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Message #20887
Re: Aquaris M10 Libertine guide
Thanks Victor
Will try soon.
//Regards Niklas
2016-06-02 10:12 GMT+02:00 Vic G <victor.gonzalez@xxxxxx>:
> Hi!
> Once you've done the first part(Initial setup) you'll have a new
> "puritine2" container to install an app inside. To do this through
> libertine-container-manager just run the following command of the second
> part:
> # libertine-container-manager install-package -i puritine2 -p inkscape
> This way, inkscape is installed inside the container in the example, but
> you could try with the one you want.
> Please note that there's a warning lines at the top and not all apps have
> been tested yet :)
> Cheers,
> El 02/06/16 a las 08:51, Niklas Brättemark escribió:
> Thanks Victor !
> I will take a look. Don't really understand how to install apps inside the
> container. Seems like you fire something else than apt-get install.
> Probably a well known thing :) (not for me thoug)
> //Regards Niklas
> 2016-06-02 7:41 GMT+02:00 Vic G <victor.gonzalez@xxxxxx>:
>> Hi Niklas:
>> Take a look to Ogras Gdoc :)
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yJepibh68YaQijWO3Z3dWTtTTmzXnMmEE8eswhUXzw4/edit
>> Cheers,
>> El 02/06/16 a las 07:18, Niklas Brättemark escribió:
>> Hi
>> I bought the aquaris m10 really to use all of the apps available for
>> ubuntu.
>> But I have googled for a "simple" guide to get Libertine going but i'm
>> struggling to find one that help me step by step.
>> Do anyone have a simple guide ? Sorry if this have been asked before.
>> Would really appreciate it.
>> //Regards Niklas
>> --
>> Mvh / Best regards Niklas Brättemark
>> Email : niklas.brattemark@xxxxxxxxx
>> --
>> Víctor González Troncoso
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> --
> Mvh / Best regards Niklas Brättemark
> Email : niklas.brattemark@xxxxxxxxx
> --
> Víctor González Troncoso
> Área de Postventa
> Soporte SAUX
> +34 91 142 06 82 Ext: 2003
> Marie Curie, 19 Bloque 2 Planta 6 Oficina 6
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Mvh / Best regards Niklas Brättemark
Email : niklas.brattemark@xxxxxxxxx
