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[Scopes] Responding to preview actions


Hi all,

I'm trying to understand how to have a scope respond to the user's activation of a preview action, by running a new query for example. This only documentation I've seem on it is in the API docs, and that's not entirely clear. I don't understand the difference between ScopeBase::perform_action and ScopeBase::activate, for instance.

I've put up a test case I made on Launchpad [1]. You can enter a number and it presents some multiples of that number. Each preview page has a button that I want to drive another query showing the multiples of that number. But clicking on that button does nothing. I've given my scope both perform_action and activate methods, but neither is being called. What am I doing wrong?


[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~rschroll/+junk/multiples

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