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Re: wine - ubuntu phone test review


Wow. Impressive rant. I love the UI, and the emerging app ecosystem that comes with it. Keep up the great work!!!


On Monday, 1 June 2015 5:01:54 PM AEST, Marcin GTriderXC.tk wrote:
I'm actually only a translator and not even big smartphones fan. I bought an Aquaris for test purposes only and as far as I find the system itself working perfectly, in comparison to Android devices my bq as an useless brick that I'd rather changed to my old Nokia5500. Why? It's really not all about me. What I'm writing here about is an attitude of a normal user to ubuntu-phone. "Is there a skype, navigation, what's app, facebook, endomondo/strava/etc.?".

By writing this I only want to ask if it wouldn't be a better idea to build something like Wine in Ubuntu that could let run Android apps on ubuntu-phone? I do not think Ubuntu-phone will ever be even comparable to Android, because here we have a problem that doesn't exist in a desktop\laptop world: the devices manufacturers decide if a system will become mainsream or not. On my laptop my OS is my own decision, on smartphone not. By this I only want to show that for a Ubuntu-pc there are already problems in finding alternatives for a Windows program. And it is not that I miss skype or Instagram so much cause I hardly use them both. It's about the rest of the world that will not suddenly switch to Telegram or from skype to somewhere else. You will not build another facebook and You will not overtake Android because of no apps. Now about apps. With full respect to all developers, some of the apps that we find in ubuntu-shop today are not only poorely built but what worse poorely described. And that what drives people up the wall! A user will not be angry by reading that an endomondo app is only another www interface that has nothing to do with an android app and probably will never have. I'm not a hater, I'm just sharing my own experiences. I wouldn't be as disappointed with this system if the rules were clearer. Today thete is a huge mess that only unnecesarely nerves. Not only a mess is what needs an attention. It is the user interface itself that is pretty MS-Dos alike. Again why? I'd love to send You some pictures of my bq screen, a big screen that displays me information in a left upper corner like a command line with some tiny letters that to often... Make sentences of words that go out from the display. Should I search them on the right side next to my phone? Is is so hard to brake the line and use a whole screen? And it happens on every step:

Gesendet über Yahoo Mail für Android

Yes, I sent this message from a Nexus cause using a web browser or an Yahoo "app" as some people want to call it, cause I'd rather call it an another GUI for displaying me a web site and what worse (cause that's what apps are made for) in a same poorely way that a web browser does it.if we are about browser that is so poor that what everyone does is a search for alternatives: what to hell is an "Airfox browser"?! That what I called mess and driving people up the wall a few lines above. That how the system looks like: messy and immature is the worst problem for me personally not some lack of apps. Apps that will never be developed in an amount and quality which we see on Android devices. Is it impossible to built a wine for an Android apps for people who would like to use ubuntu-phone? I don't think a Microsoft developers will ever think about Ubuntu seriously enough to build a Skype version for Ubuntu-phone what we already see on desktops: ubuntu skype
 users are second category skype users.

Best regards

GTriderXC from Ubuntu Polish Translators

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