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a problem in creating a new project in ubuntu-sdk-ide


I am using ubuntu-sdk and I chose  ubuntu-sdk-15.04 arch for x86_64 and armhf.

My mobile phone is Nexus 5 in developer mode, when i create a new
project and select a device kit, finally it can not create the project
for the following error. My development computer is 64-bit Ubuntu
14.04, Trusty. How I can fix that? :

Creating image with: framework: ubuntu-sdk-15.04 arch: armhf
Fixing possible container permission problems....
All containers are accessible. Checking for and removing broken devices....
Fixing possible DRI devices....
Adding device /dev/dri/card0 to device03: unix-char [path=dev/dri/card0 gid=44]
Device /dev/dri/card0 added to device03 Fixing possible NVidia issues....
Adding device tmp to device03: disk [source=/tmp path=/tmp recursive=true]
Device tmp added to device03
0 0
error: Missing source 'dev/dri/card0' for device '/dev/dri/card0' Try
`lxc info --show-log device03` for more info
---Task exited with errors, please check the output---