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Re: location tracking


El día Tuesday, December 01, 2015 a las 04:56:13PM +0000, Wayne Ward escribió:

> ive managed to get location tracking on my ubuntu phone and laptop if 
> anybody wants to track there phone if lost
> take a look here - butyour phone has to have RW to install the curl 
> package for this to work.
> http://wayneward.co.uk/ubuntu-touch/location-tracking-on-ubuntu-computers-and-phones/
> any questions feel free to ask :)

I went to locationmagic.org and generated a token for me; as a result
they send you a command to fetch and execute some shell script as

I've fetched the script and appart of the installation into a local
crontab entry for root, it does on excution sending a list of all the
Wifi reds you can see to the server of locationmagic.org.

Well, who is tracking whom? You your phone or others you (when your
phone is still in your pocket)?

I don't think installing this.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, 🌐 http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
