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ATTENTION: CI Train going down for maintenance


The CI Train service requires some maintenance and must be taken
offline briefly. The outage is scheduled for 20:00UTC Friday
(tomorrow), and is expected to last for an hour or two.

How will this affect you, the user?

Mostly, you'll notice the *blue* Jenkins theme will be replaced with a
new *black* theme.

Behind the scenes, we will be migrating from precise to trusty, and
rolling out a bunch of shiny new nagios / landscape monitoring tools
for the service. All data will be migrated from the old host to the
new host so no action is required on your part, we'll keep your
landings safe.

Just try to arrange your landings so you're not in a rush to get
something done right at or before 20:00 UTC. Your landing will still
be there when the service comes back up, but this may cause you some
delay if you're trying to land at that time.

Also, this procedure will not be destructive to the existing
deployment, so in the event that anything goes wrong, we can back out
and bring the old instance back online in a short amount of time.

Follow ups