: Wiping phone after testing


On miércoles 2 de julio de 2014 11h'58:07 ART, Martin Pitt wrote:
Hey Sergio,

Sergio Schvezov [2014-07-02  9:08 -0300]:
apt-get install ubuntu-device-do
ubuntu-device-do factory-reset

Ah, splendid! This only exists in utopic though, and currently the CI
airline still operates on precise (hopefully on trusty at some point).
Judging by the large exe size and dependencies this is in Go, is there
any chance to get a backport of that into precise? Or perhaps it's
good enough for the CI team to add an utopic series PPA.

It should be in ppa:phablet-team/tools which the ci team uses; I thought they were on trusty though (precise is still there).

So can I write something in there

Yes, echo format data > /cache/recovery/ubuntu_commands

If the above is too complicated: Does ubuntu-device-do factory-reset
essentially do that (through adb?) and then some magic to actually
apply that? I suppose it's a bit more than just "reboot" as it needs
to apply that during recovery instead of just normal boot. Do you
think it would be reasonably easy to replicate "factory-reset" with a
bunch of adb commands, or should we rather assume ubuntu-device-do as
a dependency in the CI airline if we want to reset phones quickly?

It's just what I told you with an extra 'adb reboot recovery'.
That said; using it this way doesn't guarantee breakage due to internal changes.
