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Re: owncloud sync on the phone.


Hi Filip, great work with this script! Have been playing around with it, and can't seem to get it to work manually. Running:
sh ~/bin/owncloud-sync.sh
Gets the script to run, but it can't find the config files, darabases, etc. How do I run it manually?



On Saturday, 9 April 2016 2:26:44 AM AEST, Filip Dorosz <filip.dorosz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all.

As you may know I've been working at getting owncloud file sync on Ubuntu Touch using owncloud-client-cmd and some scripts. What I've archived so far is working owncloudcmd client on the phone, script for running that periodically and simple config files to adjust settings.

I've setup repository on my github so you can have a look at it:

If someone is willing to create GUI for managing my config files it would be really nice. I know this (whole project) is not suitable for official store but my guess it is for Openstore.

Any feedback if greatly welcome.

Happy CLI-hacking,
Filip Dorosz.

Sent using Dekko from my Ubuntu device
