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Re: HERE, Cut the Rope, Launcher


This is where someone eventually says "Why not use English anyway, because translations suck" :-D

Please stick to the translation team's guidelines. Taking suggestions from other teams will not work, even if the language is the same. This is what got Ubuntu a bad reputation for poor localisations - and I'm not making a statement here, that's just a common perception I'm pointing out.

Just my 2 cents,

Am Mi, 22. Jul, 2015 um 1:33 schrieb Davide Alberelli <dadexix86@xxxxxxxxx>:
"Launcher" is capitalized, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be
translated. It is already localized in Ubuntu for PC: for example in
Polish it's "Panel"/"Panelu", while in German it's

"Unity" is quite different: it's a project name, which shouldn't
appear in the phone UI at all. (On the PC, I think it appears only to
distinguish Unity sessions from Gnome Shell, KDE, etc.)

Ok, "Unity" was not a good example, what about "Dash"?

In Italian "Launcher" and "Dash" are not translated, and as I said it was a personal opinion not to translate it (I'm sorry that I don't speak Polish and just a bit of German, but not enough to localize my phone/desktop).

Don't misunderstand me, it is great that the interface is completely translated into a local language, but I still believe that leaving the proper names of the desktop parts untraslated will make it easier for people to interface with the community, especially while receiving unlocalized (international) support.

If the Polish (and German) translator teams decided to translate somthing on the Desktop, I believe that this decision has to go above everything that it is done for the phone interface. Adhere to the decision of the local community is the best thing to do when in doubt.


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