ubuntu-phone team mailing list archive
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Message #18596
Re: BQ E4.5: keyboard/mouse per bluetooth
Hi Mathias,
The most popular keyboard+mouse combo are the MK series of Logitech o.
They are the top seller in Amazon for example. Take a look to mk270,
mk220 or mk260:
I've tested: K series, mk series and microsoft 800 and 1000 series with
another touch device and worked fine, even some quick buttons for volume
or shut down the device works. Please note that, as customer you'll
always have 15 days to return if it does not work or it does not fit
your needs =)
El 01/03/16 a las 21:36, Matthias Apitz escribió:
El día Tuesday, March 01, 2016 a las 09:30:25PM +0100, Konrad Zapałowicz escribió:
I do not have that much exp. with BT keyboards so far however make sure
that it is not a BTLE keyboard as this is something that we still need to
work on.
I do not have any exp. with BT keyboards, Whai is a BTLE keyboard?
Víctor González Troncoso
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