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Re: What's the right way to get "qmlscene" to work out of the box?


On 08/13/2014 04:01 PM, Michael Zanetti wrote:
On Wednesday 13 August 2014 12:13:34 Timo Jyrinki wrote:
2014-08-13 9:03 GMT+03:00 Timo Jyrinki <timo.jyrinki@xxxxxxxxx>:
We could survive a bit longer by distro patching qtchooser (another
workaround), but I feel that eventually we'd like to have more control
on the QML app startups
For the Ubuntu specific new wrapper, discussion can continue on

Hmm... What is the reason for not doing it like all the rest of the Qt world
does it? That is, having the SDK template generate a minimalistic main.cpp and
a qtquickapplicationviewer.cpp which does the adaption for the platform. Now
that the SDK seems to handle compilation just fine IMO that would be the best
option. Also considering that in case we need to update something in there,
qtcreator already features a mechanism to automatically update just that part.

Additional benefits would be to only have a binary to run instead of exporting
paths, choosing some QQuickView wrapper and fiddling around with qml file
paths on the command line.

The reason is that it is easier to deal with a non compilable project than with a project what needs to be compiled.

As far as I remember from the time when QML was born, there has been never a consensus on what the best modell to use QtQuick. Some say that QML is only to create frontend for the good old C++ based Qt apps and some say that pure QML apps can just be as fine and the QML plugins are there to extend QML if needed.

It depends who do you ask. The primary reason to promote the pure QML application development is that the bar for entry level developers is much lower when you do not mention C++ and compilation.

But note, that the Ubuntu SDK does not block anybody to create Qt/C++ apps with QML frontends instead of QML apps with plugin extensions. It is the choice of the developers.

