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Re: two way auth


awesome yes ill plug it in and get some testing done and send you screenie


On 02/03/16 16:16, Michael Zanetti wrote:
I haven't ever tried it with wordpress but I would assume wordpress
should give you all the required details in order to set it up in
authenticator, if it doesn't give you a QR-Code which you can just scan.

Can you send me a screenshot of the two factor authentication page in
wordpress, obviously obfuscating the key. Then I can see how I could
improve Authenticator with it.


On 02.03.2016 17:10, Wayne Ward wrote:
yes only one thats looks promising is authenticator but how you set this
up is beyond m!
just checking incase somebody knows one with a obscure type name that
you wouldnt know what to search for ;)


On 02/03/16 16:03, Michael Zanetti wrote:
Did you try to search the app store for things like "two way auth" or

On 02.03.2016 16:14, Wayne Ward wrote:
Any body know any way of two auth on a personal wordpress with ubuntu
phone using app

