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SDK Team status update - 09.07


Hello all,

In the last weeks we pushed few new components to the UITK and focused on the stability and reliability of the tools. Just yesterday we had released new versions of the UI Toolkit and the QtCreator plugins with the following highlights:

SDK Tools - QtCreator plugins

  * Migrated to Qt5.3 and QtC 3.1
* Trusty backport of the QtC3.1 and the plugins are available for testing: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ubuntu/tools-development
  * Improved webapp template and webapp and HTML5 handling
  * The Ubuntu and QtC welcome pages are merged into one page
* Support SDK launcher for cmake based projects. Autocreate now can create a ToolChain directly if none is available .
  * Detect device arch and create kits accordingly
* Wizards are changed to use custom wizard API and description files. Dropping homegrown project wizzard solution. * Merged Scope wizards into one with a Combobox to select between network/no network * Use only one SSH key for all ubuntu devices Move the storage location of the SSH key to ~/.config/ubuntu-sdk

UI Toolkit

* PullToRefresh component that can be used in Flickable and all its derivation to initiate model refresh
  * New header API
  * Add PageHeadState component
  * Text input UX updates
  * Several improvements in the UITK component gallery application
  * Allow the developer to specify custom header contents.
  * Use icons from the new suru icon theme only
  * Default font for the toolkit: Ubuntu, medium sized and light weight.
* Extend launcher to convert mouse to touch events. MouseTouchAdaptor taken from unity8 launcher.
  * Rotation animation is visually smoother in the OrientationHelper

