ubuntu-phone team mailing list archive
ubuntu-phone team
Mailing list archive
Message #16499
Re: Big battery drain after OTA-7
I've always GPS turned on. But before there was no negative impact on
battery usage (like said before - 2-4% per 8 hours of idle).
2015-10-28 14:13 GMT+01:00 Victor Gonzalez <victor.gonzalez@xxxxxx>:
> Hi!
> In the attached screenshot, GPS appears turned on . Was it turned on all
> the time? Because GPS turned on around 10 hours even in idle could be the
> reason of that battery stats.
> Does it behaves the same way without having GPS on?.
> Kind regards,
> El 28/10/2015 a las 12:29, Krzysztof Tataradziński escribió:
> Hello,
> please look at attachment.
> First of all I must admin that usually my MX4 (stable channel) after
> last OTA has really low battery consumption, usually it was 2-4 % per
> 8 hours of idle [mobile network is off]. How I get that score? -
> charge battery full before I went sleep, unplug it from charger and
> set alarm clock (rest of apps I've swiped out).
> That one time (that from screen) I've done: charge battery full before
> sleep, unplug it from charger, use some apps (gmail webapp,
> webbrowser, scopes, messanger, dialer) that drain ~5%. And I go sleep
> without swiping out apps I've used. At morning 6 a.m. there was only
> ~45% battery left. I've swiped out apps and till 9 a.m. there was no
> battery drain. I don't know if there is a problem with battery stats
> or there is really high energy usage.
> I must also admit that at few minutes after 6:00 my phone freeze for
> couple of minutes (I've restarted it). And I'm observing that my phone
> (after last OTA) freeze few times everyday, sometimes for ~10 seconds,
> sometimes for few minutes.
> Could anyone confirm that bugs (battery drain and freezes) or test them?
> Best regards,
> Krzysztof Tataradzińskihttps://launchpad.net/~ktatar156
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