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Webapps Team - Week of July 3


Webapps Team Status update for July 3

*Oxide & HTML5 Apps*
- Fix for the 5M limit on Gmail uploads (bug #1426581)
- Push Notification submitted for review and integration in Oxide
- Accelerometer branch rework, Webnotifications review / rework
- Work on new misc. Oxide branches: vibration support, quota permission;
while the rest of the branches await trunk landing
- Test of Oxide 1.8

*Online Accounts*
- landed fix for webapp container when trust session is taken (bug #1458297)
- meeting w/security team to review cookie sharing mechanism
- implementation of functional / medium testing of the oa framework with
the v2 api

*Webapps & Scopes in JS*
- Work on mailto URL support by Gmail; work on generalizing the intent url
framework to manage such links (bug #1470309)
- Adjust apparmor policy group for sharing cookies across Google webapps
- Quick catchup with Marcus on JS scopes to assess results and plan for
this sprint