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Re: Keyboard usability


Ferdinand, I'm pretty sure the T9 keyboard layout can be addressed via
the layouts (not yet) available in System Settings >  Language & Text
> Keyboard Layouts. You should file a feature request (bug report)
requesting the T9 layout. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keyboard

Royden, The difficult cursor position *and* copy+paste handling must
be (further) improved too. I read in a YouTube review comparing phone
platforms (I think Jolla, Sailfish, Android, Windows Phone) that
Windows Phone is by far the best platform handling keyboard,
copy+paste! -- I believe there should be mentioned Ubuntu Touch one
day. That's be nice.

What is also missing is:

- voice input (being translated into text)
- dictionaries
- swype'ish text input, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2080510

Not sure if everything can only or must be provided by Canonical
through the platform, or if hooks for 3rd-party providers are also
planned (as on Android).


2016-02-15 10:59 GMT+01:00 Royden Yates:
> On Monday, 15 February 2016 06:06:54 CET, Ferdinand Holzner wrote:
>> Hi there again,
>> two thing are missing to improve the usability of the keyboard:
>> T9 layout would be nice. Especially for people with big thumbs.I I never
>> got used to those full layout on small screens.
>> But more important would be to have arrow keys to navigate through the
>> text. If I have a typo somewhere, its more of a hit and miss. I have to
>> fiddle around until the cursor is on the place I want it to.
> Indeed. The blue cursor is not as useable as on other OSs yet but it has
> improved. It works now well enough to select the line to be edited , but
> fine letter level placement has a way to go. Picking up the cursor blob is
> difficult. Are arrows necessary if that gets sorted?
> And please, let's have a back erase key that does not accelerate like a
> Ferrari when held down.

Follow ups
